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From marvel +‎ -some.



marvelsome (comparative more marvelsome, superlative most marvelsome)

  1. (rare) Characterised or marked by marvelling; marvelous
    • 1827, Alexander Seton, Poems upon Various Subjects and on Various Occasions:
      Gone on would the lad with his marvelsome
      of Satan the terrible tale to relate,
      Mistress Row helpt him out.
    • 1945, Morton Thompson, Joe, the Wounded Tennis Player, page 88:
      At this point she remembered, sitting there, surrounded by heavy breathing, the constellations flashing, cosmic rays bombarding marvelsome complex coils on the lecturer's dials, that she had forgotten to turn out the gas under the beets.
    • 2010, Susan Fletcher, Sign of the Dove, page 70:
      Smoke rose in filmy wisps from some of the draclings' nostrils; others made faint, fluttery whistlings as they slept. It was strange and marvelsome to watch.