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Inherited from Middle Persian plstytn' (paristīdan, to serve; to worship; to minister in a ritual), from Proto-Iranian *pari- (around, peri-) + *staH- (to place, set, stand). The former prefix is from Proto-Indo-Iranian *pári, from Proto-Indo-European *péri, and the latter is from Proto-Indo-Iranian *stáH-, from Proto-Indo-European *steh₂- (to stand).

Related to Old Armenian պաշտեմ (paštem), an Iranian borrowing.



Classical reading? parastīḏan
Dari reading? parastīdan
Iranian reading? parastidan
Tajik reading? parastidan


Dari پرستیدن
Iranian Persian
Tajik парастидан

پرستیدن (parastidan) (present stem پرست (parast))

  1. to worship
    • c. 1080, ʿUmar Khayyām, نوروزنامه:
      و از پس او طهمورث بنشست، و سی سال پادشاهی کرد، و دیوان را در طاعت آورد، و بازارها و کوچها بنهاد، و ابریشم و پشم ببافت، و رهبان بزسپ در ایام او بیرون آمد، و دین صابیان آورد، و او دین بپذیرفت، و زنار بر بست، و آفتاب را پرستید، و مردمان را دبیری آموخت []
      u az pas-i ō tahmōras binišast, u sī sāl pādšāhī kard, u dēwān rā dar tā'at āward, u bāzār-hā u kōča-hā binihād, u abrēšum⁠ u pašm bibāft, u ruhbān-i buzasp dar ayām-i ō bērūn āmad, u dīn-i sābiyān āwarad, u ō dīn bipaḏīruft, u zunnār bar bast, u āftāb rā parastīd, u mardumān rā dabīrī āmōxt []
      And after him, Tahmōras sat [on the throne] and ruled for thirty years. He forced the demons into submission, built markets and alleyways, and wove with silk and wool. Buzasp the Monk appeared in his days, and he [Tahmōras] accepted the faith of the Sabians, bound the girdle on himself, and worshipped the sun. And he taught people the arts of writing []
      (Classical Persian transliteration)
  2. to idolize, to regard extremely highly
  3. to serve
    • c. 977, Ferdōsī, شاهنامه:
      کسانی که اندر شبستان بدند
      هشیوار و مهترپرستان بدند
      kasānē ke andar šabestān budand
      hošīwār u mehtar parastān budand
      those who were inside of the private chambers were intelligent servants of the elites
      (Classical Persian transliteration)




  • Cheung, Johnny (2007) Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 358-61