en forma

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en forma (invariable)

  1. fit, in shape
    • 1934, Vicente Risco, Miteleuropa, page 10:
      van eiquí dúas ringleiras de chopos en procesión ao longo das estradas. E tóda-los demais arbres tamén están en ringleira, en formación, non sei se militar ou eclesiástica, ou as dúas cousas. Están en forma, como contan que din os esportistas, e com'aconsella ao home moderno o Conde Keyserling. Mais eiquí semella qu'a lei creba: estando com'están en forma, ¿cóma é que non logran conquerí-la peisaxe?
      there are two rows of black poplars, in procession along the roads. And all the remaining trees are also arranged in rows, in formation, I don't know if military, ecclesiastic or both. They are in shape, as allegedly sportspersons says, and just as Count Keyserling recommends to modern man. But here it is as if the law fails: if they are in shape how it is that they don't manage to conquer the landscape?



en forma

  1. (law) formally, according to law or custom

Further reading






en forma (invariable)

  1. fit, in shape

Further reading
