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Borrowed from French figurer, borrowed from Latin figurare.


  • IPA(key): /ˌfi.ɣyˈreː.rə(n)/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: fi‧gu‧re‧ren
  • Rhymes: -eːrən



  1. (obsolete, transitive) to form, to shape
  2. (obsolete, reflexive, with a reflexive pronoun) to assume form, to appear (in a certain way)
  3. (obsolete, reflexive, transitive, with a reflexive pronoun and a separate object) to imagine, to form a mental representation
  4. (obsolete, intransitive, theater, literal) to play a role
  5. (intransitive, movies, theater) to be an extra, to play the role of an extra
  6. (intransitive, figurative) to play a role, to figure


Inflection of figureren (weak)
infinitive figureren
past singular figureerde
past participle gefigureerd
infinitive figureren
gerund figureren n
present tense past tense
1st person singular figureer figureerde
2nd person sing. (jij) figureert figureerde
2nd person sing. (u) figureert figureerde
2nd person sing. (gij) figureert figureerde
3rd person singular figureert figureerde
plural figureren figureerden
subjunctive sing.1 figurere figureerde
subjunctive plur.1 figureren figureerden
imperative sing. figureer
imperative plur.1 figureert
participles figurerend gefigureerd
1) Archaic.

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