cheap thrill

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cheap thrill (plural cheap thrills)

  1. (idiomatic) Something simple and inexpensive done for pleasure.
    • 1990, Anne Dean, David Mamet: Language as Dramatic Action:
      Rather than fulfilling its original function as an integral part of an emotional relationship, sex is for them little more than a cheap thrill, something that men "do" to women and for which women should be grateful.
    • 1995, Jewel (lyrics and music), “Who Will Save Your Soul”:
      Another doctor's bill, a lawyer's bill, another cute cheap thrill
    • 2017 October 6, Haley Hughey, “Many Northwest Arkansas Gun Shops Oppose Full Automatic Loophole”, in Fox24 News[1], archived from the original on 28 May 2023:
      One NWA [Northwest Arkansas] gun shop owner said people get them for all different reasons like saving money and getting a cheap thrill.