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Your workaround is good for now, but keep in mind that when I decide that we need an {{l-bold/he}} or something like that, I'll just revert it back. A simpler general solution is always better than a hard-coded hack.

WikiTiki8920:02, 5 May 2015

The "fakeargs" parameter is exactly a hard-coded hack.

CodeCat20:04, 5 May 2015

In case you don't know what "hard-coded" means, adding a separate if-block for each possible value of face= (instead of just passing along all given parameters) is the hard-coded hack and defies the principle of code-reuse.

WikiTiki8920:17, 5 May 2015

That's easily fixed of course.

CodeCat20:19, 5 May 2015

Apparently not, since you couldn't do it.

WikiTiki8920:24, 5 May 2015