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Blend of left (political left, left-wing) +‎ refugee.


  • IPA(key): /ˈlɛfjʊd͡ʒiː/, /lɛfjʊˈd͡ʒiː/



leftugee (plural leftugees)

  1. (US, politics) One who leaves a liberal blue state to live in a conservative red state, (often) doing so in favour of fewer regulations and lower taxes.
    • 2019 December 27, Jason Orestes, “'Leftugees': Red states must defend themselves from the blue-state exodus”, in Washington Examiner[1]:
      Just as a refugee resettles to escape hardship, a leftugee does so to flee the punitive financial environment created in their state by big government.
    • 2020 January 6, Charles Lane, “Want more bang for your vote? Move.”, in Washington Post[2]:
      But the fact that leftugees move in pursuit of more-affordable housing or to escape chronic traffic jams does not mean they all prefer a pure “red” policy model of low taxes and fewer services. To the contrary, blue-state migrants may nudge the politics of their new homes — and the new congressional districts to be drawn around them — leftward, while avoiding the worst liberal excesses they left behind.
    • 2020 January 6, Tim Henderson, “Some states face political changes as newcomers arrive”, in Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, page A6:
      There's dispute over whether the newcomers will change state politics in the South, as they may have in North Carolina, which elected a Democratic governor in 2016, or are “leftugees” fleeing liberal policies who will embrace conservatism.
    • 2022 January 23, “Color these (new) Tennessee former blue-staters red”, in The Tennessean, Nashville, Tennessee, page H7:
      Forbes.com had a stark March 2021 headline for what's happening around the country: “America's Mass Migration Intensifies as ‘Leftugees’ Flee Blue States and Counties for Red.”