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Etymology 1


Kanji in this term

Grade: 6

Grade: 3

Compound of (se, back) +‎ 負う (ou, to carry or bear something).[1][2][3][4][5]

First cited in the early 1200s.[1]


  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of 「背負う
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
背負う [sèóꜜù]
Imperative (命令形) 背負え [sèóꜜè]
Key constructions
Passive 背負われる おわれ [sèówáréꜜrù]
Causative 背負わせる おわせ [sèówáséꜜrù]
Potential 背負える おえ [sèóéꜜrù]
Volitional 背負おう おお [sèóóꜜò]
Negative 背負わない おわない [sèówáꜜnàì]
Negative perfective 背負わなかった おわなかった [sèówáꜜnàkàttà]
Formal 背負います おいま [sèóímáꜜsù]
Perfective 背負った った [sèóꜜttà]
Conjunctive 背負って って [sèóꜜttè]
Hypothetical conditional 背負えば えば [sèóꜜèbà]



()() (seouせおふ (seofu)?godan (stem ()() (seoi), past ()()った (seotta))

  1. [from early 1200s] to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder

Etymology 2


Kanji in this term
Grade: 6 Grade: 3

Phonological shift from 背負う (seou),[1][2][3][4][5] as the /se/ sound was formerly pronounced more like /ɕe/, as recorded in the Nippo Jisho of 1603. This Japanese-Portuguese dictionary transcribes all instances of (se) using the then-current Portuguese orthography of ⟨xe⟩, where the ⟨x⟩ spelling indicated [ʃ], similar to the initial consonant sound in English shed.

  • /ɕeou//ɕjou//ɕʲou/

This reading is first attested in a text from 1278.[1]





背負(しょ) (shouしよふ (syofu)?godan (stem 背負(しょ) (shoi), past 背負(しょ)った (shotta))

  1. [from 1278] to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 背負”, in 日本国語大辞典 [Nihon Kokugo Daijiten]‎[1] (in Japanese), concise edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2006
  2. 2.0 2.1 背負う”, in デジタル大辞泉 [Digital Daijisen]‎[2] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, updated roughly every four months
  3. 3.0 3.1 Shinmura, Izuru, editor (1998), 広辞苑 [Kōjien] (in Japanese), Fifth edition, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, →ISBN
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1997), 新明解国語辞典 [Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten] (in Japanese), Fifth edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  6. 6.0 6.1 NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, editor (1998), NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 [NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary] (in Japanese), Tokyo: NHK Publishing, Inc., →ISBN