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See also: gibi-





Inherited from Old Anatolian Turkish كِبِی (gibi, gebi), from Proto-Turkic *kēpi, from Proto-Turkic *kēp (form, image, example).


  • IPA(key): [ɟiˈbi]
  • Hyphenation: gi‧bi




  1. (with -dik) when, just as, right as, as soon as
    oturduum gibi kalktım
    I stood up as soon as I sat down
  2. as if, as though
    • 2022 May 17, “Bu kerä, Türkiye gibi, “Eurovision” konkursunu dädusunun yanına yollayan olacek mı?”, in Ana Sözü[1]:
      Ani “Eurovision – 2022” enseyecek Ukraynadan artistlär hiç birisinin şüpesi yoktu, çünkü incä zanaattan çoktan politka zanaatına dönän “Eurovision” yarışması bunu ölä ya da bölä yapaceydı, zerä onnar lääzımdı göstersinnär, ani Rusiyaya karşı cenk edän Ukraynadan arka olêrlar. Sansın başkası arka olmazmış gibi?!
      There was no doubt that artists from Ukraine would win the "Eurovision - 2022", because Eurovision contest, which has become more political work that artwork, would make sure of that this way or that way, since they had to show that they backed up Ukraine who fought against Russia, as if no one else backed them up?!



gibi (+ genitive pronoun nominative noun)

  1. like, similar to
    uşak gibi
    like a child
    • 2023 November 10, “ATATÜRKün sonsuzlaa kauştuu Günün 85-ci yılını analım”, in Ana Sözü[2]:
      senin gibi girgin, derin köklü, emin basmaz, hodul hem pak üzlü, senin gibi o!
      brave and fearless just like you, faithful to his word, proud and clean hearted, just like you!
  2. such as
    senin gibi insannar
    people like you
    • 2022 September 12, “Gagauziya da “II-ci Bursa halklararası duhovoy ansamblilerin Festivali”nä katıldı”, in Ana Sözü[3]:
      nereyi Azerbaycan, Gagauziya (Gagauz Yeri), Kazakistan, Moldova gibi memleketlerdän hem Türkiyenin çeşitli kasabalarından orkestralar katıldı.
      ... to where orchestras from places such as Azerbaijan, Gagauzia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and from various towns of Turkey
  3. as, to such degree, to a certain degree
    Synonyms: nicä, kadar
    kaar gibi biyaz
    white as snow

Usage notes

  • Governs the genitive case only when used with some pronouns and demonstratives, and governs the nominative with nouns and other pronouns.
    • o > onun gibi but onnar > onnar gibi




  1. something or someone similar to
    onun gibileri
    people like him

Further reading

  • N. A Baskakov, editor (1972), “гиби”, in Gagauzsko-Russko-Moldavskij Slovarʹ [Gagauz-Russian-Moldovan Dictionary], Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Sovetskaja Enciklopedija, →ISBN, pages 113-114
  • Mavrodi M. F., editor (2019), Gagauzça-rusça sözlük: klaslar 1-4, Komrat: Gagauziya M.V. Maruneviç adına Bilim-Aaraştırma merkezi, →ISBN, page 35





Genericized trademark from Gibi, a comic book with a black boy as its mascot.



  • Rhymes: -i
  • Hyphenation: gi‧bi



gibi m (plural gibis)

  1. (obsolete, derogatory, Brazil) black boy
  2. (Brazil) comics; comic book
    Synonyms: banda desenhada, revista em quadrinhos



Derived terms


See also


Further reading






Inherited from Ottoman Turkish گبی (gibi), from Old Anatolian Turkish كِبِی (gibi, gebi), from Proto-Turkic *kēpi (like), from Proto-Turkic *kēp (form, image, example). Doublet of kip and possibly equivalent to kip +‎ -i.


  • IPA(key): /ɡiˈbi/, (occasionally when used alone) /ˈɡi.bi/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Hyphenation: gi‧bi




  1. like, similar to
    • 1982, “Firuze”, in Aysel Gürel, Sezen Aksu (lyrics), Attila Özdemiroğlu (music), Firuze, performed by Sezen Aksu:
      Duru bir su gibi, bazen volkan gibi / Bazen bir deli rüzgâr gibi / Gözlerinde telaş, yıllar sence yavaş / Acelen ne? Bekle, Firuze
      Like clear water, sometimes like a volcano / Sometimes like a crazy wind / There’s worry in your eyes, you think the years are slow / What’s the hurry? Wait, Firuze
    • 2011, “Makyaj [Makeup]”, in Diğer Masallar [Other Stories], performed by Model:
      Çok uğraştım inan unutmak için seni / O gün sarıldığımızda söz verdiğim gibi
      Believe me, I tried hard to forget you / Like I promised when we hugged that day
  2. such as




  1. something like; anything similar to something previously mentioned
    Ev gibisi yok.
    There’s no place like home.

Usage notes

  • Because this sense always has a previous referent, it always takes the relational suffix -si and is declined accordingly.

Further reading

  • gibi”, in Turkish dictionaries, Türk Dil Kurumu