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From reunited +‎ -ly.



reunitedly (not comparable)

  1. (rare) Having been reunited.
    • 1899, Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society[1], volume 45, page 54:
      I very soon found that though a large number of vills either severally or re-unitedly contained five hides or a multiple, yet many did not fall under this rule.
    • 1928, The University of Chicago Magazine[2], volume 21, page 548:
      To reciprocate I’ll just make a date with you right now for next year’s Reunion. Let’s get back early and stay late. [] Yours reunitedly, []
    • 1939 May 4, James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, London: Faber and Faber Limited, →OCLC; republished London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1960, →OCLC, part III, page 573:
      Fortissa, however, is encouraged by Gregorius, Leo, Viteilius, and Magdugalius, reunitedly, to warn Anita by describing the strong chastisements of Honuphrius []

Further reading
