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From Trump (after Donald Trump) + land.


Proper noun


  1. The United States of America under the presidency of Donald Trump.
    • 2016 December 27, Journalist?, “Expert Who Has Studied White Supremacy for Almost 50 Years Explains Why Racists Flock to Trump's Rhetoric”, in[1] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      In Trumpland, psychology trumps reality, which helps explain how a candidate proposing one of the largest transfers of weatlh[sic] from the bottom to the top could effectively brand himself as a populist hero.
  2. The parts of the United States of America where Donald Trump finds high support; Trump's geographical support base.
    • 2018 November 7, Greg Gutfeld, “Gutfeld on the Kavanaugh effect on midterms”, in Fox News Network[2]:
      Four out of the six vulnerable Senate Democrats in Trumpland — lost.
  3. The mental landscape of Donald Trump or a similar mental landscape.
    • 2017 February 18, Mr. B1ack, “Re: Fox News Says Trump Is Certifiable”, in talk.politics.misc[3] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      Do remember that Trump lives in Trumpland ... and sees some events rather differently than others, and especially the leftynewsies.  :-)
    • 2018 November 5, Tim Watkin, “‘Get your DFTs!’ With the true believers in the Trumpland circus”, in The Spinoff[4]:
      He then launches into a line on how Democrats will double, triple, quadruple taxes. I’m waiting for him to start talking about them raking in a gazillion dollars, because the land of real numbers was left behind long ago. He’s now in full flight, playing to the crowd, soaring far above the politics of facts and compromise, to Trumpland.
    • 2019 February 27, EJ Montini, “Gov. Doug Ducey doesn't live in Arizona anymore. He has hopped the wall into Trumpland”, in[5]:
      If you were beginning to wonder if Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey actually lives in Arizona, he provided the answer on Friday. No. He does not. The governor has packed his bags and move to the mythical realm of make believe called Trumpland, as he so succinctly demonstrated in this tweet:
  4. The associates or inner circle of Donald Trump.
    • 2018 December 1, Brad Reed, “Conservative writer says "underbelly of Trumpland" will be exposed”, in Salon[6]:
      “What is clear is that he was surrounded by people who were involved in some very unethical endeavors,” Lewis writes. “Those endeavors are about to become more public; and the public is about to get a big window into the unseemly underbelly of Trumpland.”
    • 2019 March 7, Michael Tomasky, “GOP Panics as Trump Sh*t Gets Serious”, in Daily Beast[7]:
      It’s three days since House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler released his list of 81 Trumpland names he wants to ask questions of, and we’ve seen enough to know generally how Republicans are going to respond to these inquiries: With rage, but a particular kind of rage—one that masks their complete panic at the recognition of where all this could lead.