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nation +‎ -ful



nationful (plural nationfuls or nationsful)

  1. As much as a nation would hold.
    • 2010, Carola Dunn, chapter 7, in Lady in the Briars, Belgrave House, →ISBN:
      With a nationful of prospective Russian teachers in the offing and Annie no longer plagued by nausea, she saw her usefulness to the Graylins at an end.
    • 2015, Mary Balogh, Silent Melody, Penguin, →ISBN, page 102:
      "Did you have enemies?" Luke asked. “A nationful," Ashley said with a laugh.
    • 2019, Sara Georgini, Household Gods: The Religious Lives of the Adams Family, Oxford University Press, →ISBN:
      When Brooks wrote his Law, then, he took aim at a nationful of metropolitan readers who were broadly Christian, ardently American, and deeply reform-minded.