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Alternative forms




TERF +‎ -dom





TERFdom (uncountable)

  1. (neologism) The state or quality of holding trans-exclusionary feminist views.
    Synonym: TERFery
    • 2018 July 10, Alex Zaragoza, “No time for TERFdom”, in San Diego City BEAT, page 8:
      Only do one better than Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie—whose speech was sampled for that song and who was called out for TERFdom and transphobia—and move that logic beyond the sexes.
    • 2019, Philip Matthews, quoted in Tess Nichol, "TERF wars: Adopting - then abandoning - a 'cult-like' movement", Metro (Auckland), 7 November 2019:
      One of the things that snapped me out of it finally was a video by Natalie Wynn, aka [Youtuber][sic] ContraPoints, titled “Gender Critical”, and she concludes that TERFdom is about the flimsiest cloak of feminist platitudes draped over disgust and hate.
    • 2020 January, Anna Piper Scott, “JK Rowling Comes Out... As Transphobic”, in Melbourne Star Observer, page 17:
      For a large number of us trans folk, Rowling's descent into the bowels of TERFdom has been distressing to watch.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:TERFdom.

Usage notes
