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Blend of velocipede +‎ pedestrienne



velocipedestrienne (plural velocipedestriennes)

  1. A female velocipedestrian.
    • 1869, The Modern Velocipede: Its History and Construction, George Maddick, page 11:
      What is wanted in this respect is a dress that shall be suitable for either riding or walking. This, we think, has also been achieved, and that by a lady. Let us try to describe the dress for a velocipedestrienne.
    • 1869, The Velocipede; Its History, Varieties, and Practice, Hurd and Houghton, page 89:
      Ladies, in riding the bicycle, commonly use the modest and appropriate costume worn by them in calisthenic exercises and in the gymnasium. Another very suitable dress for the velocipedestrienne has been thus described []
    • 1869, Joseph Firth Bottomley, The velocipede, its past, its present & its future, by J.F.B., Simpkin, Marshall & Co, page 81:
      When a lady velocipedes she destroys all this kind of subtile interest, and thereby loosens one of the sweetest and firmest bonds of existence. Every velocipedestrienne ought to compelled to wear blue stockings.