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Old Spanish




Inherited from Late Latin grossus.





gruesso (feminine singular gruessa, masculine plural gruessos, feminine plural gruessas)

  1. thick, large
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 47r:
      é golias era armado ſobre ſo cauallo eſt philiſteo auie de alto .vj. cobdos eun palmo. e auia el ẏelmo de azero. ela loriga peſaua .v. mil libras. e el aſta de ſue mano era tan grueſſa cuemo el enſullo del texedor el fierro peſaua .dc. peſas.
      And Goliath was armed on his horse. This Philistine was six cubits and a span in height, and he had a bronze helmet, and his coat of mail weighed five thousand shekels, and the shaft in his hand was as thick as a weaver's beam; the iron [point] weighed six hundred shekels.

Derived terms



  • Spanish: grueso