ad alto livello

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Alternative forms




Literally, at high level.

Prepositional phrase


ad alto livello

  1. of a high level of quality; excellent, exceptional
  2. high-level (pertaining to a person of high rank or social position)
    • 2024 July 24, Giuseppe Pipitone, “Giustizia, il report Ue stronca l’Italia: “La riforma Nordio danneggia le indagini su corruzione. Col bavaglio effetto intimidatorio sui cronisti” [Justice, the EU report crushes Italy: "The Nordio reform damages investigations of corruption. With the gag orders, chilling effect on reporters"]”, in il Fatto Quotidiano[1]:
      Da Bruxelles si esprime apprensione per il fatto che “gli sviluppi possano incidere sull’efficacia del perseguimento e del giudizio dei reati penali, compresi i casi di corruzione ad alto livello”.
      Brussels expressed concern that "the developments could impact the efficiency of the prosecution and adjudication of criminal offenses, including cases of high-level corruption.