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blue card

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The term has been inspired by the United States' green card, blue making reference to the main colour of the EU flag.





blue card (plural blue cards)

  1. [post 2009] An EU-wide work permit allowing high-skilled non-EU citizens to work and live in any country within the European Union, excluding Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom, which are not subject to the proposal.
  2. (Australia) (Queensland only) An identity card issued with police approval, stating that the person is of suitable character to work near children and young adults.
  3. (scouting, US) An application for pursuing a certain merit badge, which must be signed by a Scout's unit leader and their merit badge counselor before pursuing.
  4. (sports) A penalty card that in association football indicates an offense at a lesser level than a yellow card, and has other meanings in bandy, handball, and Quidditch.







See also
