Why are links removed after transliterating usexes?

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Why are links removed after transliterating usexes?

I added a tracking category to the Yiddish transliteration module and it works fine everywhere except usexes, where the link is stripped and the category name is displayed as plain text (see for an example). It seems that not only are links removed before passing text to the transliteration module, but also after. Why is this done and can you fix it? As a side note, it may be wise to make the link remover function smarter with regard to links that don't display text, such as categories and interwikis (although this would not solve the issue at hand).

WikiTiki8923:28, 15 April 2015

I don't think I'm the right person to ask this. I believe that people said in the past that usexes shouldn't have links in them, so that's what got implemented.

CodeCat23:37, 15 April 2015

That's not the point. This is a merely technical issue that links are stripped from the text before entering the transliteration module and then (seemingly only in usexes) the output of the transliteration module is stripped from links again. The second part is what shouldn't be happening.

WikiTiki8913:29, 16 April 2015

Ok I removed it.

CodeCat13:38, 16 April 2015

Thanks. And you should also consider my side note if you ever have time (i.e. remove_links("foo[[Category:Bar]]baz") should really return "foobaz" and not "fooCategory:Barbaz").

WikiTiki8913:44, 16 April 2015


CodeCat13:56, 16 April 2015

Well that's only one case. It also needs to make sure that "[[:Category:Bar]]" becomes "Category:Bar" and also handle interwikis the same way. And the regular expressions would need to account for cases like "[[category:Bar]]" and "[[ Category  : Bar]]" or worse. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm demanding things. These are just suggestions for when you have time, since it might take some work to figure out all the cases.

WikiTiki8914:17, 16 April 2015