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quid ni

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See also: quidni



Alternative forms




quid (what, why) +‎ (unless, if not), i.e. "what else if not?", "how else?". Compare Russian как же (не) (kak že (ne), what else (if not)?, of course) and а как же (a kak že).





quid ? (not comparable)

  1. (with subjunctive, in rhetorical questions) why wouldn't one?, what else if not?, how ... not?, i.e. naturally, of course, sure one would
    1. (in tmesis)
      Quid egō ita cēnseam?Naturally I think so.
      Quid egō fleam!How couldn't I cry!
      • 160 BCE, Publius Terentius Afer, Adelphoe 651:
        – Obsecrō, nōn? an illam hinc abdūcet, pater?
        Quid illam abdūcat.
        • Translation by John Barsby
          – No, for goodness’ sake? Is he going to take her away, father?
          Of course he is.
      • 163 BCE, Publius Terentius Afer, Heauton Timorumenos 906:
        – Hem, Clīnia haec fierī vidēbat?
        Quid nī? Mēcum ūnā simul.
        – Well, did Clinia see all this going on?
        What do you think? Him and me both.
      • c. 191 BCE, Plautus, Pseudolus 651:
        – Omnem rem tenēs?
        Quid ego teneam?
        – You understand the whole affair?
        What's there to not understand?
      • c. 35 CE – 100 CE, Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 2.5.26:
        [] quidnī libenter nōn concesserim modo, vērum etiam contenderim.
        • Translation by Donald A. Russell
          I am of course happy to admit—indeed, I should positively contend that []
    2. (spelled together)
      Quidnī, inquit, meminerim."No doubt", says he, "I remember."
      Quidnī possim?Sure I can.
      Quidnī nōn possit!Of course it can't.
      Ah! Quidnī? Quō verba facilius dentur mihī.Oh! Why not? If it's all part of the plan to fool me.
      • 161 BCE, Publius Terentius Afer, Phormio 813:
        – Hanc igitur mittimus? – Quidnī? – Illa maneat? – Sīc.
        – So we let this one go? – You bet. – And that one can stay? – Yep.

Usage notes

  • A sentence clitic (unstressed word) can intervene between the two parts, called tmesis.
  • Otherwise normally spelled together.
  • Only used in rhetorical questions, whereas cūr nōn (why not) expects an answer.
  • Is not used in suggestions or commands, for which see quīn (how about?).
  • Whether to punctuate (and translate) this as a question, an exclamation or a statement is arbitrary.

See also
