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From netcop +‎ -ish.



netcoppish (comparative more netcoppish, superlative most netcoppish)

  1. (informal, obsolete) Like or resembling a netcop; netcoppy. [1994–early 2010s]
    • 1994 August 11, Scott Ashdown, “Proposal: Moderation of c.s.a.advocacy”, in comp.sys.amiga.advocacy[1] (Usenet):
      My post wasn't netcoppish, and I didn't call you any names.
    • 1999 July 13, Shim, “Sig complaint”, in freeserve.discuss[2] (Usenet):
      However, if I was feeling netcoppish, I'd ring up Portsmouth Uni (that is correct, no?) and suggest they restrict mail access to one Matthew Charman, on account of him planning a denial of service attack...
    • 2009 August 5, VanguardLH, “Re: IE8”, in microsoft.public.outlookexpress.general[3] (Usenet):
      Moving around discussions isn't just netcoppish, arrogant, or misguided. It is trollish. That PA Bear can do it doesn't mean it is proper. Suggesting someone to move over is a hell of a lot different than shoving them over.