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From widow +‎ -ity.



widowity (uncountable)

  1. Synonym of widowhood
    • 1680, George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, “The Precedency due to Women”, in Observations upon the Laws and Customs of Nations, as to Precedency, Edinburgh: [] the Heir of Andrew Anderson, [], page 58:
      After the Huſbands deceaſe, the Wife did by the Civil Law enjoy her Huſbands precedency during her Widowity, but if ſhe marry to a perſon of inferiour quality, ſhe loſes that Precedency, L. 8. de Senat. which holds with Us and in England;
    • 1702, “An Latter Will and Teſtament”, in A Compend or Abreviat of the most important Ordinary Securities of, and concerning. Rights Personal and Real, Redeemable and Irredeemable; of common Use in Scotland. [], Edinburgh: [] the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, [], page 250:
      [] make nominat and conſtitute the ſaid W. my Spouſe to be ſole Tutrix & Teſtamentrix during her Widowity allennerly to my ſaid Daughter, for guiding and governing her perſon and Eſtate during her Pupillarity, and failing of her by Marriage or Death, I nominat and appoint F. G. H. I. K. and L. or any three of them who ſhall accept, the ſaid F. alwiſe being one during his Lifetime to be her Tutors as ſaid is.
    • 1830, Cases Decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1828, 1829, volume III, Edinburgh: William Blackwood; London: T. Cadell, and M. Stevens and Sons, [], page 373:
      The discontinuance of her widowity, or her death, is that upon which the whole beneficial interest of those called depends; it is only then that the trustees are to hold it for behoof of the persons therein mentioned. It is true, no doubt, that as to two of the individuals mentioned, the maker of the deed has put in a clause, that it is in case they shall be alive at the period of the death, or the widowity ceasing of this lady, that the trustees are to hold for their behoof.