avere la meglio

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Literally, to have the best.


avére la meglio (first-person singular present (with syntactic gemination after the verb) la meglio, first-person singular past historic èbbi la meglio or ébbi la meglio, past participle avùto la meglio, first-person singular future avrò la meglio, first-person singular subjunctive àbbia la meglio, second-person singular imperative àbbi la meglio, auxiliary avére)

  1. to prevail
    solo il più forte può avere la meglio
    only the strongest one can prevail
  2. (transitive with a or su) to get the best of
    • 2019, George Orwell, translated by Nicola Gardini, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Mondadori:
      Alla fine la tentazione di scoprirlo ebbe la meglio sulla paura; e Winston si infilò una mano in tasca.
      In the end the temptation to find out overcame his fear; he slipped a hand into his pocket.
      (literally, “At the end the temptation to discover it got the best of fear; and Winston slipped a hand into his pocket.”)