Zipser German - asking for permission

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Zipser German - asking for permission

-sche (talkcontribs) wants a category created for dialects of Zipser German, as you could see in the Beer Parlor discussion for October 2015. May I fulfill -sche's request? Or will you?

Lo Ximiendo (talk)18:20, 25 October 2015

I'm not sure why -sche is not able to do that himself? He's experienced enough, I thought.

CodeCat19:22, 25 October 2015

I would have done it myself after a while (as I did for Sathmar), assuming there were no objections. I just posted to the BP to see whether or not there were objections / comments (as there were about Mennonite Low German), and to store my rationale somewhere for others' future reference.

- -sche (discuss)05:45, 27 October 2015