in comune

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Literally, in common. Compare French en commun.

Prepositional phrase


in comune

  1. in common
    • 2021, F. Scott Fitzgerald, chapter 1, in Alessandro Fabrizi, transl., Il Grande Gatsby [The Great Gatsby], Neri Pozza:
      Perché se la personalità è una sequenza ininterrotta di gesti riusciti, allora c’era in lui qualcosa di splendido, una spiccata sensibilità alle promesse della vita, come se avesse qualcosa in comune con quei complicati macchinari che rilevano i terremoti a diecimila miglia di distanza.
      If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.
      (literally, “Because if personality is an uninterrupted sequence of successful gestures, then there was in him something splendid, a remarkable sensibility to the promises of life, as if he had something in common with that complicated machinery that gathers data about earthquakes tens of thousands of miles away.”)