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into (eagerness, passion, zeal) +‎ himo (lust, desire, passion). Coined by Finnish folklorist and linguist Daniel Europaeus in 1853.


  • IPA(key): /ˈintoˌhimo/, [ˈin̪t̪o̞ˌhimo̞]
  • Rhymes: -imo
  • Hyphenation(key): into‧himo




  1. passion, fervour/fervor (emotion)
    intohimon kohdepassion (object of passion) (literally, “target of passion”)


Inflection of intohimo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative intohimo intohimot
genitive intohimon intohimojen
partitive intohimoa intohimoja
illative intohimoon intohimoihin
singular plural
nominative intohimo intohimot
accusative nom. intohimo intohimot
gen. intohimon
genitive intohimon intohimojen
partitive intohimoa intohimoja
inessive intohimossa intohimoissa
elative intohimosta intohimoista
illative intohimoon intohimoihin
adessive intohimolla intohimoilla
ablative intohimolta intohimoilta
allative intohimolle intohimoille
essive intohimona intohimoina
translative intohimoksi intohimoiksi
abessive intohimotta intohimoitta
instructive intohimoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of intohimo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative intohimoni intohimoni
accusative nom. intohimoni intohimoni
gen. intohimoni
genitive intohimoni intohimojeni
partitive intohimoani intohimojani
inessive intohimossani intohimoissani
elative intohimostani intohimoistani
illative intohimooni intohimoihini
adessive intohimollani intohimoillani
ablative intohimoltani intohimoiltani
allative intohimolleni intohimoilleni
essive intohimonani intohimoinani
translative intohimokseni intohimoikseni
abessive intohimottani intohimoittani
comitative intohimoineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative intohimosi intohimosi
accusative nom. intohimosi intohimosi
gen. intohimosi
genitive intohimosi intohimojesi
partitive intohimoasi intohimojasi
inessive intohimossasi intohimoissasi
elative intohimostasi intohimoistasi
illative intohimoosi intohimoihisi
adessive intohimollasi intohimoillasi
ablative intohimoltasi intohimoiltasi
allative intohimollesi intohimoillesi
essive intohimonasi intohimoinasi
translative intohimoksesi intohimoiksesi
abessive intohimottasi intohimoittasi
comitative intohimoinesi

Derived terms


Further reading
