
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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The following is a quick self-demonstrating explanation of Wiktionary entry layout, mainly to clarify which template goes where. It may omit many semi-important details. In case of any inconsistencies with WT:ELE, please rectify them.





Templates like {{compound}} or {{suffix}} go here. This section may link to other terms that the defined term derived from; use {{term}} for that. Use {{etyl}} when mentioning foreign languages the term derived from. Sometimes a word can have multiple unrelated etymologies; the etymologies will be numbered and the rest of headers will be put one level below each etymology header.



Use {{IPA}}, {{X-SAMPA}}, {{audio}} here. Also {{rhymes}} and {{homophones}} may be useful. Use {{a}} to denote a specific accent.

Part of speech


Here goes the headword. The generic template is: {{head|language|part of speech|expansion of abbreviation, if any|head=headword override; use it to [[link]] [[multiple]] [[word]]s|g=gender}}. There are also specialised language headword templates, names of the form {{langcode-partofspeech}}.

  1. {{context|fodiology}} Definition written in plain text, may use {{l}} or plain [[link]]s.
    • 2013, Sham Multinymous, A quoted work
      A quotation which uses the term in the given meaning.
      The translation of the quotation.
    Example sentence using the term.
  2. {{non-gloss definition|A definition which cannot be substituted into a sentence in place of the original word; often needed for parts of speech like articles or prepositions}}
  3. {{form of|kind of form|pagename|vocalised spelling|lang=code}}
  4. {{inflection of|pagename|vocalised spelling|case|gender/number|gender/number|lang=code}}
  5. {{conjugation of|pagename|vocalised spelling|person/gender/number|person/gender/number|tense|mood|lang=code}}

Usage notes


Usage notes written in plain text.

  • May also be a bulleted list.

Inflection / Declension / Conjugation


(only for foreign terms; nearly nonexistent in English)

For declension use: {{lang-decl-partofspeech-...|...}}

For conjugation use: {{lang-conj-...|...}}

To find out what inflection templates are available for a given language, visit Category:Inflection-table templates by language.




  • {{sense|gloss taken from definition}} list of {{l}}s pointing to synonym, antonym of the word in the meaning given by gloss.
  • {{sense|another gloss}} similar list of {{l}}s pointing to other foonyms

Various foonyms include:

  • synonyms: terms with the same or similar meaning
  • antonyms: terms with the opposite meaning
  • hypernyms: terms with a broader meaning
  • hyponyms: terms with a narrower meaning
  • meronyms: terms denoting a part
  • holonyms: terms denoting a whole including the original term

Coordinate terms

  • {{l|en|terms}}
  • {{l|en|often}}
  • {{l|en|used}}
  • {{l|en|together}}
  • {{l|en|with}}
  • {{l|en|this}}
  • {{l|en|one}}

Derived terms

  • {{l|en|derived}}
  • {{l|en|terms}}
  • {{l|en|in}}
  • {{l|en|the}}
  • {{l|en|same}}
  • {{l|en|language}}


  • French: {{l|fr|derived}}
  • German: {{l|de|terms}}
  • Japanese: {{l|ja|in}}
  • Greek: {{l|el|foreign}}
  • Hebrew: {{l|he|languages}}



(only for English terms)

See also




There is rarely a need for this section.