palla perra

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Attested since 1807. From palla (straw) or pala (cave) and perra probably from petrea (of stone).



palla perra f (plural pallas perras)

  1. drawing straws and other similar games
    • 1807, anonymous author, Segundo diálogo dos esterqueiros:
      botouvos a palla perra as freygesìas da fora, hastra sair vinte e catro, e de cada una delas trouxo unha Rapasa virxe pra darchele Suselénsia o dote pro casamento
      he drew straws for the outer parishes till there were twenty four, and out of each one he brought a virgin girl for His Excellency to give to her the dowry for her wedding
    • 2019, Xavier Castro, Servir era o pan do demo. Historia da vida cotiá en Galicia. (Séculos XIX e XX), Editorial Galaxia, →ISBN:
      Tamén empregábase o procedemento de “a palla perra”: íanse presentando aos integrantes das cuadrillas pallas de centeo de diferentes tamaños, disimulándoas coa man para que non se notase o tamaño. Describiremos sumariamente ...
      It was also used the procedure of drawing straws: rye straws of different sizes were offered to each component of the team, concealing them in the hand so that the size was not revealed.

