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Compound of tant (older woman) +‎ parkour (parkour). In common usage as of 2023, according to the Institute for Language and Folklore.[1]



tantparkour c

  1. (neologism) A light physical activity (tailored for seniors), incorporating outdoor objects (e.g. stones, bike racks, fences and other street furniture) like obstacles for climbing.
    • 2022 December 23, Anna Rehnberg, “Nya promenadtrenden: Tant-parkour! [New walking trend: Senior parkour!]”, in Amelia:
      Sedan Maria började med tantparkour 2019 utforskar hon vad Borås har att ge för den som vill balansera, hoppa eller klättra på sina vardagliga promenader. Det här är första gången hon ser vad stadsparken har att erbjuda.
      Since Maria started with senior parkour in 2019, she explores what Borås has to offer for those who want to balance, jump, or climb during their everyday walks. This is the first time she discovers what the city park has to offer.
    • 2023 September 12, Peter Jakobsson, “Ett glatt gäng gav sig ut på Tantparkour [A joyful group embarked on Senior Parkour]”, in Bjäre Nu:
      Passet med tantparkour var i naturen runt Hälsostudion och de utnyttjade de naturliga hindren som fanns på vägen. Det var bland annat stenar, murar, staket, bänkar, broar och utegym.
      The senior parkour session took place in the nature around the Health Studio, and they utilized the natural obstacles along the way. This included rocks, walls, fences, benches, bridges, and outdoor gyms.


  1. ^ Nyordslistan 2023 via Isof (in Swedish)