penis fly trap

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Blend of penis +‎ Venus flytrap.



penis fly trap (plural penis fly traps)

  1. (slang, vulgar) The vagina.
    • 1997, Colin Bateman, Of Wee Sweetie Mice and Men[1], page 82:
      She wasn't Patricia, she wasn't a Patricia substitute, she was just a body, without spirit, without love or romance, just an exposed body with a pale valley of flesh, a penis fly trap, glowering at me in the harsh light.
    • 2016, Lydia Michaels, La Vie en Rose, unnumbered page:
      "Yeah, I'm gonna go." He edged into the hall. "We won't mention the subject of your juice box again."
      Stone faced, she asked, "My what?"
      His hand curled around the knob. " trap?" It was like he had some sort of Tourette's.
    • 2018, Sylvie Stewart, The Fix, unnumbered page:
      [] You need a real live date with a real live penis—your penis fly trap needs a snack! No offense.”
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:penis fly trap.

