Template talk:fi-decl-yhdestoista

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Latest comment: 13 years ago by Hekaheka
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This template handles ordinal numbers from 11th to 19th and an archaic way of formulating ordinal numbers from 21st to 99th, excluding full tens. For ordinals between 11th and 19th only the three first locations in the template formula are needed. The first houses the stem of the inflected part (= yhde, kahde, kolme, neljä, viide, kuude, seitsemä, kahdeksa and yhdeksä), the second is always toista. The third location is for vowel harmony. In case of front vowel harmony an ä needs to be filled in, in case of back vowel harmony it can be omitted.

Those interested in the archaic way of expressing ordinal numbers from 21st to 99th should study entries viidesneljättä (thirty-fifth), ensimmäinenkolmatta (twenty-first) and toinenkolmatta (twenty-second) in order to understand how they are formulated and how the formulation is reflected in filling in the template formula. For most of these the first three locations in the formula are sufficient, only the ones starting with ensimmäinen (first) and toinen (second) require filling of all eight spaces (the last being "filled" with a blank). --Hekaheka 11:06, 28 February 2011 (UTC)Reply