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temporizing (not comparable)

  1. Of or relating to temporization (in its various senses).
    • a. 1645 (date written), Fra[ncis] Quarles, “Eglogue X”, in The Shepheards Oracles: Delivered in Certain Eglogues, London: [] M[iles] F[lesher] for John Marriot and Richard Marriot, [], published 1645 (indicated as 1646), →OCLC, page 119:
      The kalender, [] hath late deſcry'd / That evill affected planet Mars, ally'd / To temporizing Mercury, conjoyn'd / I'th'houſe of Death; []
    • 1997, Fred M. Henretig, Christopher King, Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, page 731:
      Application of a protective covering as described in this chapter is a temporizing procedure performed before eventual aesthetic restoration of the tooth as an outpatient.



temporizing (plural temporizings)

  1. The act of one who temporizes, or acts evasively.




  1. present participle and gerund of temporize