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  • Page 162 אוירון: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit matos is translit of מָטוֹס
  • Page 360 אינדונזי: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit in'do'ne'zit is translit of אינדונזית
  • Page 617 ארבע עשרה: WARNING: Hebrew page שלוש עשרה doesn't match accented שְׁלֹשׁ־עֶשְׂרֵה
  • Page 617 ארבע עשרה: WARNING: Hebrew page חמש עשרה doesn't match accented חֲמֵשׁ־עֶשְׂרֵה
  • Page 1651 הר מגידו: WARNING: Link contains non-Latin characters not in proper charset, skipping: Ἁρμαγεδών
  • Page 2256 טון: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit tslil is translit of צליל
  • Page 2695 כיסא מלכות: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit kés is translit of כס
  • Page 2763 כס: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit kisé malkhút is translit of כִּיסֵּא מַלְכוּת
  • Page 2770 כעת: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit akhsháv is translit of עכשיו
  • Page 2770 כעת: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit attá is translit of עתה
  • Page 2835 ל־: WARNING: Stray brace in split_templates[56]: Skipping page: <<\n##*: {{ux|he|אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי הָרֹעֶה בַּשּׁוֹשַׁנִּים׃|tr=aní l'dodí v'dodí haro'é bashoshaním. — I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies.\n## >>
  • Page 2839 לא: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit en, eyn is translit of אֵין
  • Page 2839 לא: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit ayin is translit of אַיִן
  • Page 2986 לעד: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit laneitzach is translit of לנצח
  • Page 3078 מברשת: WARNING: Hebrew page מברשת שיניים doesn't match accented מִבְרֶשֶׁת שִׁנַּיִם
  • Page 3552 מעוניין: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit m'anyen is translit of מעניין
  • Page 3690 מרכזי: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit bank merkazí, “central bank” is translit of בַּנְק מֶרְכָּזִי
  • Page 4014 נצרות: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit notzry is translit of נוצרי
  • Page 4014 נצרות: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit notzryt is translit of נוצרית
  • Page 4014 נצרות: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit notzry is translit of נוצרי
  • Page 4014 נצרות: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit notzryt is translit of נוצרית
  • Page 4043 נשיפה: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit neshima is translit of נשימה
  • Page 4127 סופגנייה: WARNING: Stray brace in split_templates[2]: Skipping page: <<\n\n# sufganiyah; a deep-fried jelly doughnut, traditionally served on Hanukkah\n#* {{quote-book|title=>>
  • Page 4164 סיכה: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit mahat is translit of מחט
  • Page 4166 סיכם: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit infinitive is translit of לסכם
  • Page 4188 סירה: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit 'oniyyáh is translit of אונייה
  • Page 4315 עבודה: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit melakhá is translit of מלאכה
  • Page 4864 צ־י־ן: WARNING: Hebrew page ציין doesn't match accented צִיֵּן
  • Page 4893 צוואה: WARNING: Hebrew page ציווי doesn't match accented צִוּוּי
  • Page 4893 צוואה: WARNING: Hebrew page מצווה doesn't match accented מִצְוָה
  • Page 4936 ציצי: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit shad is translit of שד
  • Page 4947 צליל: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit ton is translit of טון
  • Page 5213 קנה: WARNING: Stray brace in split_templates[0]: Skipping page: <<From the root {{term|ק־נ־ה|tr=q-n-'|gloss=>>
  • Page 5239 קפץ: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit kipets is translit of קיפץ
  • Page 5394 רוח הקדש: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit ruakh is translit of רוח
  • Page 5509 רעל: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit sam is translit of סַם
  • Page 5546 רקע: WARNING: Stray brace in split_templates[30]: Skipping page: <<\n#: Lua error in Module:parameters at line 828: Parameter 3 is not used by this template.\n\n>>
  • Page 5794 שלוש עשרה: WARNING: Hebrew page שתים עשרה doesn't match accented שְׁתֵּים־עֶשְׂרֵה
  • Page 5794 שלוש עשרה: WARNING: Hebrew page ארבע עשרה doesn't match accented אַרְבַּע־עֶשְׂרֵה
  • Page 5940 שקל: WARNING: Stray brace in split_templates[6]: Skipping page: <<} and >>
  • Page 5971 ששה עשר: WARNING: Hebrew page חמשה עשר doesn't match accented חֲמִשָּׁה־עָשָׂר
  • Page 5971 ששה עשר: WARNING: Hebrew page שבעה עשר doesn't match accented שִׁבְעָה־עָשָׂר
  • Page 5974 שתה: WARNING: Stray brace in split_templates[24]: Skipping page: << to drink alcohol\n#: {{ux|he|אם שותים, לא נוהגים.|If you drink, do not drive [literally "if drinking–>>
  • Page 5978 שתים עשרה: WARNING: Hebrew page אחת עשרה doesn't match accented אַחַת־עֶשְׂרֵה
  • Page 5978 שתים עשרה: WARNING: Hebrew page שלוש עשרה doesn't match accented שְׁלֹשׁ־עֶשְׂרֵה
  • Page 5984 ש״ח: WARNING: Link contains non-Latin characters not in proper charset, skipping:
  • Page 6208 תשעה: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit tish'a asar is translit of תִּשְׁעָה־עָשָׂר
  • Page 6208 תשעה: WARNING: Unable to determine whether putative explicit translit tiším is translit of תִּשְׁעִים
  • Page 6223 Appendix:Hebrew patterns/٭٭י٭: WARNING: Can't find Hebrew section