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  1. (colloquial, dated) Goodbye.
    • 1927, P. G. Wodehouse, The Small Bachelor:
      "On the roof. Right! Well, tinkety-tonk, then, for the moment," said his lordship, and pattered off down the stairs.
    • 2012, Rachel Johnson, Winter Games:
      I'm so pleased you're coming.
      Tinkety tonk
      PS No wild oats yet
  2. The tinkling sound of light piano music.
    • 2008, Elizabeth Laird, Paradise End, page 139:
      There goes the piano, tinkety-tonk, and there don't go my feet.
    • 2021, Scala Radio's A Soundtrack for Life:
      [] the main tinkety-tonk piano theme tune to the St. Trinian's films []

See also
