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From the 1995 song Wonderwall, by Oasis



wonderwall (plural wonderwalls)

  1. A very dependable person
    • 1995, Noel Gallagher (lyrics and music), “Wonderwall”, in (What's the Story) Morning Glory?, performed by Oasis:
      Because maybe/You're gonna be the one that saves me/And after all/You're my wonderwall
    • 2009, Sherry Seethaler, Lies, Damned Lies, and Science:
      I am eternally indebted to Barbara Sawrey, who made me laugh the most along this journey. Everyone needs a wonderwall, and she's mine.
    • 2020, Melissa Foster, Tempted by Love:
      Daphne Zablonski had become his wonderwall, the person he was drawn to when they were out with their friends and thought about in the hundreds of hours in between.