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س ء م (s ʔ m)
2 terms





سَئِمَ (saʔima) I, non-past يَسْأَمُ‎ (yasʔamu)

  1. to be or become annoyed, discontented, dissatisfied, impatient, irked, irritated, restless
  2. (intransitive, transitive) to be or become bored, tired or weary of [with مِنْ (min)]
    لَقَدْ سَئِمْتُ مِنْ تَكْرَارِهَا لَكُمْ
    laqad saʔimtu min takrārihā lakum
    I am tired of repeating it to you.
  3. to be or become fed up with, to be unable to bear or tolerate [with مِنْ (min)]
  4. to be or become surfeited, satiated, or jaded with [with مِنْ (min)]
    Synonyms: مَلَّ (malla), ضَجِرَ (ḍajira)
    • 520 – 609, زهير بن أبي سلمى, معلقة زهير بن أبي سلمى:
      سَئِمْتُ تَكَالِيفَ الحَيَاةِ وَمَن يَعِش / ثَمَانِينَ حَوْلًا لَا أَبَا لَكَ يَسَأَمِ
      saʔimtu takālīfa l-ḥayāti wa-man yaʕiš / ṯamānīna ḥawlan lā ʔabā laka yasaʔami
      I weary of the offices of life: whoever lives / Around eighty cycles would weary; this, I promise you.

