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Crimean Tatar



  1. salad



  • Mirjejev, V. A., Usejinov, S. M. (2002) Ukrajinsʹko-krymsʹkotatarsʹkyj slovnyk [Ukrainian – Crimean Tatar Dictionary]‎[1], Simferopol: Dolya, →ISBN



salata (accusative singular salatan, plural salataj, accusative plural salatajn)

  1. singular present passive participle of sali


Template:Finnish index


From sala- (as an independent noun used only in plural salat).


  • IPA(key): /ˈsɑlɑtɑˣ/, [ˈs̠ɑ̝lɑ̝t̪ɑ̝(ʔ)]



  1. (transitive) to conceal, keep secret, cover up, hide
  2. (transitive, cryptography) to encrypt, encipher


Inflection of salata (Kotus type 73/salata, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. salaan en salaa 1st sing. olen salannut en ole salannut
2nd sing. salaat et salaa 2nd sing. olet salannut et ole salannut
3rd sing. salaa ei salaa 3rd sing. on salannut ei ole salannut
1st plur. salaamme emme salaa 1st plur. olemme salanneet emme ole salanneet
2nd plur. salaatte ette salaa 2nd plur. olette salanneet ette ole salanneet
3rd plur. salaavat eivät salaa 3rd plur. ovat salanneet eivät ole salanneet
passive salataan ei salata passive on salattu ei ole salattu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. salasin en salannut 1st sing. olin salannut en ollut salannut
2nd sing. salasit et salannut 2nd sing. olit salannut et ollut salannut
3rd sing. salasi ei salannut 3rd sing. oli salannut ei ollut salannut
1st plur. salasimme emme salanneet 1st plur. olimme salanneet emme olleet salanneet
2nd plur. salasitte ette salanneet 2nd plur. olitte salanneet ette olleet salanneet
3rd plur. salasivat eivät salanneet 3rd plur. olivat salanneet eivät olleet salanneet
passive salattiin ei salattu passive oli salattu ei ollut salattu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. salaisin en salaisi 1st sing. olisin salannut en olisi salannut
2nd sing. salaisit et salaisi 2nd sing. olisit salannut et olisi salannut
3rd sing. salaisi ei salaisi 3rd sing. olisi salannut ei olisi salannut
1st plur. salaisimme emme salaisi 1st plur. olisimme salanneet emme olisi salanneet
2nd plur. salaisitte ette salaisi 2nd plur. olisitte salanneet ette olisi salanneet
3rd plur. salaisivat eivät salaisi 3rd plur. olisivat salanneet eivät olisi salanneet
passive salattaisiin ei salattaisi passive olisi salattu ei olisi salattu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. salaa älä salaa 2nd sing.
3rd sing. salatkoon älköön salatko 3rd sing. olkoon salannut älköön olko salannut
1st plur. salatkaamme älkäämme salatko 1st plur.
2nd plur. salatkaa älkää salatko 2nd plur.
3rd plur. salatkoot älkööt salatko 3rd plur. olkoot salanneet älkööt olko salanneet
passive salattakoon älköön salattako passive olkoon salattu älköön olko salattu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. salannen en salanne 1st sing. lienen salannut en liene salannut
2nd sing. salannet et salanne 2nd sing. lienet salannut et liene salannut
3rd sing. salannee ei salanne 3rd sing. lienee salannut ei liene salannut
1st plur. salannemme emme salanne 1st plur. lienemme salanneet emme liene salanneet
2nd plur. salannette ette salanne 2nd plur. lienette salanneet ette liene salanneet
3rd plur. salannevat eivät salanne 3rd plur. lienevät salanneet eivät liene salanneet
passive salattaneen ei salattane passive lienee salattu ei liene salattu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st salata present salaava salattava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st salatakseni salataksemme
2nd salataksesi salataksenne
3rd salatakseen
past salannut salattu
2nd inessive2 salatessa salattaessa agent3 salaama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st salatessani salatessamme
2nd salatessasi salatessanne
3rd salatessaan
negative salaamaton
instructive salaten 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
4) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).

3rd inessive salaamassa
elative salaamasta
illative salaamaan
adessive salaamalla
abessive salaamatta
instructive salaaman salattaman
4th4 verbal noun salaaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st salaamaisillani salaamaisillamme
2nd salaamaisillasi salaamaisillanne
3rd salaamaisillaan


Derived terms





  1. keep secret



salata f sg

  1. feminine singular of salato



Lua error in Module:lad-headword at line 49: Parameter 1 is not used by this template.

  1. salad
    • 2019 May 22, Silvio & Eyal Ovadya, “Un evenimyento, una dicha/un proverbo”, in Şalom[2]:
      Todos los ke vinieron pudieron komer ligado d’Andirne (Edirne Ciğeri) mizmo kasher, albondigas (koftes) i sarsicha (sucuk) kon salatas.
      All who came cold eat Edirne liver even kosher, meatballs (koftas) and sausage (soudjouk) with salads.



Borrowed from German Salat, from Italian insalata.


  • IPA(key): /salǎːta/
  • Hyphenation: sa‧la‧ta


saláta f (Cyrillic spelling сала́та)

  1. salad



  • salata” in Hrvatski jezični portal



Borrowed from Italian (in)salata.



salata (definite accusative salatayı, plural salatalar)

  1. salad


Nominative salata
Definite accusative salatayı
Singular Plural
Nominative salata salatalar
Definite accusative salatayı salataları
Dative salataya salatalara
Locative salatada salatalarda
Ablative salatadan salatalardan
Genitive salatanın salataların
Possessive forms
Singular Plural
1st singular salatam salatalarım
2nd singular salatan salataların
3rd singular salatası salataları
1st plural salatamız salatalarımız
2nd plural salatanız salatalarınız
3rd plural salataları salataları
Definite accusative
Singular Plural
1st singular salatamı salatalarımı
2nd singular salatanı salatalarını
3rd singular salatasını salatalarını
1st plural salatamızı salatalarımızı
2nd plural salatanızı salatalarınızı
3rd plural salatalarını salatalarını
Singular Plural
1st singular salatama salatalarıma
2nd singular salatana salatalarına
3rd singular salatasına salatalarına
1st plural salatamıza salatalarımıza
2nd plural salatanıza salatalarınıza
3rd plural salatalarına salatalarına
Singular Plural
1st singular salatamda salatalarımda
2nd singular salatanda salatalarında
3rd singular salatasında salatalarında
1st plural salatamızda salatalarımızda
2nd plural salatanızda salatalarınızda
3rd plural salatalarında salatalarında
Singular Plural
1st singular salatamdan salatalarımdan
2nd singular salatandan salatalarından
3rd singular salatasından salatalarından
1st plural salatamızdan salatalarımızdan
2nd plural salatanızdan salatalarınızdan
3rd plural salatalarından salatalarından
Singular Plural
1st singular salatamın salatalarımın
2nd singular salatanın salatalarının
3rd singular salatasının salatalarının
1st plural salatamızın salatalarımızın
2nd plural salatanızın salatalarınızın
3rd plural salatalarının salatalarının
Predicative forms
Singular Plural
1st singular salatayım salatalarım
2nd singular salatasın salatalarsın
3rd singular salata
1st plural salatayız salatalarız
2nd plural salatasınız salatalarsınız
3rd plural salatalar salatalardır