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See also: sevennight





seven-night (plural seven-nights)

  1. Alternative form of sevennight
    • 1720, Elfric [i.e., Ælfric of Abingdon], John Johnson, “A.D. DCCCCLVII. Elfric’s Canons.”, in A Collection of All the Ecclesiastical Laws, Canons, Answers, Or Rescripts, with Other Memorials Concerning the Government, Discipline, and Worship of the Church of England, [], 1st part, London: [] Robert Knaplock [], and Samuel Ballard [], →OCLC:
      The Holy Houſel ought to be kept vvith great Diligence and not be permitted to be ſtale, but another be alvvays hallovved anevv for Sick Men in about a Seven-night, or Fortnight, ſo as that it may not be muſty at leaſt.

