ety at [[bezwaar]]

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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Perhaps it could just be indicated as being prefixed with ge-, which already has an entry for this formation. A usage note should be added that the prefix is dropped when the verb already has one.

Rua (mew)15:53, 1 November 2018

On the other hand, could it be analogous to e.g. bedrog ~ bedriegen, but without an ablaut available (due to it being a late formation)? Bezwaar doesn't seem to have ever denoted a concrete activity, unlike the verbal nouns on ge-.

←₰-→ Lingo Bingo Dingo (talk)16:04, 1 November 2018

I wonder what the Middle Dutch situation is regarding these formations. It may give us a clue on how things evolved.

Rua (mew)16:05, 1 November 2018