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From pantry +‎ -ful.



pantryful (plural pantryfuls or pantriesful)

  1. As much as a pantry will hold.
    • 1899 September 22, “A Real Ginger Jar. The Quiet Scheme of the City Librarian. Stockton’s Part in It. No One Need Let His Conscience Worry Him in the Library--The Work of a Story.”, in The Daily Times, Davenport, Iowa, page 3:
      On this island they found a single house neatly fitted and furnished and provided with pantriesful and gardensful of good things to eat and conveniences all the way from “bakin’ pewder” to Dutch ovens.
    • 1927 January 10, “Sister Anne”, in Time: The Weekly Newsmagazine, volume IX, number 2, page 37:
      Nothing else will account for this new book of Sister Anne’s which is a duplicate of Brother Dillwyn’s with just a few more hamperfuls of old-time clothes strewn in, a few more pantryfuls of homemade soups, salads, desserts, cakes, cookies and whipped cream.
    • 1984 September 24, Bernice Kanner, “On Madison Avenue: Boy Meets Girl”, in New York, volume 17, number 38, page 36:
      Winn and Brown, launched into radio’s big time, earned pantriesful of awards.