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Documentation for Template:el-form-of-nounadj. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.
A form-of template for Greek noun forms and adjective forms.



Arguments, in any order:

  • Unnamed argument - the lemma form of the noun, adjective, etc.
  • |c= case (nom, n, gen, g, acc, a, voc, v) and mixed cases: (av, gav, na, nav & nv)
  • |n= number (s, p)
  • |g= gender (m, f, n, mfn, mn)
  • where relevant:
  • |d= c, rs, as (for comparative, relative superlative, absolute superlative).
  • |t= used where the translation of the lemma form is wanted
  • |nodot=1 (the value is irrelevant, if nodot is used the final full stop is omitted.)


{{el-form-of-nounadj|άνδρας|c=nom|n=p}} Nominative plural form of άνδρας (ándras).
{{el-form-of-nounadj|άνδρας|c=nom|n=p|t=man}} Nominative plural form of άνδρας (ándras, man).
{{el-form-of-nounadj|άνδρας|c=nom|n=p|nodot=1}} Nominative plural form of άνδρας (ándras)
{{el-form-of-nounadj|κακός|c=acc|g=m|n=p}} Accusative masculine plural form of κακός (kakós).
{{el-form-of-nounadj|κακός|c=gen|d=c|g=m|n=s}} Genitive masculine singularcomparative form of κακός (kakós).