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catenicelliform (not comparable)

  1. Forming a jointed erect colony with internodes of few zooecia.
    • 1969, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (page 812)
      In both faunas, the dominant zoarial types are catenicelliform, followed by the cellariiform, adeoniform, and vinculariiform.
    • 1975, Bryozoa 1974: Proceedings of the Third Conference, International Bryozoology Association, [Lyon, 2-11 September 1974] (part 2, page 285)
      Catenicelliform species in the Vittaticellidae and some Crisia were dominant in the fine sediments.
    • 1992, Polish Polar Research, volume 13, page 260:
      It is known that catenicelliform zoaria abound at depths of 20 to 40 m and occur very rarely outside the bathymetric limits []