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Swedish Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia sv

Alternative forms




Origin unknown. Possibly:

  • To visually enhance o (and) to clarify its separation from surrounding letters and words. Confer with English w/, Spanish c/, and Danish m/.
  • An abbreviation of och (and).
  • A continued evolution of & or o., similar to how @ developed from à.

The Language Council of Sweden believes that the first explanation, to visually enhance o (and), is most likely the correct one. But also acknowledges that the second explanation, an abbreviation of och (and), may have played a part.[1]




  1. &, and
    Synonyms: och, &
    mjölk, ägg, socker äpplen
    milk, egg, sugar and apples
    Advokatfirma Björkman Lind
    Law Firm Björkman & Lind

See also

  • ō (ö, letter)

