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Blend of clue +‎ newbie.



cluebie (plural cluebies)

  1. (Internet slang, dated) A new or inexperienced user who is more knowledgeable than a newbie; a newbie who "has a clue".
    • 2000 June 3, Magic, “MT ?”, in[1] (Usenet):
      I've been out of it so long now that if you gave me an axe I probably wouldn't know which end to use to chop down a tree, but I still know enough of the basics to scare the cluebies off and to set up some protection against the majority of the people who think downloading "toolz" like WinNuke makes them a threat to national security.
    • 2001, Alison Bing, Erin Conley, Robot Riots: The Good Guide to Bad Bots, New York, N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, →ISBN, page 125:
      New builders pick up code cues from their peers in the pits, and newbies who are quick studies of this code soon find themselves respected as cluebies.
    • 2002 June 6, HarleyDude®, “how do I setup a new newsgroup ?”, in 24hoursupport.helpdesk[2] (Usenet):
      So, that's my basic explanation without investing any real thought into it. Do you think that cluebies would start to get the picture from this or should there be pictures also?
    • 2007 August 1, Steve Linford, “Help! APEWS blocked the World!”, in[3] (Usenet):
      Considering that APEWS is only used by a handful of cluebies running mail servers in their attics for 5 family friends and 3 cats, does anyone besides the NANAE peanut gallery actually think the game of pretending people are blocked and must do things to 'get off' APEWS is anything but a game of lying to try to rope other people into the fight?