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progie (plural progies)

  1. (computing) Misspelling of proggie.
    • '2002 February 22, iam me, “Bootable progie??”, in alt.comp.periphs.cdr (Usenet):
      [.]I have a question about burning a packaged progie', (i.e.. installshield or
      self-extractor etc.), so that progie can be installed from the boot
    • 2002 April 13, Rich, “add on progie????”, in (Usenet):
      Is it possible for Apache or an add on progie to show those online and their
      connect speeds? My old BBS software could but that may be asking for too
      much now.
    • 2004 May 19, The Boss, “News Group Progie?”, in alt.cracks (Usenet):
      Can I use a news group progie with Google's alt. groups? And if so,
      which do you recommend?[.]