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From itch +‎ -some.



itchsome (comparative more itchsome, superlative most itchsome)

  1. Characterised or marked by itching
    • 1998, Ephraim Eze Okwor, A Riddle for the Gods:
      These creatures have their bodies covered with itchsome warts which made it impossible for an Agbufu to stop scratching its body.
    • 2000, Tim Bradford, Is Shane MacGowan still alive?:
      There were a mixture of local people with cold, pinched faces and skint and harassed looking tourists sitting around fondling their itchsome facial hair, their tongues lolling into fizzy yellow pints of lager.
    • 2006, Barbara Satow, A Game of Pleasure:
      He rubbed the toe of his dancing pump on an itchsome spot on the back of his silk- clad calf.
    • 2011 (original 2001), Geoff Schmidt, Out of Time:
      Their dresses were wrinkled and sticky and itchsome.
  2. (by extension) Irritating; annoying
    • 1998, High Fidelity News, Record, Review:
      There's lovely touches all over the record, but with exception of 'Dance On', propelled by the most itchsome drum pattern since B Bumble & The Stingers, and 'Anna Stesia', a ballad of lust which builds inexorably from a simple keyboard figure, there's a feeling of incompleteness about the rest of the songs which is all the more frustrating.

