Hi, I'm -sche (IPA(key): [ʃeɪ], like the tree). Along with other editors, I help maintain Wiktionary's Hall of Fame (containing entries with exceptionally many definitions, spellings, etc) and Appendix of terms considered difficult to translate into English.
Projects on my to-do list include updating the out-of-date Wiktionary:Style guide (and improving its relationship with Wiktionary:Entry layout). Likewise, updating and sorting out the relationships between Appendix:English pronunciation, as well as Appendix:IPA characters, Wiktionary:IPA/Wiktionary:International Phonetic Alphabet, Wiktionary:IPA pronunciation key and WT:PRON/Wiktionary:Pronunciation. More generally, going through everything in the WT namespace, cross-linking when appropriate and RFDing empty pages.
Sooner or later a few remaining missing codes need to be created or moved to a Wiktionary:-namespace record of which codes have been intentionally excluded, while ISO-retired codes need to be retired or intentionally retained. (There are currently 8231 language codes.)
- Category:Categories needing attention, Special:AbuseLog, Category:Pages with broken file links, Category:Entries with non-standard headers, Category:Pages with script errors, Category:IPA pronunciations with obsolete or nonstandard characters, Category:Entries which need Greek script.
- For deleting many entries quickly, there's this js from Ruakh.
- To filter out non-Irish hits in searches, add [[bhfuil]]. To filter out non-Welsh hits, include [[wrth]] in the search.
- Interesting: Module:User:kc_kennylau/ancestor chain.
- Dixtosa's reverse/backwards dictionary lookup tool for finding words ending in a certain string
- MediaWiki:Gadget-PatrollingEnhancements.js, {{inuse|s=s}}, fr.match, [1], mediawiki messages.
en | I speak English. |
de | Ich spreche Deutsch. (Manchmal sogar Hochdeutsch...) |
non-2 | Ek hefi grundvallar-kunnátta hinnar dǫnsku tungu. |
goh-1 | Ih habēn luzzila kunst dera Diutiskūn sprahha. |
abe-1 |
ang-1 | Iċ cann mē seolf mid middelre mǣþe Englisces ferian. |
interesting words
[edit]- destinating, latrate, akkautua, destinate, ashlar, fakon, prosopopesis, lect, begarlanded, blanketly, sexuation, unpacking, compensatory lengthening, compensatorily lengthen, jebel, pilkunnussija, flense, cafe' (Citations:caffe'), double modal, stacked modal, modal stacking (might could, might should), betwattled, single-hearted, arete, gewiss, ne en unu tago elkreskis Kartago, Agrilus, abstème, de:lauter, friderizianisch/Frederician, mango#Verb, dorveille; medize (Medize, Medise, medise), die Zäsur, aestuous, essorant, élisabéthain, terpsichorean, chambrer, von dannen, von hinnen, uberty, mash, hoyden, Serkland, vagabondage, marcescence, marcescent, mirific, vocable, aprosdoketon, running dog, manqué, squantum, belligerati, cliterati, natatorium, wantok, patteran, lawn (clothing), age-mate, algedonic, reechy, hoplochrism, ǀxâã, dtʻkxʻàba, ǂkxʻái, ǂàã, uxorilocal/matrilocal, virilocal/patrilocal, peri (including the missing sense of "beautiful person"), antilogy, tergiversation, gunge, viande, kétségbeesés, gülünçleşmek, ambilevous, hołpander, misocapnist
- dehisce/indehiscent/etc, teaghlach, intrasexual, marl, ahahci (“to touch the body of (a pregnant or sick woman) to ascertain wellness”, “to caress (a person), to touch repeatedly”, “to pet (an animal)”), piemirst, aizmirsība, aizmārša, flaneur, backfisch/Backfisch, kapulakieli (lit. "cudgel language", but meaning "obscure jargon"), knawvshawl, jargonium, euonym, suffrutescent, steckbrieflich, Lethean, зэзэуэгъагъэх (probably unattested), hen, fortochka, arboresco/arboresce, Sasha, Anya, interstice, syncretic, suppletive, raging agreement, xłp̓x̣ʷłtłpłłskʷc̓, mitverantwortlich vs eigenverantwortlich, amok#Noun, galactagogue, jill of all trades, als U-Boot, genderfucked, multiproblematic, criterial, fisseln, louche, cicatrix, neuralgisch, short (of pastry: brittle), anderweitig, clepsydra, fremdschämen/Fremdscham, Naktivist, capacious, momentane, invaginate, misprision, sconvenire, culture vulture
- daddock, a-tok-á, various mining damps, pitmatic, farrier, jubarb, amnicolist, gallowglass, venefice/veneficial, hasp, oakum, peripatetic, bake ("cook using heat" or "harden using cold"), grouty (needs citations), traluire, pulverulent, bilderstürmerisch, velleity, futbolísticamente, chleuh, preterist, zetetic, morirsene, adscititious, omnisexual, abature, absume, mirativity, разлюбить and разлюбвам (which might even be real words, unlike their more famous relative), ფრცქვნის/მწვრთნელი/გვფრცქვნის/გვფრცქვნით/გვფრცქვნი, stillatitious, 土器 and 粗大ごみ (polysemous), tiffin, despect, despective, yonic, eisegete/exegete; dragée ("candy", "sugar-coated pill", "bullet"), feuillemorte, myn, paurometabolous, cloud-headed, kuin Iisakin kirkkoa, karhunpeijaiset; isinglass; ffwrcho; genderphobia; quillet, discuss = disperse
- interlacustrine, bjørnetjeneste, maxauhtinemi, defervescence, catastrophize, ainder (“nonvirgin; virgin”), cindo, convalligiano, cymorth, คว่ำบาตร, America at home, terebrant ("that bores holes"), snarge, fingent, nepheligenous, condign, dition, stirp, resipiscence, escharotic/eschar
wanted entries 1: already have citations
[edit]- These entries may become attestable soon, because they are already partway there. All such entries are systematically categorized in Category:English citations of undefined terms and similar categories for other languages (unless there is a page with
{{no entry}}
?). This list is (mostly) words in which I have some interest, or noticed because they came up at RFV. - You are welcome to add words you have interest in too, if you like (just don't add, like, the entirety of that category); I go through the list from time to time and see what's become citable.
- Check: Google Books,; journals (Google Scholar), magazines and newspapers (Issuu), (printed, archived) newspapers (.com etc), theses and dissertations that universities archive (Google for PDFs on .edu sites, where there's evidence of a paper copy also existing),
- three or more citations (but some are different senses, or are mentions, etc)
- becomable (Google Books hits use different senses)
- Citations:bustluscious (3)
- Citations:c caudata
- Citations:clownification (3)
- countersexual, Citations:countersexual (1-2 citations each for various meanings)
- Citations:demiflux
- Citations:en abyme
- ethnarchism, Citations:ethnarchism (not all one sense)
- Citations:fauxlanthropist (3)
- Citations:figs from thistles (3)
- Talk:flaon
- genrequeer
- gloomsday
- Citations:hey mister
- Citations:hyperqueer
- jealous or jealouse (verb), jealousing, jealoused (possibly two verbs, one modern, one archaic)
- Citations:keep it on the playground
- Citations:kniferism
- mayocoba, Citations:mayocoba
- Citations:mersk
- molycirc, Talk:molycirc, Citations:molycirc (3: Weber/Ringo, Bauers, Siers ... how many are independent of one another?)
- Citations:nowever
- Citations:outish
- Citations:outthereness
- Citations:polyflux (3+, mechanical flux word)
- Porzelchen, Citations:Porzelchen (4 German, but 1 embedded in English and others with other issues); cf Purzelchen
- Citations:preacherize
- Citations:publand
- Citations:rublization (rubles)
- Citations:Santorum (cocktail; capitalized; are the cites durable?)
- seafire, Citations:seafire (cf milky sea, mareel)
- spanso bocko, Citations:spanso bocko (independent of Stedman?)
- Citations:sentientism
- Citations:shadowmap
- Citations:slorp
- Citations:stargender
- Citations:statement piece
- Citations:step in front of a moving train
- Citations:straight marriage
- Citations:straight-off (2 but more findable)
- string and kermi (from Finnish), a ridge in a bog, counterpart to a flark: google books:"kermi and" bog, google books:"kermis and" bog, etc
- Citations:superform, Citations:superghost, Citations:supermode, Citations:superscaling, Citations:supertechnocrat, Citations:supertransient, Citations:supertunneling, Citations:supratransmission
- Citations:swinalia
- Citations:tamacoari
- Citations:technosalvation, Citations:technosexually
- theod, Citations:theod (check sense; a learned borrowing)
- wlatsome, Citations:wlatsome (3 on the citations page, but one is an edition where the original has waltsome and two are gibberish; modern editions of Chaucer may also have it)
- Wodanaz, Citations:Wodanaz (not all one sense, cf Thunraz below, and Dyeus)
- in other dictionaries
- white leaf, silver leaf, yellow leaf, tattered leaf, red leaf, [mottle leaf]], curly leaf (most are diseases of plants)
- brands?
- Calpol, Citations:Calpol
- Clorox, Domestos : Citations:Clorox, Citations:Domestos
- Spanx, Citations:Spanx
- two citations
- Citations:abrosexuality (2)
- Citations:androgynocentrism (2)
- Citations:archaeoinspired (2)
- Citations:arno- (2)
- aro-spec (with hyphen) (2)
- Citations:anteloquy (2)
- Citations:bang flag gun (2 for bang-flag gun)
- Citations:black magic (2 for M16 rifle)
- Citations:blackcurranting (2)
- Citations:cardiognost (2)
- Citations:chacha (2? for bird, 1 for balls, etc)
- cislate, Citations:cislate (2 for somewhat diff. translation senses; transgender sense added)
- cislation, Citations:cislation (2 for one translation sense, 1 for another translation sense; transgender sense added)
- Citations:claviform (2 for a noun "key- / P- like shape", compare the other senses)
- Citations:cobbler's pork (2)
- Citations:coitable (2)
- Citations:cuisson (2, contrasted as not a cuisse, in practice it's like with chausse, chausson) [armour]
- Citations:culesset (2) [armour]
- Citations:dayshade (2 for flower/plant, 1 for hat/umbrella, 0 for a canvas sun-screen like a tent with no/fewer walls)
- Citations:defossion
- Citations:desertophilic (2)
- disemelevator (2)
- Citations:effigurate (two senses, verb)
- Citations:eluct "avoid" (2)
- Citations:engagingnesses (2)
- Citations:expectednesses (2, +1 of anti-~)
- Citations:farsick (2)
- femo (2)
- Citations:fideicide (2 for "killing", 1 for "killer")
- folier / Talk:folier / Citations:folier (2)
- gaplapper (2, compare the alt forms)
- Citations:gay it (2, "have sex")
- Citations:gob up (2)
- Citations:googology (entry has one sense cited, but one more has 2 cites)
- Citations:gustatize (2) and Citations:gustatorize (2)
- gynaeconome, gynæconome (each has 2; compare gyneconome)
- helioform#Verb: Citations:helioform (2?)
- Citations:homme (2 for one sense, 1 for another)
- Citations:impetuousnesses (2)
- Citations:islandophile (2 for one sense, 1 for another)
- Citations:journalary (2)
- Citations:lamellenhelm (2)
- Citations:mactator (2)
- Citations:manxiety (2?)
- Citations:marcesce (2)
- Citations:mastigophorer (2)
- Citations:melfie (2 citations, but not spanning >1 year)
- minious (2)
- missificate (2)
- Citations:nakedhanded, Talk:nakedhanded (2)
- Citations:nepocide (2)
- Citations:nonorogenous (2)
- Citations:octooctogintillion (2)
- Citations:octopusine (3 but 1 citation is mentiony)
- Citations:okow (2)
- Citations:opprobative (2 noun, 2 adj)
- Talk:out the door (2?)
- Citations:peat (2), the verb that happens before repeat
- Citations:poly/Citations:polies ("polyamorous person[s]")
- Citations:porzelchen (2 English)
- Citations:premious (2)
- Citations:ratrack (2), Citations:Ratrack (3)
- Citations:'rito (2)
- Citations:r longa, Citations:r recta: straight r and/or r with descender (2-3 but of Latin embedded in other languages)
- pump ship (2: Citations:pump ship)
- Talk:safario (2)
- Citations:self-uned (2)
- Citations:Songhayist (2)
- Citations:squandermanias (3, but 1 is likely a typo)
- Citations:staynard (2)
- Citations:t-woman (2)
- Citations:tarhood (2)
- tassetted, tasseted (Citations:tassetted: 2, Citations:tasseted: 3 but some may be errors for tasseled) [armour]
- Citations:tergant = tergiant (2)
- Citations:there's the bunny (2)
- Citations:Thunraz (2, cf Dyeus, WT:TR)
- Citations:toxoglosson (2)
- Citations:tracklessnesses (2)
- Citations:transgendery (2)
- Citations:transfundamentalist (2)
- Citations:Umwerfendheit (allegedly 2 exist)
- Citations:Warlpirist (2)
- Citations:whewl (1-2)
- Citations:wisterious (1-2 for one or more senses)
- Citations:Wodanaz (different senses), Citations:Thunraz (2)
- Citations:wordplayfully (2)
- Citations:xenity (2)
- one citation
- Talk:abbess (1+, but...unclear)
- Citations:aliture (1)
- Citations:androgynish (1)
- Citations:aroflux (1 per POS)
- Citations:assininery (1+)
- Citations:assoline (1+: at least one good cite, and a lot of semi/mentions)
- Citations:barbière (1, 2 is mentiony)
- Citations:camaraderial (1)
- Citations:chebog
- Citations:cislator (1)
- cisplainer (one s) at Citations:cissplainer (1)
- Citations:cistorian, Citations:cistoriography
- Citations:comicalnesses (1)
- Citations:crimmie (1 each for four senses!)
- Citations:cryal (1)
- Citations:cunt/whore (1, +1 iffy)
- Talk:custom Citations:custom (countable noun "custom-made item")
- Citations:demifluid (1, not gender-related, there are more for demi-fluid; mentions of the gender-related sense)
- Citations:detrius (1 that uses it multiple times)
- Citations:distinguishablenesses (1)
- Citations:dossard (1)
- Citations:emerasse (1); emerasses pl. = "small shield-shaped pieces on the shoulders of a full-armed knight" i.e. ailettes
- Citations:endosexual (1 each for 3 senses)
- Citations:firecane (1-2 each for 4 senses)
- Citations:fluidflux (1 and it's mentiony)
- Citations:terrestrogenic (1? compare fluviogenic)
- Citations:frat ("fratricide, friendly fire", 1 use + 1 mention)
- Citations:FTX, Citations:MTX; see also Citations:XTX
- Talk:fuckhead like bedhead (1, but someone who claims to be the author of that citation has left a talk-page comment claiming to have coined it)
- Citations:funnynesses (1)
- garde-queue#English, Citations:garde-queue: IPA(key): /ˈɡɑɹd(.ə).k(j)u/ [armour]
- Citations:Georg
- Talk:hausture (1)
- Talk:ik (1)
- ipso gender, ipso-gender: Citations:ipso-gender (1 good and 1 mention-y citation each of ipso gender and ipso-gender), cf. the utterly unciteable Talk:ultergender
- Talk:Jemima weed (1)
- Citations:Jesu, Citations:Jesu Christi or any other such Latinate genitive would be an interesting curio
- genitive of Jesus Christ
- 1890, "The Registers of the Ephrata Community", in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, page 393:
- In the Lord fell asleep, the 20th (of) August in the year 1791, his age was 82 years; he was from his youth a Warrior of Jesu Christi; and suffered very much until his Death, he was blind near 16 years.
- 1902, New York (State). State Historian, Ecclesiastical Records, State of New York, page 2960:
- Consistory of the Congregation of Jesu Christi at Pakeepsie and the Vischkill. New York, the 26th of May, 1747.
- 1890, "The Registers of the Ephrata Community", in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, page 393:
- also:
- 1887, Catalogue of Printed Books: A-A., page 255:
- [Another edition.] A new booke of destillatyon of Jesu Christi ...
- 1979, Willem Hendrik Beuken, James H. Marrow, Mirror of the life of our Lord, Purdue University Press
- The work is entitled The Myrrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Christi. In M. 868, Jesus is addressed (folio 28v) as […]
- 1887, Catalogue of Printed Books: A-A., page 255:
- Citations:kokob (at least 1)
- MichFest, with reference to its transphobia:
- seems potentially idiomatic, there is no other reference to the festival in the book:
- 2016, April Daniels, Dreadnought, Diversion Books (→ISBN):
- “I knew she was old school, but I didn't think she'd go all MichFest on you.” “So you just sent her my medical file?” I shout at her. “Isn't that supposed to be private? You don't even know if she hates trans people or not and you tell her what chromosomes I have?”
- 2016, April Daniels, Dreadnought, Diversion Books (→ISBN):
- reference to the specific festival:
- 2012, Lisa Lees, A Triangular Attraction (→ISBN):
- "Our best friend is trans. You couldn't pay me to go anywhere near Michfest, even though the doctor put 'female' on my birth certificate. Sorry."
- 2012, Lisa Lees, A Triangular Attraction (→ISBN):
- seems potentially idiomatic, there is no other reference to the festival in the book:
- microglomerate, Citations:microglomerate
- Citations:miranym (1)
- Citations:moose-misse (1 each for various spellings)
- Citations:nonparaphile (1 for the plural)
- Talk:nyctophilia (1)
- Citations:pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses (1)
- Citations:pogonippy (1)
- Citations:polyphobe (1)
- Citations:pop-open (1 for a hot dog that bursts during cooking; compare ripper; more for a generic sense)
- Citations:primacize (1)
- Citations:sew-jo (1)
- Citations:tragediously (1, entry format)
- Talk:transfenestrate (a Pynchon nonce, but of intelligible elements)
- transfume, Citations:transfume (1 good, rest could be scannos/typos)
- Citations:transfundamentalist (1)
- Citations:transvade / Citations:transvaded (1)
- Citations:triflux (1 for gender/sexuality sense) (Citations:biflux has mentions)
- Citations:trixic (1)
- Citations:vivant (1 iffy, others like it) plural of vivat
- others
- German grün lachen (see Talk:grün lachen; compare Dutch groen lachen, German grünes Lachen / Talk:grünes Lachen; Italian risata verde, French rire jaune)
- attested redlinks at User:-sche/-er-
- no clearly usable citations, but good reason to think the terms are real / will become attestable in time
- acer as the agent noun of ace, "one who aces": findable online google:"acers" "aced the"
- adgender (Citations:adgender) terms reflect gender modality and refer to someone who moves towards a specified gender, e.g. admasculine / admasc, adfeminine / adfem (cf. adfemasc, admascfem, for someone who is both adfeminine and admasculine), adneutral, contrasted with transmasculine, transfeminine, transneutral, cismasculine, cisfeminine, cisneutral
- canoevre
- ceterosexual
- Talk:cisphobia (chemistry sense; compare transphobia, where the chemical sense is cited)
- Talk:crey
- Citations:effosion
- greatmother, greatfather probably mean something (compare great uncle, granduncle; grandfather)
- greygender, graygender
- hoodlebug
- MaGe, MAGE, MaGes, MAGEs: "marginalized gender(s)": see Talk:mage
- Talk:monosexual ('sexually active with only one person', antonym of 'polysexual' in its polyamorous sense, and coordinate with 'monoamorous')
- Talk:necronym (trans sense - not durably attested yet)
- Citations:päpanät (1 italicized citation of päpanät, 1 of Paepanaet; 1 non-durable source mentions päpanäte)
- senticize (cf. audibilize, audialize, etc)
- Talk:sexpiration maybe attested outside of "sexpiration date"
- snackbar (none yet; sense: "(offensive) Islamic terrorist")
- Talk:sonimod
- terfish / TERFish, tervish, tervy, terflike / TERFlike
- transromantic#Noun, transromanticism
- these pronouns, esp. ho, tou, vey
- other / see also
- 1983, Norris McWhirter, Guinness Book of World Records 1984, page 136:
- The highest named number outside the decimal notation is the Buddhist asankhyeya, which is equal to 10140 or 100 quinto-quadragintillions.
- and:
- 2020, R Nelson, Hidden in plain sight, in A Brief Journey in Discrete Mathematics:
- It's maddening, however, that there is no equation for the n'th prime. No one who has walked the earth, and even perhaps who will ever walk the earth, knows the 17 quadragintillion'th prime.
- lover wolf: a loafer/lobo wolf:
- 2004, Robert N. Smead, Vocabulario Vaquero/Cowboy Talk: A Dictionary of Spanish Terms from the American West, University of Oklahoma Press (→ISBN), page 115:
- loafer, loafer wolf, lover wolf: See lobo (1), (2). lobo: (Sp. model spelled same [ 16po] 'wolf < Latin lupum). (1) A wolf in general. Alternate forms: loafer, loafer wolf, lobo wolf, lobos wolf, loper, lover wolf. (2) DARE: 1852. The combination lobo ...
- 1895, Henry Mills Alden, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, page 612:
- Chaps, from chapparajos, is only one of many transfers from the Mexican. One out of (I should suppose) several hundred; and in lover-wolf is a singular instance of half-baked translation. Lobo, pronounced lovo, being the Spanish for wolf, ...
- 1895, Henry Mills Alden, Frederick Lewis Allen, Lee Foster Hartman, Thomas Bucklin Wells, Harper's Magazine, page 612:
- Lover-wolf is a word anchored to its district. In the Northwest, though the same animal roams there as dangerously, his Texas name would be as unknown as the Northwest's word for Indian, siwash, from sauvage, would be along the Rio [Grande] ...
- demi gender terms
- demiman as a gender term not just a demigod counterpart
- 2021 August 31, Debra Soh, The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society, Simon and Schuster, →ISBN, page 69:
- Then there is a family of identity labels that refer to the degree to which a person identifies as one gender slightly more than another. Demiboy, demiguy, and demiman refer to someone who identifies […]
- 2019 May 17, Jaimi S.T., Tales of Identity: Memories & Reflections,, →ISBN, page 112:
- Demiboy/demiman – A person who feels a tie to masculinity and/or being a male, but is not a male. Part of the non-binary genders. Demigirl/demiwoman – A person who feels a tie to femininity and/or being a female, but is not a female.
- 2023 February 21, Victoria Barron, Perfectly Queer: An Illustrated Introduction, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, →ISBN:
- Also called demiguy or demiman. A combination of 'demi' (meaning 'half'), and 'non- binary'. An identity in which a person feels a partial connection to non-binary gender. It might be experienced as partially non-binary and partially […]
- 2016, Stephanie Brill, Lisa Kenney, The Transgender Teen, Cleis Press (→ISBN):
- For example, a demiguy or demiboy identifies partially as a boy/man/masculine, but not entirely. […] A demigender person may identify as demifluid or demiflux; this indicates that a part of one's identity remains stable while the other part or parts are fluid. Often, a demiflux person feels that the stable part of their identity is gender neutral or non-binary.
- 2019, Genny Beemyn, Trans People in Higher Education, SUNY Press (→ISBN), page 297:
- […] Examples of demigender identities include demigirl, demiboy, and demiandrogyne.
- demi- (partially), used in compounds
- mentiony:
- 2019, Jamison Green, Rhea Ashley Hoskin, Cris Mayo, sj Miller, Navigating Trans and Complex Gender Identities, Bloomsbury Publishing (→ISBN)
- Demifluid: the feeling your gender being fluid throughout all the demigenders; the feeling of having multiple genders, some static and some fluid
- Demiflux: the feeling of having multiple genders, some static and some fluctuating
- Demigender: a gender that is partially one gender and partially another
wanted entries 2: others
[edit]- subagitate = to have sex, subagitatory, subagitation
- subaquaneous = subaqueous = underwater
- subaud, subaudition
- subbois = underwood / underbrush
- subcingulum = kind of belt
- subdichotomize = subdivide
- subdit = under/subject to; subditious = placed under (also used of a suppository)
- subhumerate = to take onto one's shoulder and bear
- subintellect = to supply in thought, to understand; subintelligence = an implication; subintelligential
- subite, subitane = hasty, sudden, rash
- sublevaminous
- subpedaneous = under or supporting the feet
Germanic lects
[edit]- Volga German
- Low German incl. Mennonite LG
- Sathmar Swabian
- Zipser German
- Southern Bavarian lects spoken in Italy and Slovenia
- Walser lects spoken in Italy
From the Special: list
[edit]- ensoufrer (37 links)
- ensaisiner (37 links)
- ensaboter (37 links)
- enkikiner (37 links)
- enjuponner (37 links)
- enjuiver (37 links)
- enjuguer (37 links)
- engerber (37 links)
- engaver (37 links)
- endauber (37 links)
- encroiser (37 links)
- enchevaler (37 links)
- entôler (39 links)
- médéciner (36 links)
- suavor (39 links)
- spezziare (34 links)
- dilgiran (34 links)
- bedilandin (34 links)
- antegredio (63 links)
- adgredio (63 links)
[edit]See w:Wikipedia:Typo_Team/moss/For Wiktionary.
[edit]- French: battre à Niort, aller à Niort, à Niort, Niort
- French: affouche, lafouche (used especially on Maurice, Reunion): any of several native figs. Various forms exist due to confusion of l'affouche, la fouche, laf(f)ouche.
- E. Jacob de Cordemoy, Flore de l'île de la Réunion (phanérogames) cryptogames vasculaires (1895), identifies several species: F. rubra Vahl., Enum., II, 191. F. pyrifolia Lam. (Vulg. Affouche rouge.); F. lucens Cordem. (vulg. Grand Affouche.); F. cinerea Cordem. (vulg. Affouche blanc.); F. terebrata W., Sp., Pl. IV, 1145. F. pertusa bory, Voy., I, 353, tab.-XVII. (Vulg. Affouche bâtard.)
- Marc Rivière, Les plantes médicinales à l' Île de la Réunion: Homonymes (2007): Les affouches sont des ficus, sans aucun doute ! Mais tous les ficus ne sont pas des affouches. D'où vient le mot affouche ? Pas du malgache sûrement !
- Annegret Bollée, Dictionnaire étymologique des créoles français de l'Océan Indien, lemmatizes "afus (lafus, lafurs, zafus)" and mentions (without reproducing) examples from Reunion of affouche (1672), affourche and fourche (1712), and afouge, as well as the Ficus species affouche bâtard, affouche blanc, grand affouche, and affouche rouge, as well as afus, lafus (lafus malbar, lafus malgas), and zafus (zafus blã, grã zafus, zafus ruz); and examples from Maurice of (la) fouche vers (1755), (la) fouche bâtard, afouche rouge (1864), as well as lafurs, lafus. Also: "rod. lafurs [...]; sey. lafus."
Pare words (see also RFM): ikinda "banana tree", mshambi "tail of a sheep". Iraqw words: lee'i "goat". Zigua: guluka "run (verb)", gamba "talk (verb)", kala "hunt (verb)" (also with prefix, see RFM). Alagwa and Burunge: gimba "talk (verb)". Dahalo: girigiri "fast".
- 1837, Julien Joseph VIREY, J. H. GUENEBAULT, Natural history of the Negro Race. Extracted from the French [i.e. from the “Histoire naturelle du genre humain”], by J. H. Guenebault, page 117:
- A Griffe and a Zambi produce a Giveros. A Mulatto and a Zambaigi produce a Cambujo. In this second division of the third class the offspring [...] take at least of seven or eight kinds of blood, and as these complications are multiplied, all the ...
- 2013, Jon M. Mikkelsen, Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings, SUNY Press (→ISBN), page 207:
- much darker, or blacker, than <that of> the mulatto. ... is the son of a mulatto woman and a Cambujo male; a Cambujo is the son of a mulatto woman and a Zambaigo male; and, finally, <a> Zambaigo is the son of a Zambi and an American.
- 1894, Joseph Elias Hayne, The Black Man: Or, The Natural History of the Hametic Race, page 31:
- Griffes, or Cabres, are the outcome of the union between a black Hainite and a mulatto woman. Zambaigi is the product arising from coition between a Carribean and a Zambi. Where the offspring of a Mestizo and a native American is the result ...
- 1837, Julien-Joseph Virey, Natural History of the Negro Race, page 116:
- With an American mestize , a white produces a Quatralvi or castisse . A negro and a mulatto woman produce Griffes or Cabres . A Carribean and a Zambi produce Zambaigi . The offspring of a Mestize and a native American is called Tresalve .
- 1819, Abraham Rees, The Cyclopaedia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
- ... produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso , a which an individual occupies in society . When a common Postifio ; an European and American Quarteron of the fe . man disputes with one of his superiors , he is frequently cond generation ...
- 1809, William Nicholson, The British Encyclopedia: Or, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Comprising an Accurate and Popular View of the Present Improved State of Human Knowledge
- A Mulatto and Terceron produce a Saltatra ; an European and Castisso, a Postisso; an European and American Quarteron, an Octavon. Some carry the genealogy of these hybrid races into the fourth generation, calling the children of ...
- 1775, Richard Twiss, Travels Through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773, page 333:
- From a Cambujo and a Mulata, an Albarassado. 15. From an Albarassado and a Mulata, a Barzino. 16. From a Barzino and a Mulata, the issue is a Negro with smooth hair. - This remarkable circumstance of the children of almost white parents, ...
[edit]- holjba, German Halbe; possible quotation:
- 1886, Rudolf Strohal, Hrvatskih narodnih pripoviedaka ..., page 117:
- [...] porcija jila i holjba vina. Potroši on se to i poberu [...] njega tanjiri i ta holjba i ne dobi on više nikaj.
- 1886, Rudolf Strohal, Hrvatskih narodnih pripoviedaka ..., page 117:
- kafelefl, German Kaffeelöffel
- kafemil, Kaffeemühle
- kostšale, Kostschale
- krigla, krigl, kriglin, krigljin (see entries)
- nudlbret, nudlpret, Nudelbrett, Nudelprett
- pajtmlin, (dialectal counterpart of?) Beutelmehl / Mühle
- piksa / piksla, Büchse, Austrain Büchsel
- platna, Platte, Herdplatte
- rajngla, Austrian Reine
- ribež, Reibeisen
- ringla, Ringl (Herdring)
- sajtlik, Seidelglas, Seitel
- supntopf, zupntopf, Suppentopf
- šerfa = šeflja, Schöpflöffel
- šola = šolja, Schale
- špajservis, Speiseservice
[edit]- see other linked terms:
- Maria Teresa Espinal i Farré, Diccionari de sinònims de frases fetes (2004, →ISBN), page 931
- de color de gos com fuig SP, de color indefinit / (d'un) color indefinit, brut, especialment propi de les peces de roba que per l'ús o amb el temps han perdut el color original (R-M, EC)
- Duia un vestit usat i lluent de colzes, de color do gos com fuig, que abans devia haver estat gris (També s'usa amb la forma de color de gos quan fuig) (R-M)
- de color d'ala de mosca (p.ext.), de color de catxumbo (p.ext.), de color de merda d'oca (p.ext.)
- Max Wheeler, Alan Yates, Nicolau Dols, Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar (2002, →ISBN), page 84:
- ... verd poma 'apple green', groc cadmi 'cadmium yellow', merda d'oca 'dirty beige' (lit. goose shit), ala de mosca 'greyish' (lit. fly's wing), color de gos com fuig 'indeterminate dark colour' (lit. dog fleeing). These adjectives by conversion, simple and compound, sometimes introduced by explanatory color (de), are invariable in gender and number, thus: un gelat rosa 'a pink ice cream', unes cortines verd poma / unes cortines color (de) verd poma 'apple green curtains'.
- Francesc de B. Moll (1980):
- Color de passatemps (val.) o color d'ala de mosca (or., occ, val., bal.) o color de gos com fuig (or.) o color del dimoni com fuig (men.) o color de xuta (men.) o color de llampuga (men.): color indefinida, bruta ...
Another source mentions color d'ala de corb, but really? That doesn't mean "black"?
- Molly Goodkind, Marcella Hayes and Amanda Mitchell, Spanish Civil War and Its Memory (2015, →ISBN), page 66:
- Practically everyone wore rough working-class clothes, or blue overalls or some variant of the militia uniform. But after the Spanish Civil War ended in disaster for the Second Spanish Republic in 1939, fascist-controlled Barcelona was stripped of its rebel bohemian identity, transformed from the black-and-red city into the city “color de gos com fuig” (the color of a dog running away) a drab no-color.
- Robert Hughes, The Spectacle of Skill: New and Selected Writings of Robert Hughes (2016, →ISBN):
- One strikingly poetic Catalan phrase evokes the drabness of Barcelona twenty-five years ago: color de gos com fuig, the color of a dog running away—that is, no color, indeterminacy, mud, yet with something unquestionably there.
Units of measure
[edit]- list generated from Wikipedias and machine translations, useful but must be checked
- Abas, abas
- Abucchi, abucchi
- Abzug, deduction
- Acaena, acaena
- Acetabulum, acetabulum
- Achterli, aft
- Achtring, eight ring
- Acino, acino
- Acker, field
- Adarme, adarme
- Addix, addix
- Aderma, aderma
- Adoucu, adoucu
- Adowlie, adowlie
- Ady, ady
- Aepfeltonne, Äpfeltonne (Tonne, tonne, ton), apple ton, apple ton (ton, ton, ton)
- Agarasaulay, agarasaulay
- Agastera, agastera
- Agatsch, agache
- Agito, agito
- Akid, akid
- Akó, ako
- Alcolla, alcolla
- Alma, alma
- Almane, almane
- Almenn turma : Almenn, almenn, Turma, turma, almenn turma : almenn, almenn, turma, turma
- Almuda, almuda
- Alqueire, alqueire
- Amahe, amahe
- Ammersaat, bunting seed
- Amole, amole
- Amomam, amomam
- Amphora, amphora
- Amtsbodenachtel (Amtsboden, Achtel, achtel), amtsbodenachtel (amtsboden, eighth, eighth)
- Anati, anati
- Anegras, anegrass
- Angoolam, angolam
- Angulla, angulla
- Anthal, anthal
- Antorferpfund (Pfund, pfund), antorferpound (pound, pound)
- Anukabiet, anukabiet
- Anzing, number
- Apatan, apatan
- Aporrhymas, aporrhymas
- Aranzada, aranzada
- Arbage, arbage
- Ardame, ardame
- Argenso, argenso
- Arich, arich
- Armina, armina
- Arpa, arpa
- Arpent, arpent
- Arratel, arrears
- Arroba, arroba
- Arrobeta, arrobeta
- Arschin. Arschine, arshin. arschine
- Arsin. Arşın, arsine. :arşın
- Arsolah, arsolah
- Artaba, Artabad, Artabe, artaba, artabad, artabe
- Artilleriefuß, artillery foot
- Arura, Arure, arura, arure
- As, ace
- Aschentonne : ^
- Asnée, asnee
- Assay ton : assay ton, ton
- At (Altes Ägypten), at
- Atomo, atomic
- Attisches Talent : Talent, talent
- Aune, aune
- Aureo, aureo
- Ava, ava
- Avanom, avanom
- Azumbre, azure
- Baat, bat
- Bachel, bachel
- Bacile, bacile
- Baciletta, baciletta
- Bacino, bacino
- Bago, bago
- Bahār, bahar
- Bahram, bahram
- Bahu, baho
- Baille, bail
- Bak, bake
- Balance, balance
- Balg, bellows
- Balita, balita
- Balje, balje
- Ballot, ballot
- Bamboo, bamboo
- Band, tape
- Bandfass, tape barrel
- Baniță, banita
- Bāqilā, baqila
- Baral, baral
- Barill, barill
- Barilon, barilon
- Barony, barony
- Barra, barra
- Barräle, barrels
- Barralon, barralon
- Barre, bars
- Barrel, barrels
- Barrique, barrique
- Barsella, barsella
- Baruth, baruth
- Baryd, baryd
- Bassa, bassa
- Batman, batman
- Bättell, ball
- Bau, building
- Bauche, belly
- Bauernklafter, farmer fathoms
- Baumölmaß, tree oil measure
- Bazendingle, bazendingle
- Bazini, bazini
- Bazzillo, bazzillo
- Beak, beak
- Becher, a cup
- Becherée, becherée
- Becherlein, mug
- Beck, beck
- Beczka, beczka
- Bedre, bedre
- Beitzen, pickling
- Bema, bema
- Bener, bener
- Beneta, beneta
- Bergeimer, mountain bucket
- Bergelle, bergelle
- Bergkübel, mountain bucket
- Bergscheffel, bergscheffel
- Berkowitz, berkowitz
- Berner Elle : Elle, elle, ell, Bernese elle
- Berner Schuh : Schuh, schuh, shoe, Bernese shoe
- Berri, berry
- Beru (Mesopotamien), beru
- Bes, esp
- Beson, special
- Bicchieri, bicchieri
- Bicchiero, bicchiero
- Bidon, bidon
- Biega, bending
- Bierlast, beer load
- Bieröhmchen, beer mug
- Biertonne, beer barrel
- Bigga, bigga
- Bigha, bigha
- Bigoncia, bigoncia
- Bildhauerfuß, sculptor's foot
- Biljuk, bilyuk
- Billet, ticket
- Bind, binding
- Binde, bandage
- Binh, binh
- Biolca, biolca
- Bis, until
- Bisacca, bisacca
- Bischof, bishop
- Bitic, bitic
- Bitschart, bitchart
- Blank, blank
- Bloss, just
- Bocale, bocale
- Böcklein, kid
- Boġča, boġča
- Böhmischer Strich : Strich, bohemian dash : dash
- Boisseau, boisseau
- Boisselée, boisselee
- Bole, bole
- Borrel, borrel
- Bosse, Bosses, bosses, :bosses
- Bota, bota
- Botschka, bochka
- Botte, boat
- Boucaut, boucaut
- Boujaron, boujaron
- Bouteille, bouteille
- Bozia, bozia
- Bozza, Bozze, bozza, :bozza
- Braça, braca
- Braccio da Panno : Braccio, braccio, braccio da panno : braccio, braccio
- Braccio da Terra, braccio da terra
- Braccio, braccio
- Brande, fire
- Brasse, bream
- Bratze, bratze
- Brau, brew
- Braunschweiger Elle : ^, Brunswick ell
- Brautonne : ^, bridal sun : ^
- Braza real : Braza, braza, braza real : braza, braza
- Brazádo, brazado
- Brazzetto, brazzetto
- Bremer Last : Last, last, bremen last: last, last
- Brenta (Hohlmaß), brenta
- Brento, brento
- Brief, letter
- Browoz, browoz
- Bu, bu
- Bubblo, bubblo
- Bucher, books
- Bucizza, bucizza
- Buey, buyy
- Bugday, bugday
- Buncal, buncal
- Bund, federation
- Bunder, covenant
- Bur, bur
- Burchio, burchio
- Bürtel, belt
- Buschau, buchau
- Büschel, tuft
- Bushel, bushel
- Bussard, buzzard
- Busuck, busuck
- Butcher’s stone : butcher's stone, stone, butcher's stone : butcher's stone, stone
- Butt, butt
- Bütte, butt
- Buttima, buttima
- Butylka, butyl cap
- Cabal, cabal
- Caballería, caballeria
- Caban, caban
- Cabida, cabida
- Cadame, cadame
- Cade, cade
- Caderno, caderno
- Cado, cado
- Cafisse, cafe
- Cafla, cafla
- Cagliaria, cagliaria
- Cahis, cahis
- Cahíz, cahiz
- Cahizada, cahizada
- Calanchi, calanchi
- Calemin, calemin
- Calow, calow
- Calpo, calpo
- Camaco, camaco
- Cambetta, cambetta
- Cameral-Fuß : cameral, foot, cameral foot : cameral, foot
- Campo, campo
- Canada, canada
- Canado, canada
- Canam, canam
- Canata, canata
- Candaca, candaca
- Cando, cando
- Candy, candy
- Canhador, canhador
- Cani, cani
- Canna, canna
- Cannate, cannate
- Cannella, cannella
- Cantarello, cantarello
- Cantaro, cantaro
- Cape foot, cape foot
- Capicha, capicha
- Caque, cup
- Cara, cara
- Caractere, character
- Carara, carara
- Carato, carato
- Carboy, carboy
- Carica, Carico, carica, :carico
- Carival, carnival
- Carobe, carobe
- Carozzo, carozzo
- Carrata, carrata
- Carré, carre
- Carreau, carreau
- Carretado, carretado
- Carro, carro
- Carse, carse
- Carte, carte
- Carterée, carterée
- Carteyrade, carteyrade
- Carucata, carucata
- Cass, cass
- Casseler Acker : Acker, acker, casseler field: field, field
- Cassico, cassico
- Castellano, castellano
- Castilianische Mark : Mark, mark, castilian mark : mark, mark
- Catena, catena
- Cavalleria, cavalry
- Cavan, cavan
- Cavary, cavary
- Cavesco, cavesco
- Cavezzo, cavezzo
- Cavot, cavot
- Cawney, cawney
- Celemino, celemino
- Cent, cent
- Centaß, centass
- Centnar, centnar
- Cesto, cesto
- Chain, chain
- Chaldron, chaldrone
- Chandoo, chandoo
- Char, char
- Charac, character
- Charge, batch
- Charrūba, charruba
- Charwār, charwar
- Chast, chase
- Chattak, chattak
- Chattauck, chattauck
- Chaupine, chaupine
- Chebbo, chebo
- Chebel, chevel
- Cheky, cheky
- Cheme, chemistry
- Chenica, chenica
- Cheshire-Pole, cheshire pole
- Chest, chest
- Chet (Altes Ägypten) : chet, chet (ancient egypt): chet
- Chi, chi
- Chila, chila
- Chinanta, chinanta
- Choadony, choadony
- Chönix, chonix
- Chopine, chopine
- Chor, choir
- Chouto, chouto
- Chow, chow
- Chupa, chupa
- Chus, chus
- Ciesky, ciesky
- Cifk, cifk
- Circular mil, circular mil
- Civadier, civadian
- Clam, clam
- Clima, climate
- Clocane, clocans
- Clove, clove
- Coccia, Coccio, coccia, : coccio
- Codo, code
- Coffino, coffee
- Cogno, cogno
- Cohi, cohi
- Cole, cole
- Côle, cole
- Collothun, collothun
- Colo, colo
- Coltra, coltra
- Coltre, coltre
- Conjon, conjon
- Conque, conque
- Conzo, conzo
- Coom, coom
- Copa, copa
- Copello, copello
- Copet, copet
- Coppa, coppa
- Coppo, coppo
- Cor, cor
- Corba, corba
- Cord, cord
- Corda, corda
- Corde, corde
- Cordel, cordel
- Cornickel, cornickel
- Cortane, cortane
- Cortarine, cortarine
- Cortsch, corch
- Costal, costal
- Cotta, cotta
- Coudée, coudee
- Coupang, coupang
- Coupé, coupe
- Couque, couque
- Courosame, courosame
- Crad, cradle
- Cran, cran
- Crat, crate
- Crazia, crazia
- Criadero, criadero
- Crivello, crivello
- Cseber, cseber
- Cuartera, cuartera
- Cuarterada, cuarterada
- Cuarteron, cuarteron
- Cuartillo, cuartillo
- Cuartin, cuartin
- Cubit, cubit
- Cucchiaro, cucchiaro
- Cuillier, cuillier
- Culah, culah
- Culleus, culleus
- Cullishigay, cullishigay
- Cumbo, cumbo
- Cun, cun
- Cup, cup
- Cupo, cupo
- Cusl, cusl
- Custodie, custody
- Cuttlo, cuttlo
- Ćwierć, Ćwierć
- Czarka, czarka
- Dadix, dadix
- Dagwand, day wall
- Dain, therein
- Dam, dam
- Dammer, dam
- Dan, dan
- Danda, danda
- Dāng, dang
- Dāniq, dāniq
- Danna (Mesopotamien), danna
- Darchini, darchini
- Daribba, daribba
- Dartu, dartu
- Däst, diet
- Daumelle, thumbell
- Deben, debits
- Decher, decker
- Decimal, decimal
- Decimo, decimo
- Decina, decina
- Dedo, dedo
- Deget pătrat, deget patrat
- Deichgräberrute : Rute, rute, dyke digger's rod : rod, rod
- Deichkabel, levee cable
- Dekade, decade
- Dekas, decas
- Delnitá, delnita
- Demijohn, demijohn
- Demirlä, demirlä
- Denaro, denaro
- Denk, think
- Deppo, jerk
- Deral, derals
- Derali, derali
- Desjaterik, desjaterik
- Dessjatine, dessiatine
- Destre, destre
- Dezimal, decimal
- Dhirāʿ, dhiraʿ
- Dhrá, dhra
- Dichas, dichas
- Dicotilo, dicotillo
- Diemat, diemat
- Diethaufe, dietaufe
- Dimerli, dimerli
- Dipoh, dipoh
- Dito, dito
- Dizean, dicean
- Djeba, djeba
- Djong, djong
- Doba, doba
- Doit, doit
- Dolichos (Lauf), dolichos
- Dolja, dolya
- Domin, domin
- Dong, dong
- Doon, doon
- Doopke, doopke
- Doppelhundert, double hundred
- Doppelmäß, double measure
- Douillard, douillard
- Dowang, dowang
- Dozovo, dozovo
- Drachma, drachma
- Drag, drag
- Dramur, drama
- Dreiling, three of a kind
- Dreilingsmetze, triple massacres
- Dreißiger, thirties
- Dresdner Kanne : Kanne, kanne, dresdner kanne: kanne, kanne
- Drilling, triplets
- Drohn, drone
- Drömt, drone
- Drop, drop
- Dscharīb, jarīb
- Dschirib, jirib
- Dschömba, djemba
- Dschou, dschou
- Duella, duel
- Dumplachter, dumbass
- Dunam, dunam
- Düong, duong
- Écheveau, echeveau
- Ecklein, little corner
- Eichmaß, gauge
- Eighth, eight
- Eimerlein, little bucket
- Einfall, incidence
- Elwand, elwand
- Emene, emene
- Emero, emero
- Emina, emina
- Émine, emine
- Empan, empan
- Endasch, final ash
- Engjateigur, engjateigur
- English Ell : English ell, ell, english ell : english ell, ell
- Engster, closest
- Eprouvette, eprovette
- Erdochs, ground ox
- Erdrute, ground rod
- Erlauer Faß : Faß, erlauer fass: barrel
- Erzmaß, ore measure
- Esca, esca
- Escandeau, escandeau
- Eschen, ash trees
- Essain, essain
- Essertin, eater
- Estadale, estadale
- Estádio, estadio
- Estado, state
- Estelin, estelin
- Esterling, esterling
- Etto, etto
- Etzba, etzba
- Eultschek, eultchek
- Evlek, evlek
- Exeque, executive
- Faden (Garnmaß), thread
- Faggot, fagot
- Fahn, flag
- Fahrt, journey
- Falchom, falkhom
- Fall, case
- Fammar, family
- Famn, family
- Fandel, fandel
- Fanega, fanega
- Fanoe, fanoe
- Faranzala, faranzala
- Fardingdeal, farding deal
- Fardo, fardo
- Fargot, fargot
- Fasch, fake
- Fass (Trier), barrel
- Fässchen, keg
- Fastsaat, fast seed
- Fauchée, fauchee
- Fauches, hissing
- Faust, fist
- Faux, faux
- Feddan, feddan
- Feldacker und Waldacker, field fields and forest fields
- Felin, felin
- Fen, feet
- Feralin, feralin
- Ferfaðmur, ferfaðmur
- Ferfet, ferfet
- Ferlino, ferlino
- Fermíla, fermila
- Ferrado, ferrado
- Ferþumlungur, ferþumlungur
- Feuillette, features
- Fiasco, fiasco
- Fichelin, fichelin
- Firkin, fikin
- Fischel, fishel
- Fitze, fizz
- Flasche, bottle
- Foglietta, foglietta
- Footlambert, footlambert
- Fortin, fortin
- Fossorier, fossori
- Foster, foster
- Foudre, foudre
- Fraggele, fraggle
- Fraggerl, fraggerl
- Francart, francart
- Frangotillo, francotillo
- Frankenhauser Kanne, frankenhauser pot
- Frankfurter Stab : Stab, stab, staff, stave, frankfurter stab : stab, stab, staff, stave
- Frequin, frequin
- Frison, frison
- Frohngewicht, happy weight
- Fruchtgallon, fruit gallon
- Fudder, fudder
- Fuder, fuder
- Fuderstock, fuderstick
- Fülleimer, filling bucket
- Fünfviertel-Sihr : Sihr, sihr, five quarter sihr: sihr, sihr
- Funt, fun
- Funta, funta
- Furlong, furlong
- Futtermaßel, lining measure
- Gais, Gais
- Gaißla, Gaissla
- Galbe, galbe
- Gallone, gallon
- Galopin, gallop
- Galvai, Galvai
- Gam, game
- Gambetta, Gambetta
- Gang (Garnmaß), thread
- Gantan, Gantan
- Gantong, gantong
- Garave, Garave
- Garce, Garce
- Garnetz, garnet
- Garniec, garniec
- Garnitur, set
- Gaspe, Gaspe
- Gatzen, gazers
- Gavada, Gavada
- Gawot, Gavot
- Gazel, gazel
- Ge, ge
- Geailoge, Geailogue
- Geblätz, blared
- Geestmorgen, yesterday morning
- Geestrute, geest rod
- Geestscheffel, Geestscheffel
- Geira, geira
- Gelängeflur, dirt floor
- Gelte, apply
- Geme, Gem
- Gemind, community
- Gendumscho, Gendumscho
- Geplätze, spaces
- Gereh, due
- Gerle, Gerle
- Gerra, Gerra
- Gert, device
- Ges, total
- Gescheid, divorced
- Geschleif, grinding
- Getreideprob-Metzen, Grain sample butchers
- Gewende, turn
- Ghefeese, gheeese
- Gheria, Gheria
- Gheriah, Gheriah
- Gherrie, Gherrie
- Gherry, gherry
- Ghiral, Ghiral
- Giarre, guitar
- Gidda, Gidda
- Gilbert, Gilbert
- Gill, Gil
- Giornata, giornata
- Gira, Gira
- Girä, Gira
- Girära, Girara
- Girib, Girib
- Gitter, grid
- Glas, Glass
- Glasmaß, glass measure
- Gleit, sliding
- Glied, element
- Globen, globes
- Gō, Go
- Gode, Gode
- Goelack, Goelack
- Gognale, Gognale
- Golsch, golsch
- Gon (Längenmaß), Gon
- Gönczer Faß, Gönczer barrel
- Göntscha, gonscha
- Gorraf, Gorraf
- Gos, Gos
- Gotto, Gotto
- Goue, goue
- Graber, digger
- Grad Bischoff, degree bischoff
- Granik (Gewichtsmaß), Granik
- Granotine, granotine
- Granottino, Granottino
- Granotto, grotto
- Gräpel, Graepel
- Gras, grass
- Graß, grass
- Graund, gray
- Grazer Viertel, Graz district
- Grefi, Grefi
- Griff (Garnmaß), grip
- Grista, grista
- Griwenka, hryvenka
- Grora, grandma
- Gros, gross
- Groß-Seitel, Großseitel, Seitel, Groß-pagel, :Großseitel, seitel
- Großkufe, large skid
- Guhn, guhn
- Guinon (Flächenmaß), Guinon
- Gunda, Gunda
- Gunschah, Gunshah
- Guz, good
- Guze, Guze
- Hacienda, hacienda
- Haidscheffel, haidscheffel
- Halbfass, half barrel
- Halibiu, halibiu
- Hamma, hamma
- Handelsmaß, commercial measure
- Handschuh, Glove
- Hani, hani
- Hank, hank
- Hannega, hannega
- Hao, hey
- Hardary, hardary
- Harra, hara
- Harsela, harsela
- Haspelknipp, reel snap
- Hath, hath
- Hatur, hatur
- Haufen, heap
- Havelboden, havelboden
- Havot, havot
- Heer, army
- Heft, notebook
- Hehlo, heh lo
- Hehloh, heh oh
- Heimbzen, heimbzen
- Helfchen, helper
- Hemmel, hemel
- Henkemann, henkeman
- Henu, henu
- Heqat, heqat
- Hesp, hesp
- Heuklafter, hay cords
- Himpten, himpten
- Hin, there
- Hindasah, hindasah
- Hintare, rear
- Hiro, hiro
- Hofzeile, courtyard row
- Hogshead, hogshead
- Hold, hold
- Hole, hole
- Holster, holster
- Holzklafter, wood cord
- Holzmäß, wood measure
- Holzstoß, pile of wood
- Hom, home
- Hommée, hommee
- Hoop, hoop
- Hose, trousers
- Hot, hot
- Hufenrute, hoof rod
- Hultaine, hultaine
- Hund, dog
- Hundesmühler Torfkorb : Torfkorb, Torf, torf, Korb, korb, hundesmühler peat basket : peat basket, peat, peat, basket, basket
- Hundredweight, hundredweight
- Hut, cap
- Hutte, hut
- Hüttenfuder, hüttenfuder
- Hüttenhundert, cottage hundred
- Hüttenkanne, cottage pot
- Hüttenkorb, cottage basket
- Hüttenkübel, cottage bucket
- Hüttentausend, cottage thousand
- Hüvelyk, huvelyk
- Hvat, hvat
- Iarda ionia, iarda ionia
- Icze, ice
- Imbuto, imbuto
- Imoja, imoja
- Ingistara, ingistara
- Innerberger Faß, innerberg barrel
- Invel, level
- Irdabb, irdabb
- Issaron, issaron
- Iteru, iteru
- Itur, itur
- Jacob, jacob
- Jalka, yalka
- Jalois, blinds
- Jarbe, jarbe
- Jarre, jarre
- Jetz, now
- Jidde, yidd
- Joch : joch, yoke, yoke : yoke, yoke
- Jod, iodine
- Jodschan, jojan
- Jornal, journal
- Journal, journal
- Journee, journee
- Juchart, juchart
- Juck (Flächenmaß), itch
- Judenmaß, jewish measure
- Jungfrur, virginity
- Juta, juta
- Jutte, jutte
- Kab, cab
- Kabel, cable
- Kabiet, cabinet
- Kad, cad
- Kadam, kadam
- Kadem, cadem
- Kahn, barge
- Kahun, kahun
- Kail, kai
- Kaila, kaila
- Kalk-Ballje, kalk-ballje
- Kalkmüthel, kalkmuthel
- Kama, kama
- Kameralschuh, camera shoe
- Kamień, kamień
- Kammer-Morgen, chamber morning
- Kammergutsklafter, kammergutsklafter
- Kan, can
- Kanan, kanan
- Kandil, candile
- Kanonenschussweite, gun range
- Kanta, canta
- Kante, edge
- Kantje, kantje
- Kantor, cantor
- Kanu, canoe
- Kanzleiformat, office format
- Kap, cape
- Kapanala, kapanala
- Kappar, kappar
- Karch, karch
- Kardele, kardele
- Karine, karine
- Karre, cart
- Karschetz, karschetz
- Kärtchen, card
- Kartos, cartons
- Kasab, kasab
- Kast, box
- Kasten, crate
- Katasterfuß, cadastral foot
- Katasterrute, cadastral route
- Katastraljoch, cadastral yoke
- Kätti, katti
- Käwä, kawa
- Keel, keel
- Keg, bowl
- Kélé, kele
- Ken, ken
- Kessel, boiler
- Kettenfuß, chain foot
- Ketvirtes, ketvirtes
- Keub, keub
- Kiepe, box
- Kila, kila
- Kiliare, kiliare
- Kilo, kilo
- Kinjon, kinjon
- Kiping, kiping
- Kippunta, kippunta
- Kiste, box
- Kite, kite
- Kjuli, kjuli
- Kleinmedian, small median
- Kleinroyal, small royal
- Klem, clamp
- Kleuder, sling
- Klipper, clipper
- Kłoda, kloda
- Klupper, klupper
- Kluppet, kluppet
- Knipp, snap
- Kobbit, kobbit
- Koda, coda
- Koffada, koffada
- Kohlenkorb, coal basket
- Kohlenmalter, coal painter
- Kohlensack, coal sack
- Kohlenstübich, coal room
- Koku, koku
- Kola, kola
- Kole, cole
- Konew, konev
- Königsberger Scheffel : Scheffel, scheffel, königsberger scheffel : scheffel, scheffel
- Königsgewicht, kingweight
- Kopf, head
- Köpfchen, brains
- Köpfel, heads
- Kopna, kopna
- Koppo, koppo
- Kornfaß, grain barrel
- Korzec, korzec
- Kosa, kosa
- Koß, koss
- Kost, fare
- Kot, feces
- Kouza, kouza
- Krämer-Elle, Kramer elle
- Kramergewicht, Kramer weight
- Kranz, wreath
- Kravele, kravele
- Kreuzscheffel, cross bushel
- Krippe, crib
- Kro, kro
- Kroes, kroes
- Krone, crown
- Kross, crispy
- Krötel, dumplings
- Krues, krues
- Krüppel, cripple
- Kruschka, kruschka
- Kubikfeldrute, cubic field rod
- Kubikingenieurrute, cubic engineer rod
- Kubiktoise, cubic toise
- Küchenmaß (Leipziger Volumenmaß), kitchen measure
- Kucke, look
- Kufe, skid
- Kuhl, cool
- Kuhweide, cow pasture
- Kula, kula
- Kulaç, kulaç
- Kulack, kulack
- Kulah, kulah
- Kuli, pen
- Kulmet, culmet
- Kumm, cum
- Kumme, crest
- Kummt, cums
- Kunke, kunke
- Küpfli, küpfli
- Kuplenik, kuplenik
- Kuritz, kuritz
- Kurr, curr
- Kursächsische Postmeile, kursächsisch, Postmeile, electoral saxon post mile, electoral saxon, post mile
- Kurwar, kurwar
- Kut, kut
- Kútur, culture
- Kwarta, kwarta
- Kwaterka, kwaterka
- Kweh, kweh
- Labor, laboratory
- Lädi, shops
- Ladre, loader
- Laep, lap
- Laib, loaf
- Lamyet, lamyet
- Lan, lan
- Lana, lana
- Land-Wüppe, land-wüppe
- Landfass, country barrel
- Langenthaler Elle, Langenthal ell
- Last, load
- Łaszt, laszt
- Latte, bar
- Laut, noisy
- Lavot, lavot
- Ławka, lawka
- Lea, leah
- Ledi, led
- Leengs, leengs
- Lega metrica, lega metrica
- Legana, legana
- Legge-Elle, leg-ell
- Leghe, leghe
- Legua, league
- Légua, league
- Lehen, fief
- Leinsaat-Tonne, linseed bin
- Lestall, lestall
- Li, li
- Libbra, libbra
- Libreta, libreta
- Liretta, liretta
- Lispfund, lipound
- Litron, liters
- Littre, little
- Livre Poids de table, livre poids de table
- Livre usuelle, livery usual
- Load, load
- Loán, loan
- Loch, hole
- Lofstelle, loft point
- Log, log
- Lögel, lion
- Loip, track
- Łokieć, Łokieć
- Lokot, locomotive
- Long, long
- Loof, loop
- Lopp, lop
- Lowry, lowry
- Loxa, loxa
- Lumini, lumini
- Lüong, luong
- Łut, loud
- Lütticher Fuß, liege foot
- Maal, mal
- Macque, macque
- Madschar, majar
- Magdeburger Maß, Magdeburg measure
- Maggio, maggio
- Mahl (Feldmaß), meal
- Maik, mike
- Maille, maille
- Main, main
- Maiß, corn
- Majon, mayon
- Makkūk, makkuk
- Mal’ackah, mal'ackah
- Malenka, malenka
- Mallal, mallal
- Malouah, malouah
- Malter, paint
- Malterbank, paint bench
- Maltersaat, paint seed
- Malterscheid, malterscheid
- Managoga, managoga
- Manchadi, manchadi
- Mandel (Garn), almond
- Mändelgewicht, almond weight
- Mane, mane
- Mann, man
- Manne, man
- Mannikah, manikah
- Mannsgrab, man grave
- Mannsmack, man mack
- Mannsschnitz, man carving
- Mannstuhl, man chair
- Mano, mano
- Manojita, manojita
- Mansja, mansia
- Maquia, maquia
- March, march
- Marco, marco
- Margel, margel
- Marhale, marshall
- Markal, markal
- Markka, markka
- Marktscheffel, market bushel
- Marktviertel, market district
- Marque, brand
- Marschrute, marching rod
- Mäs, ms
- Masha, masha
- Mäß, measure
- Mäßchen, measure
- Mäßli, moderate
- Mastello, mastello
- Masu, masu
- Matika, matika
- Matrikularrute, matricular rod
- Matt, frosted
- Mau, mau
- Mauerrute, wall rod
- Mazzo, matzo
- Mecmeda, mecmeda
- Medara, medara
- Media, media
- Medimno, medimno
- Medio, medium
- Meen, meen
- Meeß, meess
- Meh, meh
- Meitadella, meitadella
- Mejo, mejo
- Membrure, membrane
- Memecda, memecda
- Mensinalo, mensinalo
- Merföld, merfold
- Merte, merte
- Meschok, meshok
- Meß, meas
- Meßle, messle
- Mesure, measure
- Mesurette, mesurette
- Metadella, metadella
- Meterzentner, hundredweight
- Metretes, metretes
- Mettar, mettar
- Metze (Hohlmaß), butcher
- Meuk, meuk
- Mezzacanna, mezzacanna
- Mezzarola, mezzarola
- Mezzetta, mezzetta
- Mezzino, mezzino
- Mhörri, mhoerri
- Miam, miam
- Michetta, michetta
- Migamuto, migamuto
- Migliaro, migliaro
- Miglio, miglio
- Mil Tunsi, mil tunsi
- Míla á landi, mila a landi
- Mila, mila
- Milchkanne, milk can
- Mile, miles
- Milha, miha
- Milheiro, milheiro
- Milimetr, millimeters
- Millar, millar
- Millerolle, mill roll
- Millier, miller
- Milwa, milwa
- Mina, mine
- Minale, minerals
- Minde, at least
- Mine (Volumeneinheit), mine
- Minello, minello
- Mingel, mingle
- Minkel, minkel
- Minot, minot
- Minuto, minute
- Mirka, mirka
- Miro, miro
- Mirze, mirza
- Misura, misura
- Mite, middle
- Mithqāl, mithqal
- Mitjeta, mitjeta
- Mitlein, fellow
- Mittmel, mean
- Möckerchen, mockery
- Modillo, modillo
- Moeda, moeda
- Moggia, Moggio, moggia, moggio
- Moio, moio
- Moja, moja
- Mojah, mojah
- Mokkapfund, mocha fund
- Mokuk, mokuk
- Molt, molt
- Momme, mom
- Mondello, mondello
- Monkelzer, monkelzer
- Monscha, monscha
- Monton, monton
- Moose, mosses
- Mora, mora
- Morah, morah
- Morgow, morgov
- Mostachi, mostachi
- Mote, mote
- Motika, motika
- Mött, mot
- Mötte, moth
- Motureau, motoreau
- Moule, moule
- Mozetta, mozzetta
- Mucil, mucil
- Mucke, mosquito
- Mujada, mujada
- Mulde, trough
- Müllermäßel, miller's knife
- Mummenfass, mummy barrel
- Murah, murah
- Murais, murais
- Musse, leisure
- Musselinstab, muslin rod
- Mustachio, mustachio
- Mutchkin, mutchkin
- Muth, courage
- Mütt, mother
- Müttle, muettle
- Myria, myria
- Nächterle, nocturnal
- Nacti, nacti
- Najiguré, najiguré
- Nanque, nanque
- Nanqui, nanqui
- Napf, bowl
- Naula, naula
- Nelikko, nelikko
- Nelikorn, nelikorn
- Nelli, nelly
- Nen, nope
- Nengō, nengo
- NER, Ner, ner (Mesopotamien), ner
- Neuvaine, neuvaine
- Ngu, ngu
- Niederungarischer Eimer : Eimer, Lower Hungarian bucket : bucket
- Nietro, nietro
- Niou, niou
- Nippur-Elle, nippur ell
- Nir, nir
- Nochud, nochud
- Noeud, noeud
- Norwegische Grenzmeile : Grenzmeile, Norwegian border mile : border mile
- Nösel, nitpick
- Nowtauk, nowtauk
- Nuchut, nuchut
- Nytur, nature
- Obole, obole
- Obrada, obrada
- Occa, ok
- Ochava, ochava
- Ochavillo, ochavillo
- Ödenburger Eimer, Ödenburg bucket
- Odre, orre
- Oel, oil
- Oertchen, town
- Ofener Metzen, Ofener metzen
- Ofner Handelspfund : Handelspfund, Ofner trading pound : trading pound
- Ohmkanne, ohm can
- Oitava, oitava
- Okaw, ok
- Oke thapas, ok thapas
- Okka, okka
- Okruch, okruch
- Ol, oil
- Oldenburger Polizeimeile : Polizeimeile, oldenburg police mile: police mile
- Olluck, olluck
- Opera, opera
- Oredish, oredish
- Orena, orena
- Orgyie, orgyy
- Orna, orna
- Ort, location
- Orthodoron, orthodoron
- Öseammer, Öseammer
- Osmachka, osmachka
- Osmina, osmina
- Ottavo, ottavo
- Ouv, ov
- Ouvrier, ouvrier
- Ovalo, ovalo
- Oxhufoud, oxhufoud
- Paal, paal
- Paar, few
- Pacco, pacco
- Pace, pace
- Pagliazzo, pagliazzo
- Pagode, pagoda
- Pahaw, pahaw
- Pajock, pajock
- Pakka, pakka
- Pala, pala
- Palaiste, palaces
- Palaz, palace
- Paletz, paletz
- Palgat, palgat
- Paliza, paliza
- Pallasmina, pallasmina
- Palmacu, palmacu
- Palmipes, palmipes
- Pan, pan
- Panache, panache
- Panal, panel
- Panching, panning
- Panilla, panilla
- Pänne, mishaps
- Panni, panny
- Panno, panno
- Panoro, panorama
- Parcetto, parquet
- Pariser Stich, Stich, Paris stitch, stich
- Parm, parm
- Parmak, parmak
- Parms, parms
- Paro, paro
- Part, part
- Partie, lot
- Parto, parto
- Pasme, pasme
- Passetto, passetto
- Passo, passport
- Paulgaut, paulgaut
- Pause, break
- Pazeiden, pazeids
- Pe, pe
- Peck, peck
- Pecul, pecul
- Peerer, peer
- Peerne, peers
- Péga, pega
- Pegel, level
- Peh, peh
- Penal, penalty
- Pennel, pennel
- Pennyweight, pennyweight
- Peonada, peonada
- Pera, pera
- Perch, perches
- Percha, percha
- Perche, perch
- Periot, periot
- Perma, permanent
- Perrée, perree
- Pertica, pertica
- Pesada, pesada
- Pesata, pesata
- Pesau, pesau
- Pesinale, pesinale
- Peso, peso
- Petricon, petricon
- Peymāne, peymāne
- Pezza, pezza
- Pfahl, stake
- Pfahlhaufen, pile pile
- Pfanne, pan
- Pferdelast, horse load
- Pfiff, whistle
- Pflug, plow
- Pfundensalz, pound salt
- Pfundmaß, pound measure
- Phan, phan
- Pherra, pherra
- Pichoune, pichoune
- Picotin, picotine
- Pié, pie
- Pièce, piece
- Pied carré, pied carre
- Piede, piede
- Piędź, piedz
- Piffche, piffche
- Pignata, pignata
- Pignatelia, pignatelia
- Pik, spades
- Piki, piki
- Pim (Währungseinheit), pim
- Pinaki, pinaki
- Pintchen, pinch
- Pio, pio
- Pipa, pipa
- Pipor, pipor
- Pipot, pipot
- Piquet, piquet
- Piset, piset
- Pisoth, pisoth
- Pjaterik, pyaterik
- Planke, plank
- Plethron, plethrone
- Pognerée, pogneree
- Pognou, pognou
- Pognoul, pognoul
- Pogone, pogone
- Poinçon, poincon
- Poiseuille, poiseuille
- Poisson, poisson
- Pojack, pojack
- Półbeczka, polbeczka
- Pole, poles
- Półkorzec, polkorzec
- Pollam, pollam
- Pollegada, pollegada
- Pollice, police
- Poloniko, poloniko
- Polosmina, polosmina
- Polugarnetz, polar network
- Polukruschka, polukrushka
- Polutschetwerik, Polish etwerik
- Poncelet, poncelet
- Pontes, pontes
- Poplata, popplata
- Porca, porca
- Poronkusema, poronkusema
- Porrone, porrone
- Pose, pose
- Possessione, possession
- Post, post
- Poststation, mail station
- Pottle, pottle
- Pouce, pouce
- Pougneree, pougneree
- Prahm, pram
- Prăjină, prăjina
- Praschtschine, praschchine
- Pręcik, pręcik
- Pressburger Eimer, Pressburg bucket
- Preßburger Metzen, Pressburg metzen
- Pręt, pret
- Preußische Tonne, Prussian ton
- Priesterhufe, priest hooves
- Prime, prime
- Probe, sample
- Proche, proche
- Provenda, provenda
- Pud, pud
- Puddalum, puddalum
- Puddy, puddy
- Puhm, phew
- Pulgada, pulgada
- Puncheon, puncheon
- Punchoo, punchoo
- Punko, punk
- Punto, punto
- Pus, whoop
- Pusseree, pusseree
- Put, put
- Pütsche, coups
- Pütt, putt
- Qabda, qabda
- Qadah (Hohlmaß), qadah
- Qafīz, qafiz
- Qalba, qalba
- Qama, qama
- Qasaba, qasaba
- Qintār, qintar
- Quadrat-Milla, square milla
- Quadratingenieurrute, square engineer rod
- Quadrato, square
- Quadrattoise, square toise
- Quardeel, quardeel
- Quart (Garnmaß), quart
- Quarta, quarter
- Quartana, quartana
- Quartane, quartan
- Quartant, quarant
- Quartaro, quartar
- Quartarolo, quartarolo
- Quartaut, quartert
- Quartel, quarter
- Quartera, quartera
- Quarterolle, quarter roll
- Quarteron, quarteron
- Quarterona, quarterona
- Quarterono, quarterono
- Quarticello, quarticello
- Quartier, quarter
- Quartier, quarter
- Quartierchen, quarter
- Quartiere, quarter
- Quartiero, quarter
- Quartiglio, quartlio
- Quartilho, quartilho
- Quartino, quartino
- Quärtli, quarterly
- Quarto, quarto
- Quartuccio, quartuccio
- Quartuncia, quartuncia
- Quattrino, quattrino
- Queleh, queleh
- Quentchen, bite
- Queue, queue
- Quintli, quintli
- Quire, quire
- Rachel, rachel
- Rachen, throat
- Rachim, rachim
- Racione, racione
- Raga, raga
- Rahel, rachel
- Raliza, raliza
- Rame, rame
- Rancho, rancho
- Rand, edge
- Rango, rango
- Ras, ras
- Rasa, rasa
- Rasiera, razor
- Rasière, razor
- Rasta, rasta
- Rati, ratio
- Rattel, rattle
- Raye, raye
- Real, real
- Recherchée, research
- Recke, warrior
- Reep, reep
- Refe, reference
- Rége, rege
- Reif, ripe
- Reis, rice
- Reise, trip
- Reiss, tear
- Remel, remel
- Respe, resp
- Reve, reve
- Rez, rec
- Rezal, rezal
- Rheinländischer Fuß, Rhineland foot
- Riem, strap
- Rimpel, rimple
- Ringel (Bergbau), ringlet
- Riomeh, riomeh
- Rittermäß, knightly
- Robada, robada
- Robo, robot
- Rohr (Mesopotamien), rohr
- Röhrel, tube
- Röhrli, rohrli
- Roik, roik
- Rolle, role
- Rood, room
- Roof, roof
- Room, room
- Ropani, ropani
- Roquille, roquille
- Rosca, rosca
- Rose, rose
- Roß, horse
- Rostzwitter, hermaphrodite
- Rowley mile, rowley miles
- Rubbiacella, rubbiacella
- Rubbiatella, rubbiatella
- Rubbio, rubbio
- Rubʿ (Hohlmaß), rub'
- Ruggi, ruggi
- Rula, rula
- Rummel, hype
- Rump, torso
- Rundlet, rundlet
- Ründsel, trunk
- Ruota, ruota
- Rupy, rupees
- Rut, ruth
- Rutting, rubbing
- Saat, seed
- Sabbitha, sabbitha
- Sabitha, sabitha
- Sacare, sacare
- Saccata, saccata
- Sacco, bag
- Saccoron, saccoron
- Sad, sad
- Sadang, sadang
- Sadon, sadon
- Säfter, juicer
- Saga, saga
- Saggio, saggio
- Sagine, sagine
- Sahm, cream
- Sait, string
- Salma, salma
- Salzkorb, salt basket
- Salzmäß, salt measure
- Salzmetzen, saltmasons
- Salzviertel, salt district
- Sama, sama
- San, san
- Sao, sao
- Sapca, sapca
- SAR, Sar, sar (Mesopotamien), sar, sar, sar
- Sarplar, sarplar
- Saschen, saschen
- Saß, sat
- Sat, sat
- Satel, satellite
- Satz, sentence
- Saucatta, saucatta
- Saum, hem
- Sążeń, sążeń
- Sazo, sazo
- Schacht, shaft
- Schachtmaß, shaft dimension
- Schachtrute, shaft rod
- Schachtwerk, mine
- Schag, shhh
- Schagar, shagar
- Schah-Gheray, shah Gheray
- Schapp, schapp
- Schatt, shadow
- Scheerhaspel, shear reel
- Scheffelsaat, bushel seed
- Schekel, shekel
- Scherbe, shard
- Schesep, scheep
- Schett, schett
- Schichtschuh, shift shoe
- Schiene, rail
- Schiffsfuß, foot of ship
- Schilltonne, shell barrel
- Schineck, shineck
- Schinek, bacon
- Schirgel, reeds
- Schlöpp, slip
- Schmackpfund, tasty pound
- Schmaltonne, narrow barrel
- Schmitz, schmitz
- Schober, rick
- Schock, shock
- Schokoladengewicht, chocolate weight
- Schoot, shoot
- Schragen, trays
- Schrott, scrap metal
- Schuufke, schuukke
- Schweizer Elle, Swiss ell
- Schweizer Fuss, Swiss foot
- Schweizer, Swiss, swiss
- Scodella, scodella
- Score, score
- Seam, seam
- Sechsting, sixth
- Sechter, sechter
- Sechys, sechys
- Sechzehnerli, sixteen
- Sechziger, sixties
- Sediceno, sediceno
- Seer, sear
- Sefter, sever
- Seidel, tankard
- Seipud, seipud
- Seitel, page
- Selemi, selemi
- Selga, selga
- Sen, sen
- Sephel, sephel
- Sereth, sereth
- Serpler, serpler
- Sesma, sesma
- Seste, seste
- Setier, setier
- Setine, setine
- Seyra, seyra
- Shakkanhō, shakkanho
- Shaku, shaku
- Shō, shō
- Sicca, sicca
- Sihr, sir
- Sila, sila
- Simri, simri
- Sinquena, sinquena
- Sipmaß, sip measure
- Sitarion, sitarion
- Sitio, location
- Sivadiere, sivadiere
- Sixto, sixto
- Skalenpfund, scale pounds
- Skein, skein
- Skrinda, skrinda
- Slug, slug
- Soalli, soalli
- Socha, socha
- Sock, socks
- Soglio, soglio
- Soldatenmarsch, soldiers march
- Soline, soline
- Solive, soleive
- Sollotuch, sollo cloth
- Solota, zolota
- Solotnik, solotnik
- Somma, somma
- Somme, summer
- Sommer, summer
- Sompi, sompi
- Sonu, son
- Sorokowaja-Botschka, sorokovaya-bochka
- Sotka, sotka
- Souroutont, souroutont
- Span, span
- Spanisches Münzwesen, spanish coinage
- Spann, instep
- Spanne (Längenmaß), span
- Spannland, spanland
- Spazzo, spazzo
- Speckgewicht, bacon weight
- Speckhäuslegewicht, bacon house weight
- Spindle, spindle
- Spint, locker
- Spithame, spithame
- Spon, spon
- Spuhl, spool
- Ssorokowoi, sorokovoi
- St.-Thomas-Gewicht, st. thomas weight
- Stab, rod
- Stabel, stick
- Stäble, sticks
- Stack of wood, stack of wood
- Stadion (Längenmaß), stadium
- Stafrum, stafrum
- Stajolo, stajolo
- Stajuolo, stajuolo
- Stalln, stables
- Stamni, stamni
- Stamno, stamno
- Standard, default
- Stang, pole
- Stange, pole
- Stangiew, stangiew
- Stânjen, stanjen
- Stapel, stack
- Stapp, step
- Star, star
- Starata, starata
- Starello, starello
- Starland, starland
- Startin, startin
- Stathme, stathme
- Stauscheffel, storage bushel
- Stecken, put
- Steften, stesten
- Steinbrecher Fuß, stone crusher foot
- Steinkohlentonne, hard coal barrel
- Steinschuh, stone shoe
- Steuerquartier, control quarters
- Steuertonne, tax barrel
- Stibich, stibich
- Stiege, stairs
- Stier, bull
- Stiftsviertel, collegiate district
- Stig, stig
- Stil, style
- Stingene, sting genes
- Stioro, stioro
- Stippich, stippich
- Stochiacah, stochiacah
- Stock, floor
- Stof, fabric
- Stone, stone
- Stoop, stoop
- Stopa sześcienna, stopa sześcienna
- Stopa, stopa
- Stopello, stopello
- Stoß, bump
- Stotze, stomp
- Straßenrute, street rod
- Strecke, route
- Streif, stripes
- Stremma, strema
- Stremo, stromo
- Strich (Rekrutenmaß), dash
- Strike, strike
- Strohgeflechtmaß, straw mesh size
- Stübchen, room
- Stube, parlour
- Stück (Garnmaß), piece
- Stückfass, barrel
- Stückle, pieces
- Stuef, step
- Stuhl, chair
- Stundenfuß, hour foot
- Stürnitze, fall nip
- Stutz, support
- Stütze, support
- Subban, subban
- Succalo, succalo
- Sukat, sukat
- Sukurrudscha, sukurruja
- Surch, surch
- Süß, sweet
- Szestnastki, szestnastki
- Sznur, sznur
- Ta, ta
- Tael, valley
- Tagbau, open pit
- Tagehri, daily
- Tagmatt, daymat
- Tagpolo, day polo
- Tagwerk (Torf), tagwerk
- Taille, waist
- Taim, taim
- Taing, taing
- Talacsan, talacsan
- Talent, talent
- Tan, tan
- Tank, tank
- Tanko, tanko
- Tappit Hen, tappit hen
- Tarca, tarca
- Tarea, tarea
- Tarma, tarma
- Tary, tary
- Tasū, tasu
- Tat, did
- Tatami, tatami
- Tause, thousand
- Tausend, thousand
- Tavola, tavola
- Tazza, tazza
- Teccalis, teccalis
- Teersjen, teersjen
- Teffé, teffe
- Tehr, dear
- Teman, teman
- Temen, themes
- Ten, ten
- Tenn, tenn
- Teon, teon
- Tephach, tephach
- Termino, term
- Terz, third
- Terzo, terzo
- Tesa, tape
- Teut, German
- Thas, tha
- That, that
- Thaue, thaw
- Thit, it
- Thread, thread
- Thuok, thuok
- Thwa, thwa
- Tibero, tibero
- Tierze, animals
- Tigday, day
- Timber, timber
- Tinaja, tinaja
- Tinne, tin
- Tippree, tippree
- Tipree, tipree
- Tircon, tircon
- Tischauffera, table display
- Tjäretönde, tjäretonde
- Tjog, tjog
- To, to
- Todi, todi
- Toftrute, toft rod
- Toise, toise
- Tol, great
- Tola, tola
- Tolon, tolon
- Tomand, tomand
- Tomine, tomine
- Tomolo, tomolo
- Tompong, tompong
- Tonel, tonel
- Tonelada, tonelada
- Tonneau, tonneau
- Topf, pot
- Töpfchen, potty
- Topon, topon
- Topp, top
- Toque, toque
- Torentura, torentura
- Torfkorb, peat basket
- Torflast, peat load
- Tornadura, tornadura
- Tornatura, tornatura
- Totschka, tochka
- Touque, toque
- Tovar, tovar
- Töver, tover
- Trabucco, trabucco
- Traelastlaest, traelastlast
- Trait, trait
- Trapeso, trapeso
- Tratto, tratto
- Treiben, to drive
- Trentaine, trentaine
- Treseau, treseau
- Tresseau, tresseau
- Trinkl, drink
- Troinik, troinik
- Troubahouache, troubahouache
- Truche, truches
- Truss, truss
- Truster, trustee
- Tschan, chan
- Tschanta, chanta
- Tschārak, charak
- Tscharka, charka
- Tschaska, chaska
- Tscheharek, cheharek
- Tschetwerik, chetwerik
- Tschetwerka, chetetverka
- Tschetwert, chet value
- Tschetwertinka, chetvertinka
- Tuckea, tuckea
- Tuda, tuda
- Tun, do
- Túndagslátta, túndagslátta
- Tung, tung
- Tunke, dip
- Tunna, tunna
- Tuoppi, tuoppi
- Tura, turah
- Tussoo, tussoo
- Tuuma, tuuma
- Tynnyri, tynnyri
- Tynnyrilästi, tynnyrilästi
- Ueba, ueba
- Ujana, ujana
- Uncia, uncia
- Uncja, uncja
- Uper, up
- Uperken, uperken
- Ur, ur
- Urna, urn
- Urup, urup
- UŠ, Uš, uš (Mesopotamien)
- Usbek, uzbek
- Vaaksa, vaaksa
- Vaam, vaam
- Vaatje, vaatje
- Vakia, vakia
- Vakie, vakie
- Vakir, vakir
- Vaneza, vaneza
- Vara de rivera, vara de rivera
- Varahun, varahun
- Varenne, varenne
- Vari, vari
- Variciacho, variciacho
- Variciaco, variciaco
- Vassa, vassa
- Vat, father
- Vatje, dad
- Veder, veder
- Veerker, veerker
- Veissel, vehicle
- Veka, veka
- Velte, velte
- Vergée, forgée
- Verktum, sale
- Vermessungsfuß, survey foot
- Verp, package
- Verre, re
- Versine, verses
- Versokka, versokka
- Versura, versura
- Vesno, vesno
- Vicomtegewicht, viscount weight
- Vierdup, four-dup
- Vierfaß, four barrel
- Vierling, four of a kind
- Viernling, quadruplet
- Viernsel, viernsel
- Viertel, quarter
- Viertele, quarter
- Viertelein, quarter
- Viertelgescheid, quarter
- Vierteli, quarter
- Viertelspann, quarter span
- Vilcadé, vilcade
- Vingtaine, vingtaine
- Viraganidé, viraganide
- Virnzel, virnzel
- Virsta, virsta
- Virte, virte
- Vödör, voeder
- Vog, vog
- Voie, voie
- Vorling, forerunner
- Voua, voua
- Voule, volume
- Vretene, vretene
- Vussa, vussa
- Wadra, wadra
- Wadschab, wajab
- Wag, dare
- Wagen, car
- Währing, currency
- Waiba, waiba
- Waldfuß, forest foot
- Waldklafter, forest fathom
- Waldreif, forest frost
- Wall, wall
- Wall, wall
- Wanne, tub
- Wari, wari
- Watner, watner
- Weberelle, weberell
- Wecht, wech
- Wedro, wedro
- Wehr, weir
- Welle, wave
- Wende, turn
- Wente, wente
- Werk, plant
- Werschok, vershok
- Werst, verst
- Westfälische Meile, Westphalian mile
- Wey, wey
- Wiadro, wiadro
- Wiedel, wiedel
- Wiener Eimer, Viennese bucket
- Wihimpten, wimping
- Windel, diaper
- Wispel, wisp
- Włóka, włóka
- Wurf, throw
- Wusa, wusa
- Xatague, xatague
- Yosane, yosane
- Yugada, yugada
- Yük, yuk
- Yuta, yuta
- Zaim, zaim
- Zain, zain
- Zappada, zappada
- Zarf, zaff
- Zatou, zatou
- Zavah, zavah
- Zehntel, tenth
- Zeidelheide, zeidelheide
- Zeile, line
- Zenge, zenge
- Zer, cer
- Zerla, zerla
- Ziment, cement
- Zimmer, room
- Zimmerfuß, room foot
- Zirai, zirai
- Zuber, zuber
- Zucca, zucca
- Zug, train
- Zulast, load
- Zuoja, zuoja
- Zurlo (Gewichtsmaß), zurlo (measure of weight)
- Zwölfter, twelfth
[edit]- Faustriemen, Schlagband
- gebuttert
- tarifpolitisch
- »Wohnberechtigungsbenennungsschein«, »morbiditätsbezogener Risikostrukturausgleich«
- talauf, talab, jahrein, jahraus
- querfeldaus (cf querfeldein); querbeet
- other words similar to himmelan and talwärts
- Russlanddeutscher, Wolgadeutscher, Krimdeutscher, krimdeutsch
- Schwarzmeerdeutscher, Ukrainedeutscher, Kasachstandeutscher, Kirgisistandeutscher, Deutschrussen, Sowjetdeutscher
- Baltendeutscher, Galiziendeutscher, Bessarabiendeutscher, Buchenlanddeutscher, Bukowinadeutscher
- schwarzmeerdeutsch, ukrainedeutsch, kasachstandeutsch, kirgisistandeutsch, deutschrussisch, sowjetdeutsch
- baltendeutsch, galiziendeutsch, bessarabiendeutsch, buchenlanddeutsch, bukowinadeutsch
- Sathmarschwäbisch, sathmarschwäbisch
- "Präjotierung und Dejotierung"
- bergbautreibend
- potokisch, mantakisch, gründlerisch, buleenerisch
- Bundeshauptdorf
- Sahnetag
- Erneuerungsbewegung Genossenschaftsverband, Fühlung, bedauerlicherweise, Kreditgewährung, formaljuristischen
- 2010, Annemarie Weber, Rumäniendeutsche?: Diskurse zur Gruppenidentität einer Minderheit (1944-1971), Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar (→ISBN), page 5:
- Im Register seiner 1939 erschienenen „Literaturgeschichte des Deutschtums im Ausland“ verwendent Karl Kurt Klein den Begriff „Rumäniendeutschtum“ als Sammelbezeichnung für die unterschiedlichen deutschsprachigen Gruppen Rumäniens. Im „Namen- und Sachweiser“ versieht er das Stichwort „Rumäniendeutschtum“ mit folgenden Verweisen: „Siehe Bessarabiendeutschen Schrifttum. Buchenlanddeutsches Schrifttum. Donaudeutsches Schrifttum. Siebenbürgisch-deutsches Schrifttum“. In der Abhandlung selbst kommt dieser Begriff nicht mehr vor. Klein wählt dafür das Synonym „gesamtrumänisches Deutschtum“. Im Kapitel „Außendeutsches Schrifttum seit 19l4“ unterscheidet er u. a. „kanadadeutsches Schrifttum“, „die Baltendeutschen“, „die Russlanddeutschen“, „Polendeutsche Volksforschung“ (er spricht nicht von Polendeutschen, sondern von „Inseldeutsche[m] Volksgruppenschrifttum in Polen“), „Donauschwaben und Ungarndeutsche“. In Bezug auf die Bukowina („Buchenlanddeutsches Schrifttum“) [...]
- Höhenrauch synonyms: Herauch (rare), Landrauch (rare), Rosserauch (very rare) (compare Sommerrauch); in Dutch: veenrook (veendamp?), heirook (zeebrand?), seerook; English: dry haze, dust haze, dry fog.
- 2015, Christer Lindqvist, Norn im keltischen Kontext, John Benjamins Publishing Company (→ISBN), page 6:
- So ist die Monophthongierung von awn. ei, au, øy in der shetländischen Hildina-Ballade und im shetlandschottischen Nornsubstrat konsequenter durchgeführt als im orkneyschottischen Nornsubstrat. Zudem finden sich weder die in der ...
- […] Caithnessnorn […] caithnessschottisch
- Rentenauszahlungstag (used in the SdL), Jahrhundertvertrag, Todeskandidat, Todeskandidatin; Ausnahmeerscheinung, Schlußentscheidung, Suchentscheidung, Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts (Stiftung), Besetzungsentscheidung; Flauheit, Unverfrorenheit; Frauenangelegenheiten; Vorstandspositionen, Geschäftsleitungspositionen, Matrikulation; Speckröllchen, Oberstübchen, Tüpfelchen; Lispfund (Liespfund), Schiffpfund; Prognoseintervall, Vorhersagezeitraum (Vorhersagezeiträume)
- der Spirkel, die Kruschke
- Gekrat (Gemeinnützige Krankentransport)
- Waffel (additional meanings), Schreiberazubine (Azubine), Entblättern, Oberweite, Körperterror, Winterspeck, Verlaub (mit Verlaub?), Angebetener / Angebetene / Angebetenen, Wohlstandsbäuchlein, Garaus (as an "only in set phrase" entry if nothing else), mit Argusaugen (mit Argusaugen), Ahornblatt (Ahorn), Platanengewächse (Platane), Blattform, Zuckerahorn, Drehkreuze, Paraderolle, Quengelzone, Spießrutenlauf, Wärterin, Haftanstalt, Vaterfreuden, Gefangener/Gefangene/Gefangenen
- Hüfthalterhöschen (not yet attested); Highheels, Overknees; Spitzenrand; Korselett, Schnürmieder, Bodysuit, Schnürleib, Schnürleibchen; Lieblingsarschtrittstiefel (not yet attestet); Fettnäpfchen; Pflanzenkind
- Binnenmarkt; Großtransport, Dienstleistungsunternehmen, Machtstrukturen
- Hintermann, Geistiger Urheber/geistiger Urheber, vom "grünen" Tisch, o. ä., Erfüllungsgehilfen, williger Helfer/willige Helfer
- Muskatenblume, Kraftmehl; Ringelpiez
- Frauenbüro, Gleichstellungsamt, Gleichstellungsstelle
- Talkmaster, Talkmasterin; Nachwuchsjournalist, Nachwuchsjournalistin, Journalistin (Journalist)
- Volontariat; Produktionsfirma; Sachverhalt, Dienststelle
Tussi-Toaster/Klappkaribik (=Solarium)- Landesgleichstellungsgesetz (LGG); Landesrecht, Auswahlverfahren, Personalakten, Beschäftigter/Beschäftigte
- Bewerbungsunterlagen, Akteneinsicht, Dienststelle, Personalrat; das Erfordernis
- Sprechstunden, Tätigkeitsbericht, Personalvertretungsgesetz, Verschlusssachen, Verfassungsschutzbehörde
- Freundinnenkreis; Meditationsraum, Akklimatisationsdebatte; Triebhaftigkeit, Tierhaftigkeit; Frischzellenkur
- Urteilsvermögen
- die Dockingstation, Kunstfehler, Hauptspeicher, Speicherplatz, unter Verschluss, Aufpasser, Fernwartung, Innenleben, Beinchen, Flashchip, Schreibschutz, nach drei Stunden konzentrierter Bastelarbeit, Einschaltknopf, Chefarzt
- Übergangssprache
- einhaufen, aufhübschen (aufgehübscht), verheddern, beatmen, kleckern statt klotzen
- einkerkern; peppen (not just aufpeppen)
- herabfließen, herabtropfen, herunterfallen, herunterfließen, herunterlaufen, heruntertropfen, perlen, rieseln; herabfallen, herabrieseln, herabrinnen, niederfallen; einträufeln, träufeln, sprühen; drippeln
- flauen#Verb, abflauen,
- gutheißen; reinstopfen, schmatzen, verdrücken, verspachteln, anbraten
- ablöschen, ausquellen lassen / ausquellen, nach Bedarf
- resümieren (resümiert)
- auszusetzen (aussetzen), nachzuholen (nachholen), purzeln
- entblöden (entblödend)
- herausreißen, ausforschen
- umnachten, beschnuppern
- ausstanzen, stanzen
- darben (darbend)
- angorisch
- erkoren, hocherkoren; bündnisfrei, staatsorganisationsrechtlich, planmäßig
- aufgehübscht (aufhübschen), rabattiert, irrig, irr, dermaßen, siegbehaftet, aufgezeichnet
- halterlos, zartgliedrig, rank; balzfreudig
- ungemütlich
- einzuladend, Personalfindungsverfahren, anonymisiert
- beiliegend
- frauengeschichtlich, geschlechtergeschichtlich; spaßbefreit, hobbylos
- entblödend (entblöden)
- härtiglich (archaic?), blickgefolgt, festgewachsen
- mittelgroß, mittelschlank, mittelblond
- unverfänglichst (unverfänglich)
- kaputtgegangen, ferngesteuert, abbruchreif
- spätfrostfrei; lehmverkrustet; klirrend
- tägig, täglich / -tägig, -täglich
- silikonisiert, botoxiert, maskiert, highheelisiert; blondlockig, tiefausgeschnitten, highheelig; kleberabweisend
- fingerlang, handbreit, faustdick, eiskalt, feuerheiß, steinhart, stahlfest, eisenhart, wolkenhoch, meilenweit, ellenlang, klafterdick, zentnerschwer, federleicht, felsenfest, puddingweich, flammenfest, taltief
- schreckenvoll
- übergreifend
- abteilungsübergreifend, artübergreifend, bereichsübergreifend, branchenübergreifend (sic); domänenübergreifend (sic); epochenübergreifend; fachübergreifend, fächerübergreifend; firmenübergreifend, fraktionsübergreifend, funktionsübergreifend, gebietsübergreifend; generationenübergreifend, generationsübergreifend
- grenzübergreifend, klassenübergreifend, kontextübergreifend, kulturübergreifend, marktübergreifend, länderübergreifend, nationenübergreifend, ortsübergreifend, religionsübergreifend; ressortübergreifend, schulübergreifend, sektorübergreifend; spartenübergreifend; sprachübergreifend; staatsübergreifend, staatenübergreifend; unternehmensübergreifend; werkübergreifend, (seltener: werksübergreifend); zeitübergreifend
- danubisch/Danubisch, bayerisch, bairisch, altbayerisch, altbairisch, hostienweiß, neubayerisch, neubairisch, betongrau
- elektrisiten (obsolete)
- jeher (seit jeher, von jeher); jedwelcher/jedwelche; erliegen, erlegen, erlag, Erlag
- auf Kaution
- auf ex trinken, (eine Flasche) auf ex leeren
- die Gemüter erhitzen; Hopfen und Malz verlieren
- begrapscht, resümiert (resümieren)
- [...] „Planogramm“. Dazu ist jedes Regal in vier Zonen aufgeteilt: Ganz oben befindet sich die „Reckzone“, auf Augenhöhe die „Sichtzone“, direkt darunter die „Greifzone“ und ganz unten die „Bückzone“ ([4])
- In der DDR wurde Persipan wegen Rohstoffknappheit durch Resipan (Maisgrieß mit Zucker und Aroma), dann auch wegen Maismangels durch Nakapan (Kartoffelgrieß mit Zucker und Aroma) ersetzt. (w:de:Persipan)
- "Anhand der Daten erscheint die nach der Früh-Holozän-Feuchtphase nächstältere Pluvialzeit ..."
- Tejometropole may be barely attested; Tajometropole is unattested; Manzanaresmetropole is unattested, Manzanaresstadt might be barely attested;
- add: Rheinmetropole+Rheinstadt, Elbemetropole (Elbestadt?), Dneprmetropole, Uralmetropole (mountains)
- 1837, Das Ausland, volume 10, issue 1, page 427:
- […] nämlich das bachmutische und samarische Husarenregiment und das lugonische, dneprische und donezische Pikenierregiment.
- 1845, Wilhelm Haupt, Ueber einige Seuchenkrankheiten der Hausthiere in Sibirien und im […] , pages 79, 88 and 89:
- Er kommt aus dem charkowischen Gouvernement, neigt sich ostwärts zur bachmutisch-slawenoserbskischen Grenze und geht längs letzterer mit dem […]
- Lehrbuch der Statistik (this book is full of these):
- ostrogowische, ukrainische, charkowische, sumische, achtirische, isennische, woronesische, pultawische, pawlogradische, mariopolische, alexandrowische, chersonische, elisabetgorodische, oliviopolische, konstantinogorodische u. taurische Reg.
- asoroschen
- Dahinter die wie bodenlose Schwärze der Nacht, aus der, lautlos und unaufhörlich, die Flockenwirbel fielen.
- Appetitanregen; bei Magersüchtigen
- von siebzehn bis achtzehn Jahren, mit schmachtendem Blick, aufs weiße widerstrebende Sommerbett, im frischen Morgenlichte, faselnackend vor innrer Glut von aller Decke und Hülle, bereit und kampflüstern hingelagert, Wollust zu geben
- create/expand zugegen, dabeigewesen, Erziehungsproblem, Betriebsrat, reklamieren, rechtdrehend, mordsmäßig; entpubertieren; herausschauen, Inbesitzhalten, Schreibtischtäter, zunächst, Einschreibung, extrahieren, Ader
- the many synonyms of Robe (including Talar)
- clean up ein, einer, eine, eines, einen, einem; kein, keiner, keine, keines, keinen, keinem; jeder etc
- 2021, Ernst Wiechert, Jahre und Zeiten - Erinnerungen, Lindhardt og Ringhof (→ISBN):
- Oder ich musste mit ihm einen „Vierling“ kaufen, ein Gewehr, das ausser dem Kugel- und den beiden Schrotläufen einen vierten kleinkalibrigen Kugellauf in der Visierschiene hatte. Ein Ungetüm von Gewehr, eine vervollkommnete Mordwaffe, ...
[edit]- sozialistenrot, kommunistenrot, morgenrot, hexenrot (rare)
- add these and more to Category:de:Colors and its subcategories
- obsolete forms: roth, blaw, graw, schwartz
- some of these are not attested, check before adding!
allrot, allrotgelb, allgelbrot, allorange, allgelb, allgrün, allblau, allviolett, allpurpurn, allrosa, allbraun, allgrau, allschwarz, allweiß,
allerrot, allerrotgelb, allergelbrot, allerorange, allergelb, allergrün, allerblau, allerviolett, allerpurpurn, allerrosa, allerbraun, allergrau, allerschwarz, allerweiß,
allzurot, allzurotgelb, allzugelbrot, allzuorange, allzugelb, allzugrün, allzublau, allzuviolett, allzupurpurn, allzurosa, allzubraun, allzugrau, allzuschwarz, allzuweiß,
antikrot, antikrotgelb, antikgelbrot, antikorange, antikgelb, antikgrün, antikblau, antikviolett, antikpurpurn, antikrosa, antikbraun, antikgrau, antikschwarz, antikweiß,
blaßrot, blaßrotgelb, blaßgelbrot, blaßorange, blaßgelb, blaßgrün, blaßblau, blaßviolett, blaßpurpurn, blaßrosa, blaßbraun, blaßgrau, blaßschwarz, blaßweiß,
rotbleich, rotgelbbleich, gelbrotbleich, orangebleich, gelbbleich, grünbleich, blaubleich, violettbleich, purpurnbleich, rosableich, braunbleich, graubleich, schwarzbleich, weißbleich,
rare: bösrot, bösrotgelb, bösgelbrot, bösorange, bösgelb, bösgrün, bösblau, bösviolett, böspurpurn, bösrosa, bösbraun, bösgrau, bösschwarz, bösweiß,
brennendrot, brennendrotgelb, brennendgelbrot, brennendorange, brennendgelb, brennendgrün, brennendblau, brennendviolett, brennendpurpurn, brennendrosa, brennendbraun, brennendgrau, brennendschwarz, brennendweiß,
buntrot, buntrotgelb, buntgelbrot, buntorange, buntgelb, buntgrün, buntblau, buntviolett, buntpurpurn, buntrosa, buntbraun, buntgrau, buntschwarz, buntweiß,
dickrot, dickrotgelb, dickgelbrot, dickorange, dickgelb, dickgrün, dickblau, dickviolett, dickpurpurn, dickrosa, dickbraun, dickgrau, dickschwarz, dickweiß,
rotdunkel, rotgelbdunkel, gelbrotdunkel, orangedunkel, gelbdunkel, gründunkel, blaudunkel, violettdunkel, purpurndunkel, rosadunkel, braundunkel, graudunkel, schwarzdunkel, weißdunkel,
obsolete: rotdunckel, rotgelbdunckel, gelbrotdunckel, orangedunckel, gelbdunckel, gründunckel, blaudunckel, violettdunckel, purpurndunckel, rosadunckel, braundunckel, graudunckel, schwarzdunckel, weißdunckel,
dünnrot, dünnrotgelb, dünngelbrot, dünnorange, dünngelb, dünngrün, dünnblau, dünnviolett, dünnpurpurn, dünnrosa, dünnbraun, dünngrau, dünnschwarz, dünnweiß,
durchrot, durchrotgelb, durchgelbrot, durchorange, durchgelb, durchgrün, durchblau, durchviolett, durchpurpurn, durchrosa, durchbraun, durchgrau, durchschwarz, durchweiß,
düsterrot, düsterrotgelb, düstergelbrot, düsterorange, düstergelb, düstergrün, düsterblau, düsterviolett, düsterpurpurn, düsterrosa, düsterbraun, düstergrau, düsterschwarz, düsterweiß,
inrot, inrotgelb, ingelbrot, inorange, ingelb, ingrün, inblau, inviolett, inpurpurn, inrosa, inbraun, ingrau, inschwarz, inweiß,
hypercorrect: einrot, einrotgelb, eingelbrot, einorange, eingelb, eingrün, einblau, einviolett, einpurpurn, einrosa, einbraun, eingrau, einschwarz, einweiß,
eitelrot, eitelrotgelb, eitelgelbrot, eitelorange, eitelgelb, eitelgrün, eitelblau, eitelviolett, eitelpurpurn, eitelrosa, eitelbraun, eitelgrau, eitelschwarz, eitelweiß,
falschrot, falschrotgelb, falschgelbrot, falschorange, falschgelb, falschgrün, falschblau, falschviolett, falschpurpurn, falschrosa, falschbraun, falschgrau, falschschwarz, falschweiß,
fastrot, fastrotgelb, fastgelbrot, fastorange, fastgelb, fastgrün, fastblau, fastviolett, fastpurpurn, fastrosa, fastbraun, fastgrau, fastschwarz, fastweiß,
feinrot, feinrotgelb, feingelbrot, feinorange, feingelb, feingrün, feinblau, feinviolett, feinpurpurn, feinrosa, feinbraun, feingrau, feinschwarz, feinweiß,
festrot, festrotgelb, festgelbrot, festorange, festgelb, festgrün, festblau, festviolett, festpurpurn, festrosa, festbraun, festgrau, festschwarz, festweiß,
fettrot, fettrotgelb, fettgelbrot, fettorange, fettgelb, fettgrün, fettblau, fettviolett, fettpurpurn, fettrosa, fettbraun, fettgrau, fettschwarz, fettweiß,
finsterrot, finsterrotgelb, finstergelbrot, finsterorange, finstergelb, finstergrün, finsterblau, finsterviolett, finsterpurpurn, finsterrosa, finsterbraun, finstergrau, finsterschwarz, finsterweiß,
rotfinster, rotgelbfinster, gelbrotfinster, orangefinster, gelbfinster, grünfinster, blaufinster, violettfinster, purpurnfinster, rosafinster, braunfinster, graufinster, schwarzfinster, weißfinster,
frechrot, frechrotgelb, frechgelbrot, frechorange, frechgelb, frechgrün, frechblau, frechviolett, frechpurpurn, frechrosa, frechbraun, frechgrau, frechschwarz, frechweiß,
fremdrot, fremdrotgelb, fremdgelbrot, fremdorange, fremdgelb, fremdgrün, fremdblau, fremdviolett, fremdpurpurn, fremdrosa, fremdbraun, fremdgrau, fremdschwarz, fremdweiß,
frischrot, frischrotgelb, frischgelbrot, frischorange, frischgelb, frischgrün, frischblau, frischviolett, frischpurpurn, frischrosa, frischbraun, frischgrau, frischschwarz, frischweiß,
ganzrot, ganzrotgelb, ganzgelbrot, ganzorange, ganzgelb, ganzgrün, ganzblau, ganzviolett, ganzpurpurn, ganzrosa, ganzbraun, ganzgrau, ganzschwarz, ganzweiß,
gemeinrot, gemeinrotgelb, gemeingelbrot, gemeinorange, gemeingelb, gemeingrün, gemeinblau, gemeinviolett, gemeinpurpurn, gemeinrosa, gemeinbraun, gemeingrau, gemeinschwarz, gemeinweiß,
glanzrot, glanzrotgelb, glanzgelbrot, glanzorange, glanzgelb, glanzgrün, glanzblau, glanzviolett, glanzpurpurn, glanzrosa, glanzbraun, glanzgrau, glanzschwarz, glanzweiß,
grellrot, grellrotgelb, grellgelbrot, grellorange, grellgelb, grellgrün, grellblau, grellviolett, grellpurpurn, grellrosa, grellbraun, grellgrau, grellschwarz, grellweiß,
großrot, großrotgelb, großgelbrot, großorange, großgelb, großgrün, großblau, großviolett, großpurpurn, großrosa, großbraun, großgrau, großschwarz, großweiß,
halbrot, halbrotgelb, halbgelbrot, halborange, halbgelb, halbgrün, halbblau, halbviolett, halbpurpurn, halbrosa, halbbraun, halbgrau, halbschwarz, halbweiß,
heißrot, heißrotgelb, heißgelbrot, heißorange, heißgelb, heißgrün, heißblau, heißviolett, heißpurpurn, heißrosa, heißbraun, heißgrau, heißschwarz, heißweiß,
heiterrot, heiterrotgelb, heitergelbrot, heiterorange, heitergelb, heitergrün, heiterblau, heiterviolett, heiterpurpurn, heiterrosa, heiterbraun, heitergrau, heiterschwarz, heiterweiß,
hochrot, hochrotgelb, hochgelbrot, hochorange, hochgelb, hochgrün, hochblau, hochviolett, hochpurpurn, hochrosa, hochbraun, hochgrau, hochschwarz, hochweiß,
holzrot, holzrotgelb, holzgelbrot, holzorange, holzgelb, holzgrün, holzblau, holzviolett, holzpurpurn, holzrosa, holzbraun, holzgrau, holzschwarz, holzweiß,
intensivrot, intensivrotgelb, intensivgelbrot, intensivorange, intensivgelb, intensivgrün, intensivblau, intensivviolett, intensivpurpurn, intensivrosa, intensivbraun, intensivgrau, intensivschwarz, intensivweiß,
jungrot, jungrotgelb, junggelbrot, jungorange, junggelb, junggrün, jungblau, jungviolett, jungpurpurn, jungrosa, jungbraun, junggrau, jungschwarz, jungweiß,
kaltrot, kaltrotgelb, kaltgelbrot, kaltorange, kaltgelb, kaltgrün, kaltblau, kaltviolett, kaltpurpurn, kaltrosa, kaltbraun, kaltgrau, kaltschwarz, kaltweiß,
klarrot, klarrotgelb, klargelbrot, klarorange, klargelb, klargrün, klarblau, klarviolett, klarpurpurn, klarrosa, klarbraun, klargrau, klarschwarz, klarweiß,
rotklar, rotgelbklar, gelbrotklar, orangeklar, gelbklar, grünklar, blauklar, violettklar, purpurnklar, rosaklar, braunklar, grauklar, schwarzklar, weißklar,
kleinrot, kleinrotgelb, kleingelbrot, kleinorange, kleingelb, kleingrün, kleinblau, kleinviolett, kleinpurpurn, kleinrosa, kleinbraun, kleingrau, kleinschwarz, kleinweiß,
kühlrot, kühlrotgelb, kühlgelbrot, kühlorange, kühlgelb, kühlgrün, kühlblau, kühlviolett, kühlpurpurn, kühlrosa, kühlbraun, kühlgrau, kühlschwarz, kühlweiß,
lautrot, lautrotgelb, lautgelbrot, lautorange, lautgelb, lautgrün, lautblau, lautviolett, lautpurpurn, lautrosa, lautbraun, lautgrau, lautschwarz, lautweiß,
lauterrot, lauterrotgelb, lautergelbrot, lauterorange, lautergelb, lautergrün, lauterblau, lauterviolett, lauterpurpurn, lauterrosa, lauterbraun, lautergrau, lauterschwarz, lauterweiß,
lichtrot, lichtrotgelb, lichtgelbrot, lichtorange, lichtgelb, lichtgrün, lichtblau, lichtviolett, lichtpurpurn, lichtrosa, lichtbraun, lichtgrau, lichtschwarz, lichtweiß,
obsolete: liechtrot, liechtrotgelb, liechtgelbrot, liechtorange, liechtgelb, liechtgrün, liechtblau, liechtviolett, liechtpurpurn, liechtrosa, liechtbraun, liechtgrau, liechtschwarz, liechtweiß,
magerrot, magerrotgelb, magergelbrot, magerorange, magergelb, magergrün, magerblau, magerviolett, magerpurpurn, magerrosa, magerbraun, magergrau, magerschwarz, magerweiß,
mattrot, mattrotgelb, mattgelbrot, mattorange, mattgelb, mattgrün, mattblau, mattviolett, mattpurpurn, mattrosa, mattbraun, mattgrau, mattschwarz, mattweiß,
mittelrot, mittelrotgelb, mittelgelbrot, mittelorange, mittelgelb, mittelgrün, mittelblau, mittelviolett, mittelpurpurn, mittelrosa, mittelbraun, mittelgrau, mittelschwarz, mittelweiß,
neurot, neurotgelb, neugelbrot, neuorange, neugelb, neugrün, neublau, neuviolett, neupurpurn, neurosa, neubraun, neugrau, neuschwarz, neuweiß,
rare: purrot, purrotgelb, purgelbrot, purorange, purgelb, purgrün, purblau, purviolett, purpurnpur, purrosa, purbraun, purgrau, purschwarz, purweiß,
reinrot, reinrotgelb, reingelbrot, reinorange, reingelb, reingrün, reinblau, reinviolett, reinpurpurn, reinrosa, reinbraun, reingrau, reinschwarz, reinweiß,
rare: saftrot, saftrotgelb, saftgelbrot, saftorange, saftgelb, saftgrün, saftblau, saftviolett, saftpurpurn, saftrosa, saftbraun, saftgrau, saftschwarz, saftweiß,
samtrot, samtrotgelb, samtgelbrot, samtorange, samtgelb, samtgrün, samtblau, samtviolett, samtpurpurn, samtrosa, samtbraun, samtgrau, samtschwarz, samtweiß,
sanftrot, sanftrotgelb, sanftgelbrot, sanftorange, sanftgelb, sanftgrün, sanftblau, sanftviolett, sanftpurpurn, sanftrosa, sanftbraun, sanftgrau, sanftschwarz, sanftweiß,
sattrot, sattrotgelb, sattgelbrot, sattorange, sattgelb, sattgrün, sattblau, sattviolett, sattpurpurn, sattrosa, sattbraun, sattgrau, sattschwarz, sattweiß,
schmutzigrot, schmutzigrotgelb, schmutziggelbrot, schmutzigorange, schmutziggelb, schmutziggrün, schmutzigblau, schmutzigviolett, schmutzigpurpurn, schmutzigrosa, schmutzigbraun, schmutziggrau, schmutzigschwarz, schmutzigweiß,
schönrot, schönrotgelb, schöngelbrot, schönorange, schöngelb, schöngrün, schönblau, schönviolett, schönpurpurn, schönrosa, schönbraun, schöngrau, schönschwarz, schönweiß,
schwachrot, schwachrotgelb, schwachgelbrot, schwachorange, schwachgelb, schwachgrün, schwachblau, schwachviolett, schwachpurpurn, schwachrosa, schwachbraun, schwachgrau, schwachschwarz, schwachweiß,
solidrot, solidrotgelb, solidgelbrot, solidorange, solidgelb, solidgrün, solidblau, solidviolett, solidpurpurn, solidrosa, solidbraun, solidgrau, solidschwarz, solidweiß,
starkrot, starkrotgelb, starkgelbrot, starkorange, starkgelb, starkgrün, starkblau, starkviolett, starkpurpurn, starkrosa, starkbraun, starkgrau, starkschwarz, starkweiß,
süßrot, süßrotgelb, süßgelbrot, süßorange, süßgelb, süßgrün, süßblau, süßviolett, süßpurpurn, süßrosa, süßbraun, süßgrau, süßschwarz, süßweiß,
tiefrot, tiefrotgelb, tiefgelbrot, tieforange, tiefgelb, tiefgrün, tiefblau, tiefviolett, tiefpurpurn, tiefrosa, tiefbraun, tiefgrau, tiefschwarz, tiefweiß,
totrot, totrotgelb, totgelbrot, totorange, totgelb, totgrün, totblau, totviolett, totpurpurn, totrosa, totbraun, totgrau, totschwarz, totweiß,
traurigrot, traurigrotgelb, trauriggelbrot, traurigorange, trauriggelb, trauriggrün, traurigblau, traurigviolett, traurigpurpurn, traurigrosa, traurigbraun, trauriggrau, traurigschwarz, traurigweiß,
unterrot, unterrotgelb, untergelbrot, unterorange, untergelb, untergrün, unterblau, unterviolett, unterpurpurn, unterrosa, unterbraun, untergrau, unterschwarz, unterweiß,
obsolete: underrot, underrotgelb, undergelbrot, underorange, undergelb, undergrün, underblau, underviolett, underpurpurn, underrosa, underbraun, undergrau, underschwarz, underweiß,
vollrot, vollrotgelb, vollgelbrot, vollorange, vollgelb, vollgrün, vollblau, vollviolett, vollpurpurn, vollrosa, vollbraun, vollgrau, vollschwarz, vollweiß,
warmrot, warmrotgelb, warmgelbrot, warmorange, warmgelb, warmgrün, warmblau, warmviolett, warmpurpurn, warmrosa, warmbraun, warmgrau, warmschwarz, warmweiß,
zartrot, zartrotgelb, zartgelbrot, zartorange, zartgelb, zartgrün, zartblau, zartviolett, zartpurpurn, zartrosa, zartbraun, zartgrau, zartschwarz, zartweiß.
[edit]- Aufnahmeleitung, Spezialmaske, Standfoto/Standfotos + Standfotografie, Koproduktion, Postproduktion, Filmstiftung, Bildgestaltung, Editor, Szenenbild, Kostümbild, Sound Design, Casting, Produktionsleitung, Herstellungsleitung, Regieassistenz, Kamerassistenz, Materialassistenz, Oberbeleuchter, Oberbeleuchterin, Beleuchter, Beleuchterin, Lichthilfe, Tonassistenz, Tonpraktikant + Videopraktikant, Tonpraktikantin + Videopraktikantin, Art Director, Außenrequisite, Innenrequisite, Näher + Näherin, Requisitenfahrer, Requisitenfahrerin, Baubühne, Kostümassistenz, Nachdreh, Zusatzmaske, Produktionskoordination, Produktionsassistenz, Produktionspraktikant, Produktionspraktikantin, Produktionsfahrer, Produktionsfahrerin, Requisiteur, Requisiteurin, Requisit, Requisitenkammer/Requisitenlager/Requisitenfundus, Bühnenbildner, Szenenbildner, das Regieteam, Außenrequisite, Innenrequisite, Zusatzfahrer + Zusatzfahrerin, Redaktionsassistent + Redaktionsassistentin, Filmgeschäftsführung, Steuerberater + Steuerberaterin, Kopierwerk, Finanzierungspartner + Finanzierungspartnerin, Kameraequipment, Lichtequipment, Tonequipment, Maskenmobil, Setequipment, Schnittassistenz, Schnittplatz, Tonstudio, Sounddesign, Dialogbearbeitung, Geräuschemacher + Geräuschemacherin, Geräuschaufnahmen, ADR Sprachaufnahme, ADR Aufnahmeleitung, ADR Synchroncutter/Synchroncutterin, Lichtbestimmer + Lichtbestimmerin, Taken, Filmton, Filmvorführer + Filmvorführer, Tonassistent, Tonassistentin, Synchrontonmeister + Synchrontonmeisterin, Sounddesigner, Soundeditor
Juristendeutsch (etc.)
[edit]- eine Minderjährige, aktenkundig, hierorts, Inmarschsetzung, seitens ihrer Mutter, X der Waldwege auf Kreisebene, Tötungsabsicht, eilends, Ernährungssektor, Augenleiden, krankgeschrieben, die diesfällige Täuschungsabsicht, Verschlingung der Bettlägerigen, Zweitverschlingung, Tötungsvorsatz, Dienstgang, Schnarchgeräusche, bei seiner vorgesetzten Behörde, Tötungsgesuch, zuschlägig beschieden, Empfangnahme, die Beinhaltung des Getöteten, Schussgeber, Zuhilfenahme, Einsichtnahme
- Luppe, attested since the 18th century, from French loupe, from Latin lupus, because they resembled the open mouths of wolves; Wolfsofen = Luppenfeuer
[edit]German adjectives which de.Wikt has, which we don't.
- Bad Krozinger
- Bad Königshofener
- Bad Köstritzer
- Bad Laaspher
- Bad Lauchstädter
- Bad Lauterberger
- Bad Liebenwerdaer
- Bad Lippspringer
- Bad Mergentheimer
- Bad Münstereifeler
- Bad Nenndorfer
- Bad Oeynhausener
- Bad Orber
- Bad Rappenauer
- Bad Rodacher
- Bad Salzdetfurther
- Bad Saulgauer
- Bad Schandauer
- Bad Schussenrieder
- Bergamasker
- champagner
- Ehrenbreitsteiner
- Eichsfelder
- futschikato
- Genueser
- gestreng
- Gießener
- gingival
- Glatzer
- gluteal
- Gothaer
- gotzig
- granular
- gravid
- groggy
- groovy
- gut besucht
- gut erhalten
- gut gelaunt
- gymnasial
- Göttinger
- Habelschwerdter
- habil
- halal
- halb fertig
- halophil
- halsstarrig
- Hammer
- Hannoveraner
- hapaxanth
- haploid
- Harzer
- hefig
- Heidelberger
- heiß geliebt
- Helgoländer
- Heppenheimer
- hetero
- heteronom
- high
- hinkend
- hinter
- hip
- HIV-infiziert
- HIV-negativ
- HIV-positiv
- hoch dosiert
- hoch kompliziert
- hochwohlgeboren
- homoiotherm
- Hongkonger
- humanoid
- humeral
- humid
- humide
- humil
- hundert Pro
- hundertste
- Hunsrücker
- hybrid
- hydrogen
- ident
- illiquid
- immediat
- Immendorfer
- imperativ
- importun
- impotent
- indefinit
- indifferent
- indigen
- indolent
- infantil
- infaust
- infinitesimal
- Ingolstädter
- inguinal
- injektiv
- inkontinent
- inkorrekt
- Innerrhoder
- Innerschweizer
- insistent
- insolent
- instant
- institutionell
- integral
- intensional
- intentional
- interdenominational
- interdependent
- interkulturell
- interlinear
- interlingual
- intermenstrual
- internal
- interorbital
- interpersonal
- interpoliert
- interstadial
- interterritorial
- interurban
- intervertebral
- intraabdominal
- intramural
- intransigent
- intravasal
- intrikat
- invariant
- ipsilateral
- irr
- irreal
- islamitisch
- isochor
- isochron
- jubelnd
- judenspanisch
- Julianisch
- junior
- juridisch
- juvenil
- k. o.
- Kairener
- Kairoer
- kaki
- kapital
- kardinal
- Karlsruher
- karolinisch
- kastriert
- Kattowitzer
- Kemptener
- klastisch
- klein kariert
- knorrig
- Koblenzer
- kommun
- kommutativ
- komparativ
- konfus
- konsonant
- konstitutionell
- kontextuell
- kontinent
- kontraintuitiv
- konvergent
- Kopenhagener
- korpulent
- kosmopolitisch
- Kosten deckend
- Krebs erregend
- kränkelnd
- kubistisch
- kultiviert
- kupiert
- kurvig
- Kärntner
- labiodental
- lala
- laminar
- laryngeal
- lass
- Lausitzer
- lawratutti
- leer stehend
- Lehrter
- Leipziger
- letzte
- letztere
- Liechtensteiner
- limitiert
- linden
- linear
- links stehend
- liquid
- liquide
- live
- Liverpooler
- livid
- livide
- lizenziert
- loden
- Londoner
- longitudinal
- Lyoner
- lyrisch
- Löhner
- magnetisiert
- Mailänder
- maligne
- mandibular
- manipuliert
- Mannheimer
- mantisch
- maskiert
- mau
- Maurer
- mechulle
- median
- mediat
- medium
- mehrst
- meist
- melk
- mesial
- metallic
- milde
- mini
- ministerial
- mint
- mongoloid
- monohybrid
- monokausal
- monolingual
- monovalent
- morbide
- moros
- morphematisch
- morphologisch determiniert
- Moskauer
- motivational
- motiviert
- muff
- multilateral
- multilingual
- multinational
- multipel
- mutual
- myeloid
- myomorph
- Münchner
- narrativ
- nationalistisch
- Neapolitaner
- nebulos
- net
- Neu-Ulmer
- neunte
- neunzehnte
- neunzigste
- neural
- Niederberger
- niedergeschlagen
- nominell
- nonverbal
- Norweger
- not
- nuptial
- nächst
- nämlich
- Nürnberger
- oben erwähnt
- oben genannt
- oben stehend
- ober-
- oblong
- obstinat
- odios
- offline
- offshore
- ohnegleichen
- oktroyiert
- omnivor
- online
- opalen
- operational
- opportun
- opulent
- orangen
- ordnungsgemäß
- ordnungsmäßig
- ordoliberal
- oreal
- organisational
- organisiert
- Osloer
- Ostberliner
- Ostschweizer
- oszillierend
- ouvert
- overdressed
- packend
- Paderborner
- pagan
- palmar
- papabile
- paradoxal
- parasternal
- paraverbal
- paraxial
- parietal
- Pariser
- parochial
- partial
- passager
- patentiert
- pathogen
- patt
- paurisch
- pauschal
- pejorativ
- pendent
- perennis
- perfid
- performant
- Pergamener
- perlen
- persistent
- phonetisch determiniert
- photogen
- piccolo
- plantar
- plausibel
- plietsch
- pluripotent
- poikilotherm
- polyglott
- polyvalent
- pongid
- porno
- postalveolar
- postmodern
- postprandial
- potenziell
- Potsdamer
- Prager
- premium
- prim
- prinzipiell
- professoral
- prognostiziert
- progredient
- prompt
- proximal
- pseudonym
- publiziert
- puerperal
- pulmonal
- purulent
- pyknisch
- quälend
- rapid
- rapide
- rational
- rationell
- rauch
- rechts stehend
- regelrecht
- Regensburger
- regulativ
- reserviert
- resilient
- resonant
- respektabel
- respektiert
- rigid
- rigoros
- rott
- Rottweiler
- Roubaiser
- royal
- rösch
- rüd
- Rügener
- rührend
- Saarlouiser
- Saarländer
- Salzburger
- Salzwedeler
- Sankt Gallener
- Sankt Galler
- Sankt-Gallener
- Sankt-Galler
- schau
- scheinselbständig
- scheiße
- schiefern
- schillernd
- schleppend
- schlussendlich
- schmähend
- schrittweise
- schuld
- Schwarzwälder
- Schweizer
- sechste
- sechzehnte
- sechzigste
- sedativ
- sediert
- sekret
- senior
- sensitiv
- servil
- sexagesimal
- sexual
- sichergestellt
- siebente
- siebzehnte
- siebzigste
- sinister
- sinistral
- skrupulös
- small
- smart
- so genannt
- somnambul
- somnolent
- sonor
- spezialisiert
- spielend
- spirituell
- spongiform
- sprechend
- Spreewälder
- später
- stad
- stereotyp
- stier
- Stockholmer
- stomachal
- stop-and-go
- Straubinger
- streitsüchtig
- streng genommen
- stringent
- stupend
- stupid
- stupide
- stylish
- subaltern
- subdural
- subfossil
- subgingival
- sublingual
- submiss
- subnival
- subpolar
- subsidiär
- subungual
- superior
- superlativ
- supragingival
- supranational
- surjektiv
- suspekt
- symptomatisch
- systemrelevant
- tak
- taktil
- Tarentiner
- taupe
- tausendste
- teilhaftig
- temperat
- teratogen
- textil
- theatral
- theologisch
- Thüringer
- tief stehend
- timid
- timide
- Tiroler
- toff
- Tokioter
- Toledaner
- Tongaer
- topografisch
- totalitär
- totipotent
- transalpin
- transgenerational
- transient
- transregional
- traut
- treif
- treife
- trendy
- tribal
- Trierer
- trübe
- Turiner
- Turing-mächtig
- u-förmig
- Ulmer
- ultramodern
- umami
- umbenannt
- unbar
- unberufen
- uncool
- undercover
- underdressed
- uni
- uniform
- unilateral
- unmodern
- unsentimental
- unten erwähnt
- unten genannt
- unten stehend
- unter-
- untersucht
- unverzüglich
- up to date
- uvular
- vacat
- vag
- vakat
- valide
- vanille
- velar
- verabscheut
- verachtet
- veraltend
- verdeckt
- verderbt
- verfahren
- verfemt
- verifiziert
- verkracht
- vernetzt
- Veroneser
- verreist
- versatil
- verschleiert
- verschlissen
- verschwiegen
- versehentlich
- versklavt
- versteinert
- verstopft
- verständig
- verurteilt
- verwundet
- verzögert
- vibrierend
- viel genannt
- vierte
- viertel
- vierzehnte
- vierzigste
- vif
- vigesimal
- vigil
- viril
- virulent
- visuell
- volar
- volitional
- Vorarlberger
- voraussehend
- vorgerückt
- vorletzte
- vorschriftsmäßig
- Waadtländer
- Wachauer
- Wache stehend
- wahrlich
- Waliser
- Weimarer
- weinig
- weiter
- weitere
- weitestgehend
- Welschschweizer
- Westberliner
- Westerwälder
- Westschweizer
- Wiener
- Wittenberger
- Wolfsburger
- Wormser
- wrack
- Wuppertaler
- wurst
- X-beinig
- X-förmig
- Xantener
- xanthoderm
- xenomorph
- zach
- zahlbar
- zahlenmäßig
- zahlentheoretisch
- zahlungsfähig
- zahlungskräftig
- zahlungsunfähig
- zahlungsunwillig
- zahlungswillig
- zahlungswirksam
- zahnarztmäßig
- zahnig
- zahnlückig
- zanksüchtig
- zapfenartig
- zapfenförmig
- zapfentragend
- zapplig
- zart besaitet
- zartbesaitet
- zartbitter
- zartfühlend
- zartgrün
- zaudernd
- zedern
- zehneckig
- zehnstellig
- zehntausendste
- zehnte
- zehnteilig
- zehntel
- zehntpflichtig
- zehnwöchig
- zeitgeistlich
- zeitgemäß
- zeitgleich
- zeitinvariant
- zeitlos
- zeitnahe
- zeitraubend
- zeitsouverän
- zementen
- zentimeterdick
- zentralistisch
- Zentralschweizer
- zentrifugal
- zentripetal
- zerknirscht
- zerlumpt
- zermürbt
- zernarbt
- zerrüttet
- zerscherbt
- zerstreut
- zerstört
- zertalt
- zervikal
- zervikogen
- zerzaust
- zielbewusst
- zielführend
- zielgerichtet
- zielgruppengerecht
- ziemlich
- zig
- zinnern
- zinnoberrot
- zirkadian
- zirkulär
- zirkummediterran
- zirkumpolar
- zisalpin
- zitierbar
- zivilisiert
- zivilrechtlich
- zollrechtlich
- zombig
- zonal
- zoogeografisch
- zoogeographisch
- zornentbrannt
- zotig
- zu
- zuckerfrei
- zuckerkrank
- zugelassen
- zugetan
- zukunftsfeindlich
- zukunftsweisend
- zukunftweisend
- zungenbrecherisch
- zungenfertig
- zurechnungsfähig
- zurückhaltend
- zusammengefasst
- zusammengehörig
- zusammengenommen
- zusammengepfercht
- zusammengeritten
- zuschlagfrei
- zuschlagsfrei
- zustimmungsfähig
- zutraulich
- zuträglich
- zuvorkommend
- zuzahlungsfrei
- zuzahlungspflichtig
- zwanglos
- zwanzigste
- zweckdienlich
- zweckfrei
- zweckhaft
- zweckvoll
- zweiarmig
- zweibasig
- zweibasisch
- zweiblättrig
- zweieiig
- zweifelsfrei
- zweihebig
- zweihundertste
- zweiköpfig
- zweimotorig
- zweireihig
- zweirädrig
- zweispurig
- zweistellig
- zweistrahlig
- zweistufig
- zweistöckig
- zweitbeste
- zweite
- zweiteilig
- zweitgrößte
- zweitkleinste
- zweitlängste
- zweitmeist
- zweitürig
- zweiundzwanzigste
- zwiefach
- zwiegespalten
- zwilchen
- zwischenmenschlich
- zwote
- zwäg
- zwölfeckig
- zwölfköpfig
- zwölfminütig
- zwölfstellig
- zwölfte
- zyanotisch
- zygomatisch
- zykloid
- zyklopisch
- zylinderförmig
- zypressen
- zystisch
- zytogen
- zytologisch
- zytotoxisch
- zytotrop
- zähmbar
- zänkisch
- zögernd
- zölibatär
- züchtig
- Zürcher
- Züricher
- à point
- äbblich
- äber
- äbsch
- öffentlichkeitswirksam
- ökonometrisch
- ölhaltig
- önologisch
- ösophagisch
- österlich
- überlaufen
- überlebensgroß
- übermannshoch
- übermütig
- überproportional
- überqualifiziert
- überragend
- überregional
- überreichlich
- überreizt
- überschlagen
- überschlägig
- überschläglich
- überschuldet
- überschäumend
- überseeisch
- übersetzt
- übersättigt
- review übertrieben
- überwechtet
[edit]- copied from de.Wikt
Substantivierungssuffixe: -chen (wie in Stückchen) | -e (wie in Liebe) | -ei (wie in Bäckerei) | -el (wie in Ärmel) | -en (wie in Polen) | -er (wie in Berliner) | -heit (wie in Kindheit) | -ien (wie in Jordanien) | -iker (wie in Dramatiker) | -in (wie in Professorin) | -keit (wie in Sauberkeit) | -lein (wie in Männlein) | -ler (wie in Künstler) | -ling (wie in Frühling) | -nis (wie in Geheimnis) | -rich (wie in Fähnrich) | -sal (wie in Rinnsal) | -schaft (wie in Leidenschaft) | -sel (wie in Mitbringsel) | -tum (wie in Bürgertum) | -ung (wie in Erhebung)
Adjektivierungssuffixe: -bar (wie in fahrbar) | -en (wie in golden) | -erig (wie in pfefferig) | -ern (wie in steinern) | -fach (wie in einfach) | -frei (wie in bleifrei) | -haft (wie in scherzhaft) | -ig (wie in geschäftig) | -isch (wie in schwäbisch) | -lich (wie in häuslich) | -los (wie in freudlos) | -mäßig (wie in berufsmäßig) | -sam (wie in bedeutsam) | -sch (wie in pommersch)
Suffixe der Verbableitung: -el (wie in blödeln) | -er (wie in löchern) | -ig (wie in reinigen)
Andere Suffixe der deutschen Sprache: -ab | -end | -ens | -lei | -mal
Ortsnamen-Suffixe: -a; -ach; -atsch; -atz; -atzsch; -au; -aue; -bach; -beck; -bek; -berg; -borg; -broich; -born; -brunn; -brunnen; -burg; -brück; -brücke; -brügge; -busch; -by; -bü; -dal; -dorf; -dorp; -druf; -druff; -eck; -egge; -egk; -ei; -end; -ey; -feld; -felde; -fels; -ford; -forst; -fort; -furt; -furth; -förde; -gast; -hafen; -hagen; -hain; -hammer; -hart; -hausen; -haven; -heide; -heim; -hof; -hoff; -holm; -holt; -holz; -hoven; -horst; -husen; -hübel; -hütte; -in; -ing; -ingen; -itsch; -itz; -itzsch; -kerken; -kirch; -kirchen; -kloster; -land; -leben; -lohe; -mark; -markt; -mole; -molen; -möle; -mölen; -mühl; -mühle; -mühlen; -ow; -ov; -rich; -roda; -rode; -rose; -see; -stadt; -stedt; -stein; -städt; -stetten; -sund; -tal; -trop; -trup; -vörde; -wald; -walde; -wangen; -weiler; -wold; -wolde; -zell
[edit]"Among the Ammonoidea the terms ammoniticone, mimoceracone and bactriticone are sometimes used for the close-coiled, loose-coiled and straight (primitive) forms."
- country abbreviations used by Geoguessr players : Arg (rhymed with barge: Argentina), Bots (Botswana), Cambo (Cambodia), Cro (Croatia), Kyrg (Kyrgyzstan), Lux (Luxembourg), Monty (Montenegro), NA (North America), North Mac / sometimes North Mace (pronounced like mass: North Macedonia), Philly (Philippines), Sri (Lanka), Thai (Thailand), (people manage to name Eswati correctly and pronounce Lesotho correctly)
- genitus (cloud / weather term)
- transrace, transregion, transage (see Citations:transrace)
- edgelady
- microassault#Verb/microassaulting/micro-assault, micro-invalidate, microinvalidative/micro-invalidative
- dumpster diving, totting, skipping, skip diving, skip salvage, curb shopping, trash picking or street scavenging, scrapping
- shoot your shot or shoot one's shot: to take one's chance; in particular: to pursue someone one wants to date
- tachyphasia (syn of tachylalia, see bradyphasia), ataxaphasia, dactylophasia, eidophasia
- gynemimetomorph (see gynemimesis)
- auto-antonym, autantonym, contronym, contranym, antagonym, Janus word, enantiodrome, self-antonym, antilogy, or addad (Arabic, singular didd). enantiosemy, enantionymy or antilogy
- decrease "remove creases from"
- godbearing / Godbearing
- ultravulcanian, plinian
- sand cutter (a type of diviner, also called a sand doctor)
- rare queer neologisms:
- androhomophobia, androhomophobic, androhomophile, androhomophilic
- trixic, turian, julietian, veldian, toric, floric, neptunic, uranic (really, circled back to that one after 150 years?), faunic, daunic, cinthean, 'carnatian, viridian, and all of that capitalized
- NMLNM (non-men who love non-men), NWLNW, NBLNB, MLNB (men who love non-binary people), etc
- Rhinogradentia (fictional group; also a real group of butterflies?), Rhinogradentia steineri (real butterflies?), rhinogrades (English and French), snouters (possibly attested in a non-Steiner sense?), nasoria (in real taxonomic names). Eoörnis pterovelox gobiensis. Lists of fictional species.
- takie (Syrian hat, similar to a tarboosh)
- woodjam(s)
- yerker (sudden blow; horse that jerks; mischievous child) (from jerker?)
- Southern US terms from Century:
- paddies (plurale tantum) : pantalets or knee-drawers with flounces.
- (per Century and The Sportsman's Gazetteer) goggle-eyed perch : strawberry perch ; chub (South Carolina); chinkapin perch / chinquapin perch (Louisiana or general Southern US); sac-a-lai / sac a lai (New Orleans Creoles)
- chicken-bill : The sora, Porzana carolina, so called from its short bill.
- dull : see Talk:dull
- create/expand: Volgian, Volgan (search for e.g. Volgan + Russia); schwerpunkt#English (RFV?)
- jumping spider subfamily members:
- aelurilline (only one BGC hit)
- agoriine (unattested)
- amycine (not attested in this sense?)
- balline (not attested in this sense?)
hasariine heliophanine hisponine marpissine myrmarachnine pellenine plexippine salticine synageline synemosynine
- hegumenia/ihumenia, gonker = Armenian church epigonation, nabedrennik
- Tengisian, Ganagolian and Karachaganakian (these are either geologic period names, or straightforward "from [place]" adjectives, but none of them meet CFI yet)
- quick clay/quickclay, acrotelm, catotelm
- membraniporiform, adeoniform, celleporiform, vinculariiform, cellariiform
- reteporiform: "reteporid cheilostomes are especially interesting in that their colony form — erect perforated sheets or latticelike networks (designated reteporiform; Stach, 1936)"
- inbark (see Century)
- Talk:nonhorse
- From Century:
- kirtle (petticoat); separate etyl "kirtle of flax" (quantity, about 100 lb, of flax)
- kirve, kerve : ((mining) to hole, to undercut)
- kistress : a kestrel-hawk (Blome; Halliwell)
- kit-kat, kit-cat : a (size of) portrait, less than half-length ("some of his kit-kats and full-length" "kit-kat of" "canvas for a kit-kat is")
- kitchen : (verb!)
- kitchen-fee, kitchen-gain : ((historical)? fat which falls from meat during roasting; drippings, taken by the cook)
- quone (protologism)
- seemingly not attested
- nip meaning "dolt": Wiktionary:Tea room/2015/September#nip
- (from QI:) wantcatcher/want catcher/want-catcher, nutsteamer/nut steamer/nut-steamer.
- Sand Cutter / Sand cutter (unattested US state demonym: Arizonan)
- chalmatian (Citations:Chalmatian; also chalmation, challmation) /ʃæl.meɪ.ʃən/, from Chalmettian (Citations:Chalmettian), from Chalmette, Louisiana, a city ill-regarded by the more numerous people of New Orleans
- 2013 January/February, Stephen Faure, Book Report, in Inside Northside, volume 28, number 1, page 66:
- Potshots are taken at St. Bernard, Orleans and Jefferson parishes; Texans; Katrina; and numerous politicians, mores and customs from "Chalmations" to "Northshorians."
- 2013 January/February, Stephen Faure, Book Report, in Inside Northside, volume 28, number 1, page 66:
- monoyeric : (of a manuscript) using only one yer letter (despite containing enough words that it could be expected to use both of the yers which exist in the Cyrillic alphabet)
- testovarectomy (removal of both testicular and ovarian tissue)
- stems = supposedly slang for "legs"
- yabos = supposedly slang for "breasts"
- spraylat
- time depth
- fermor, fermour (obsolete spellings of farmer? found outside the compound gongfermo(u)r?)
- fayer, gong-fayer
- lithsexual (sexual version of lithromantic: person who feels sexual attraction but does not need or want this to be reciprocated / does not want to receive sexual pleasure, compare stone, stone butch)
- nonamory, nonlibidoist
English: Shetland or Orkney terms
[edit]- 1883, John R. Tudor, The Orkneys and Shetland: Their Past and Present State, London : E. Stanford ; Kirkwall, Eng. : W. Peace ; Lerwick, Eng. : C. & A. Sandison, page 132:
- A boat itself is either farr or knoren; the stern is kupp or steven; the loose boards forming the flooring are the tilfer; the plug used to stop the hole through which, when run ashore, any water, the boat may have made when afloat, is run off, is the nile; the scoop used in baling is auskfrrie; the division boards dividing a boat into compartments are fiskafeal; the compartments themselves are rooms; a stone anchor is a fastie; the band binding the ribs together is a hadaband; the horn used to shw the course to other boats at night, or in fog, is looderhorn; a boat's compass is a diackle; oars are rems, remaks, or ars; the mast is steng; [...] to keep a boat in position in a tideway, or up to wind, is to andoo; to back water is to shoo; and to reef a sail is to swift.
English: geological terms
[edit]Many of these are taken from the Drilling Data Handbook →ISBN of Gilles Gabolde and Jean-Paul Nguyen. Some may already have entries, others may not be attested (a few may even be misspelt):
- Bolonian, Sequanian (which also has other meanings), Rauracian; Senonian, Albian, Barremian (Urgonian), Hauterivian, Valanginian (Purbeckian), Argovian, Chamouthian(?), Keuper(?), Muschelkalk(?), Bunter(?), Eocretaceous, Malm, Dogger, Lias, Trias; Zechstein / Thuringian, Saxonian, Autunian. Stephanian, Dinantian (Culm), Fammennian, Givetian (some of these look made-up, to be honest...), Cobblencian, Gedinnian, Downtonian, Gothlandian, Potsdamian, Georgian, Algonkian (Precambrian); Flandrian, Tyrrhenian, Sicilian, Villafranchian (Calabrian), Astian, Plaisancian, Saphelian (Pontian), Vindobonian, Stampian, Sannoisian, Ludian, Sparnacian, Montian...
Also, most of the words removed in these edits, while they exist, have very vague definitions.
- house (peat island in the Okefenokee swamp in Georgia)
- kragge (floating fen raft on Dutch turbaries)
- scragh (Irish quaking mire)
English: non-old taxonomic/species names
[edit]Asian lesser white-toothed shrew, lesser Canada goose, lesser Congo shrew, lesser dung fly, lesser dwarf shrew, lesser flying phalanger, lesser gray-brown musk shrew, lesser grison, lesser mouse-deer (lesser Malay chevrotain, kanchil), lesser rock shrew, lesser Ryukyu shrew, lesser striped shrew, lesser white-toothed shrew, and more by searching Wikipedia for intitle:"Lesser" species.
- proradiate, proconcave, rectiradiate, rursiradiate, retroconcave, monoschizotomous, biplicate, dichotomous ribs, polyschizotomous, diversipartite, dischizotomous, polygyrate, bidichotomous, polyptychitid
- Wikipedia: "Jaws of ammonites belonging to the Boreal family Polyptychitidae, with lower jaws closely resembling jaws of craspeditids, cardioceratids and hoplitoids, are described for the first time from the Valanginian of Russia by Mironenko & Mitta (2022).[28]"
- 1955, Die sauren Devonischen eruptivgesteine des Kap ..., page 64
- Polyptychitid ammonites, found by Standring at 520-530 m and again at various places just below the summit, between about 640 and 670 m. At the summit itself Mayne found a Lyticoceras indicating the presence of the Upper [...]
- 1961, Meddelelser Om Grønland, volume 168, page 22:
- [...] polyptychitid ammonites are not very difficrent from those of Speeton (Yorkshire, England) and north Germany, [...]
"They also use specific terms to refer to “heteromorph” ammonoids, which are not planispirally coiled and/or have successive whorls in contact with one another: ancyloconic, breviconic, gyroconic, hamitoconic, orthoconic, scaphitoconic, torticonic and vermiconic. [...] Landman et al. (1996) and Westermann (1996) also used the terms ‘brevidomic’, ‘mesodomic’ and ‘longidomic’ to describe body chamber lengths of approximately one-half whorl, three-fourth whorl, and a whorl or more in length, respectively."
serpenticone | planorbicone | cadicone | (elliptospherocone/ elliptosphaerocone) |
spherocone/ sphaerocone |
platycone | discocone | |||
oxycone |
Alternatively, but not attested / no-one uses it:
eoticone or serpenticone | subeoticone | umbocone | subhypocone | hypocone |
dactilicone (~or serpenticone) | subdactilicone | cabricone | sublaticone | laticone |
ophiocone | subophiocone | metalicone | subanuicone | anuicone |
virgacone | subvirgacone | paragicone | subcadicone (would be spherocone in the less-optioned schema) | cadicone |
discocone | subdiscocone | tumaricone | subglaphycone | glaphycone |
belocone | subbelocone (~or platycone) | pachycone | submexicone | mexicone (would be spherocone in the less-optioned schema) |
oppelicone or oxycone | suboppelicone or ~suboxycone | agathicone (would be spherocone in the less-optioned schema) | subspherocone | spherocone |
eoticonic or serpenticonic | subeoticonic | umboconic | subhypoconic | hypoconic |
dactiliconic (~or serpenticonic) | subdactiliconic | cabriconic | sublaticonic | laticonic |
ophioconic | subophioconic | metaliconic | subanuiconic | anuiconic |
virgaconic | subvirgaconic | paragiconic | subcadiconic (would be spheroconic in the less-optioned schema) | cadiconic |
discoconic | subdiscoconic | tumariconic | subglaphyconic | glaphyconic |
beloconic | subbeloconic (~or platyconic) | pachyconic | submexiconic | mexiconic (would be spheroconic in the less-optioned schema) |
oppeliconic or oxyconic | suboppeliconic or ~suboxyconic | agathiconic (would be spheroconic in the less-optioned schema) | subspheroconic | spheroconic |
- "In the terminology of Arkell (1957), the following terms would be synonymous: oxycone—oppelicone; serpenticone—eoticone/dactilicone; platycone—suboppelicone/subbelocone; sphaerocone—subcadicone via mexicone and agathicone to spherocone"
English: old taxonomic names
[edit]- my notes are in [single square brackets]
Thick-billed Guillemot [...] the Atlantic bird is called Lomvia arra svarbag, and the Pacific simply L. arra, but under the system of nomenclature followed in the "Key" the Atlantic should have been called Lomvia svarbag and the Pacific Lomvia svarbag arra, as Pallas's name is later than that given by Brünnich. [In old literature, the name "Lomvia arra" is quote common, often scanno'ed by Google as "Lomria arra". The bird is now called Uria lomvia or Uria lomvia arra.]
From Frank Finn, The World's Birds (1908): Uria troile, Alca impennis, Simorhynchus pusillus, Mergulus alle, Uria grylle, Uria brunnichi.
- 1841, William Charles Linnaeus Martin, A general introduction to the natural history of mammiferous animals
- "Commencing, then, with the Ferae, Nature appears to quit them [aquatic types], for the Lemurs, by such animals as the Arctitis [?same as Arctoidea?], Temm., and [...]" [...]
- Mr Swainson's parallel arrangement of the Mammalia and Birds is as follows:—
- Orders of Quadrupeds […] Orders of Birds.
- I. Typical Group. — [...]
- II. Sub-typical group. [...]
- III. Aberrant group. [...]
- Circle, Simiadae; or, Old-World Monkeys. [...]
- Ungulata. — Families of Rasores.
- Solipedes. Tail excessively long. Pavonidae (Peacock).
- Ruminantes. Tail very short. Tetraonidae (Grouse).
- Anoplotheres. Semi-aquatic. Cracidae (Curassows).
- Edentates. Jaws prolonged, slender; feet short. Columbidae (Pigeons).
- Pachydermes. Size, large; hair or feathers, very thin; skin, thick. Struthionidae (Ostrich, Cassowary). [...]
- [misc species names that were mentioned:] Bos dermaceros, Bos pusio, Bos thersites [...]
- "the argument is directed [...] against the inclusion in the order Cheiropoda, of Bimana (Man), Quadrumana (the Old-World-Monkeys and Lemurs), and Pedimana (the American Monkeys and the Opossums), as coequal families"
- 1851, George Vasey, Delineations of the Ox Tribe
- "what analogy can be discovered between an ordinary bull (Taurus) and a man, a monkey, or a bat (Primates); or between Taurus and the Incessores (Perching Birds)? Or between Buffaloes, whose horns are partially covered with skin (Dermaceros), and cocks and hens (Rasores)?"
English: armor
[edit]- colet / collet: ME golet, gulet, colet: cf colleret / collerete, collaret / collarete,
- cuisse : guisse / ?guish; cf from ME quisson (“thigh armor, a cuisse”), Citations:cuisson (2, poorly distinguished from cuisse: cf chausse, chausson), quisson, also cushion? (quishin only as an alt form of cushion); cf ME quisseu
- gardebrace vs gardebras vs wardbrace: see below
- gipell / gipel, (cf jupe, jupel, giperel), ME
- hamise (pl.), ME
- mailure, ME mailūre, OF enmaillëure = mail armor, maille
- paitrure, ?peitrure, ?poitrure, from ME payttrure
- 1852, James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, A Dictionary of Archaic & Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs & Ancient Customs, Form the Fourteenth Century, page 599:
- PAITRURE. Part of a horse's armour , for defending the neck. […]
- 1857, Thomas Wright, Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, Containing Words from the English Writers Previous to the Ninetheenth Century which are No Longer in Use ... [etc.], page 721:
- PAITRURE, S. (A.-N.) Armour for defending the horse's neck.
- 1895, David Laing, William Carew Hazlitt, Early Popular Poetry of Scotland and the Northern Border, page 336:
- Payetrelle, horse-furniture or caparison, i.q. paitrure.
- 1988, Utsunomiya Daigaku. Kyōyōbu, 宇都宮大学敎養部研究報告:
- (LC) MED paitrure n. Decorative breast-armor for a horse. (LC).
- vanturs / vantures (pl.), ME "Marble with my creste, myn armes, my vanturs in blewe, reede, and white, and my word ‘mercy and ioie’."
- voids / voides (pl.), ME voydes (knee armor? error for voiders?)
- vomrell / vomrel ME = ? (first element as in vambrace, vanguard, avant-bras?)
- vumbarde: vambard, vauntbard/vauntbarde? cf. vauntgarde (vauntguard, vantguard, vanguard), vaumbrace, ... vaunt-ward / vaunt-warde or vauntward / vauntwarde or vant-ward / vant-warde or vantward / vantwarde, warde-brace/ wardebrace or ward-brace/wardbrace
- Citations:gardebrace vs gardbrace vs gardebras, vs wardbrace?
- garde-bras = garde-brace / guardbrace (etc)
- garde-cou = garde-collet,
- gardecorps, gardecors = garcorps?
- flaunchers, flanchière, flancard, flancher
- Citations:kastenbrust
- bardes: le girel, la housse, la selle d'armes, la pissière, le sambuc et la testière, qui comprenait elle-meme la cervicale et la chanfrein.
- Scots(?) : 1845, The New Staistical Account of Scotland: pt.1-2 Perth, page 87:
- ... halksikes (=halkrik?) or brigitanes, gorget or pesane, with splents panse of mailzie, with gloves of plate or mailzie; that gentlemen, unlanded and zeamen, have jacks of plate, halksikes, splents, salcate or steil bonet (=steil bonnet?), with pesane […]
- 2021, Charles John Ffoulkes, The armourer and his craft from the XIth to the XVIth century, Good Press
- Hinterflüge, Germ. the back-plate of the pauldron. Hinterschurz, Germ. see garde-rein. Hobilers, common light-horse troopers. Hoguines, see cuisse. Holy-water sprinkle, a shaft of wood fitted with an iron spike-studded ball, XVI cent.
- de la bride avec son mors ou son bridon avec bossettes, [...] la muserolle (Maulkorb ou Nasenband [...] noseband [...])
- couvrenuque / couvre-nuque, garde-queue / guardacorda, guiterre, guyders/gyders ("straps to fasten the various pieces that went to mak up the suit of plate armour, also gussets" per ffoulkes, s. also quote in haustement), gynours, hampe (staff of a halberd or pike), hand and a half sword, hansart, haute cloueure, hendeure, Hentzen, horse-gay, hosting harness (armour for war) / hosting, Hufken, huvette, enarmes
- Reiterharnisch (Küriss) für Feld und Turnier
- File:Rüstung - Bestandteile - Vorder- und Rückseite.jpg: Plattenrüstung usw.
- a Scheitelstück oder Glocke des Helmes, b Visier, c Kinnreff, d Kehlstück, e Nackenschirm, f Halsberge, g Bruststück, h Rückenstück, i Bauchreifen (Bauchreife) mit Beintaschen u. Gesäßreifen (*Gesäßreife), k Vorder- u. Hinterflüge, l Federstifte zum Festhalten der Vorder- u. Hinterflüge verbindenden Achselstücke, m Brechränder (Brechrand) o. Stosskragen, n Armzeug, Ober- u. Unterarmschienen, o Armkacheln (Ellbogenkachel, Muschel, Mäusel, Ellenbogenpanzer), p gefingerte Eisenhandschuhe, q Rüsthaken zum einlegen der Lanze (w:de:Rüsthaken), r Diechlinge (Schenkelstücke), s Kniebuckel, t Beinröhren, u Eisenschuhe (Bahrenfüsse o. Kuhmäuler), v Panzerschutz (o. unterer Teil des Ringelpanzers).- Deutscher Harnisch aus der Zeit Kaiser Maximilian I. (15. Jhd.)
- Citations:lendenier, Citations:Lendenier
- 1906, Paul Rouaix, Dictionnaire-manuel-illustré des idées suggérées par les mots: contenant tous les mots de la langue française groupés d'après le sens, page 131:
- armure casque gorgerin col gorgière cuirasse épaulière brassard cubitière gantelet bouclier braconnière tasette lambrequin cotte de mailles brigandine grèves cuissard genouillère jambière jambard enémide/cnémide soleret[sic] pédieux fermoir agrafe groupille pivot crochet aiguillette lanière courroie charnière armure de joute [...] tournoi [...] parade amure à tonne armure cannelée armure maximilienne [...] allemande [...] milanaise panoplie [...] caparaçon s’armer s’équiper endosser revêtir mettre […] cuirasse brigandine cotte cotte de mailles haubert haubergeon jaque gambesson justaucorps buffletin gonne gonnelle barde annelée cannelée polie gravée damasquinée gorgerin gorgière garde-collet hausse-col épaulière hallecret corselet plastron dossière pansière brague foldière hoguine garde-rein laische tassette falte tonne braconnière faucre défaut de la cuirasse barder cuirasser cuirassier Voir armure.
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
ailette alt forms : alette, aleron, aileron?, ailerette?
ballistic cloth bellows visor bretache (nosepiece on a bascinet) Citations:buhurt, Citations:behourd cannon (lower cannon, upper cannon) chapeau or cap of dignity dog-faced (helm) dossiere form of dossière (backplate: see Citations:spallière) dragoon / dragoon helm / dragoon helmet enclosed helmet frog-mouth helm - Stechhelm (stechhelm) Citations:garcette great helm = pot helm, bucket helm (barrel helm); jack of plate (jack of plate) = SOP with jack? — jambiere / jambière (greave) janetaire jarnac katapu, kalapu: "A Sea Dyak war hat. It is a close fitting skull cap of rattan decorated with hornbill's feathers." Kamm Kinnreff (only German?) kop / kneekop / kneecop etc = cop knuckle-bow kulah khud lanciotte/lanciotto Lamellenhelm / lamellenhelm lobster-tail/lobster tail/lobstertail = lobster-tailed pot = horseman's pot, harquebusier's pot lochaber axe/lochaber ax/Lochaber axe/Lochaber ax loin-guard, loin guard, loinguard, luchet luneta, lunette Citations:magestone, mantlet (google books:mantlet mail, also a kind of shield) nasal helmet, nasal padded jack (gambeson) = SOP with jack? — paseki Paseki secrete / secret (hidden helmet) shoulderpiece sideplate souliere / soulière Spangenhelm / spangenhelm Citations:spallière, Citations:spalliere strikeface sugar loaf takula tofao turban helmet viking helmet war hat=kettle hat? Citations:waveblade,
- 2014, Ron Miller, The Iron Tempest, Baen Publishing Enterprises (→ISBN)
- [They instructed] the avid girl in the proper use of the broadsword, short sword, quarterstaff and cudgel, alavica and bec-de-faucon, luchet [...] She was then dressed in her freshly-minted armor, created by an ancient armorer who, back in his smithy, ...
manople "a gauntlet, armbrace", "long blade attached to an iron gauntlet"
- 1932, The Johns Hopkins Studies in Romance Literatures and Languages:
- Quant aux autres , on retrouvera dans Lacurne , “ brandaciers , ” dans Cotgrave , manoples , rondaces et rudaches . " M. Lancaster a retrouvé rudaches dans Mahelot , p . 94 , n . 1. Cotgrave traduit " rondelle " " Il est à noter […]
- 1932, Louise Alfreda Hill, The Tudors in French Drama:
- ... halecrets , Casques , plastrons , cuissots , morions , follerets , Cottes de maille , armets , corcelets , épaulettes , Ecus , targues , pavois , boucliers , moignons , tassettes , Cuirasses , gorgerins , manoples , gantelets […]
- 1914, American Museum of Natural History, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, page 372:
- Malleus . A large more or less discoid body above the manubrium , from which arises the slender arched cephalic ... bounding the lamina ; manubrium dagger - shaped , bimarginate , the margin seen from without broad but extremely thin […]
- 1909, Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell, Collected papers:
- The malleus is very peculiar , almost dagger - like , with a high handlelike head ; the manubrium , while of ordinary shape , though rather short , is of similar consistency throughout , without the strong marginal ribs seen in Epimys […]
greathalberd, ?greatknife, ?greatmail, ?greatplate, ?greatspear — waraxe/warax, warblade, warhelm, warshield, warspear, warsword
- 2013, John Gwynne, Malice, Orbit (→ISBN)
- Kastell closed his eyes, remembering the hulking shapes striding through the broken gates of his hold, swinging their great-hammers and war-axes, outlined by flames. He shuddered. He had been six years old. He wished Aguila would stop ...
kusari (chain armor, chainmail) mengu (mask) dō (!) (cuirass) kote (vambrace and lower pauldron) sode (roughly: pauldron) suneate (greave, shinguard) tsuba (sword guard), yoroi armor, ebira (quiver), yugake (archery gloves), hakama (breeches), haramaki (armor which opens at the back), eboshi, mon
- 1845, John Hewitt, The Tower: Its History, Armories, and Antiquities : the Descriptions Accompanied with an Essay on English Armour from the Time of the Conqueror Till Its Final Disuse ... Now First Compiled from Official Documents in the Tower ..., page 102:
- The Guisarme ( or Bisarme ~ from its two prongs ) is another very early weapon , and was known in the 12th century . It is mentioned in the Statute of Winchester and by Fleta : and was in use as late as the Battle of Flodden . 3.
- 1884, Sir Richard Francis Burton, The Book of the Sword, page 95:
- The glaive of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was followed by the Guisarme , Gisarme , or Bisarme . This long blade , with a slender spear - point projecting from the back , is still used by the Chinese ; and the Despots of Dahome […]
bear spear, boar spear, Brogit staff / brogit staff, dagger-axe/daggeraxe/dagger-ax/daggerax; dory jitte, kontos/conto/contos, pudao, rawcon, runka, rhomphaia, roncola#English, sai, scythe, slaughsword; sovnya, sparth, sparth axe, pale-axe / pale axe, sparr axe / sparr-axe, sparr, spetum, svärdstav / swordstaff / sword-staff / swordstave / sword-stave, trident, war scythe, woldo ...
hasta, menaulion, ox tongue spear, plançon/plancon/planson/plançon à picot, quarterstaff, Scottish halberd ... arbir, bisento, dangpa, fangtian ji, gichang, hoko yari, ji, kama-yari, kudi, ngao, podao, qiang, sasumata sibat, sodegarami, tabar, torimono sandōgu, trishula/trisula, tsukubō
- 1868, Paul Lacombe, Les armes et les armures, page 124:
- On compléta la défense en ajoutant au bassinet une pièce, à laquelle on donna le nom de mesail ou mursail, ou museau, et qui se profilait, en effet, comme le museau d'une bête, comme un grouin.
- 1954, Ashland Studies for Shakespeare / 1956, Institute of Renaissance Studies, Ashland Studies in Shakespeare: A Book of Articles, Bibliographies, Prints, and Drafts for Projects, Designed to be Background Material for Lectures in the Renaissance Institute Conducted in Connection with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival of 1956
- ... section was called variously a ventaile or a visor; because it was usually made with an extended snout-like shape, to allow of as much air as possible when it was closed down, it was also called mesail or mursail (muzzle).
- 1882, William Audsley, Popular Dictionary of Architecture and the Allied Arts: A Work of Reference for the Architect, Builder, Sculptor, Decorative Artist, and General Student. With Numerous Illustrations from All Styles of Architecture, from the Egyptian to the Renaissance, page 120:
- This piece, called the mesail, or mursail (from the kind of resemblance it necessarily bore to the muzzle of an animal), but more generally known in England as the ventaile, or visor, was pierced for both sight and breathing ...
- 1885, Alphonse Maze-Sencier, Le livre des collectionneurs, page 703:
- Le bacinet, sorte de calotte pointue, remplaça le heaume; comme il laissait la figure à découvert, on y ajouta une pièce ayant la forme d'un museau et qui, pour cette raison, reçut le nom de mesail ou mursail.
- 1925, Société archéologique de Bordeaux, Bulletin et mémoires
- Le profil de ce casque a la forme d'un museau ou d'un groin et porte le nom de mursail; le haut de cette pièce est percé d'une fente pour la vue et dans le bas de trous pour la respiration. Ce casque n'était pas rivé, ce qui ...
- 2020 July 6, Dou QuQu, Three Kindoms: Invincible Army: Volume 1, Funstory, →ISBN:
- He wore a golden crown on his head, a Hundred Blossom Battle Robe, Tang Ni armor, and a lion shaped barbarian belt. Guo Zhi could not help but sigh. Indeed, he was indeed a Lü Bu amongst men, a red rabbit among horses!
- 2013, Wilt L. Idema, Stephen H. West, The Generals of the Yang Family: Four Early Plays (World Scientific, →ISBN, page 106:
- On their caps they pin golden xiechai; on their armor they wear brocaded tangni.9 The strings of their bows resound with a twang; the hooves of their horses hammer the earth. They are generals who risk their life and court death […]
- 9
- On their caps they pin golden xiechai; on their armor they wear brocaded tangni.9 The strings of their bows resound with a twang; the hooves of their horses hammer the earth. They are generals who risk their life and court death […]