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From superfan +‎ -dom or super- +‎ fandom.



superfandom (uncountable)

  1. The state or condition of being a superfan; extremely strong fandom.
    • 1991, Armand Deutsch, Me and Bogie: And Other Friends and Acquaintances from a Life in Hollywood and Beyond, New York, N.Y.: G.P. Putnam's Sons, →ISBN, page 248:
      Jimmy lives his life in a quiet but constant glow of public affection and love. It is the flip side of, for example, Madonna. Her life is lived in the constant glare of superfandom.
    • 2013, Corey Ann Haydu, OCD Love Story, New York, N.Y. []: Simon Pulse, →ISBN, page 215:
      I'm so sorry. If the Foo Fighters had talked to me about my superfandom I would have been embarrassed too.
    • 2023 April 28, Theodore Kim, “U2’s Music Shaped My Life. Then It Helped Save It.”, in The New York Times[1], New York, N.Y.: The New York Times Company, →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 2023-06-12:
      I became a fan in the late 1980s and have attended nine of the band's concerts, though I probably fall short of superfandom.