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From Proto-Finnic *loodak. Cognates include Finnish luoda and Estonian luua.




  1. (transitive) to create
  2. (transitive) to shovel
  3. (transitive) to lower (nets)
    Pittää meille loovva verkot merree.We need to lower the nets into the sea.


Conjugation of loovva (type 10/käyvvä, no gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular loon en loo 1st singular oon loont, oon loonut en oo loont, en oo loonut
2nd singular loot et loo 2nd singular oot loont, oot loonut et oo loont, et oo loonut
3rd singular loop ei loo 3rd singular ono loont, ono loonut ei oo loont, ei oo loonut
1st plural loomma emmä loo 1st plural oomma looneet emmä oo looneet
2nd plural lootta että loo 2nd plural ootta looneet että oo looneet
3rd plural loovat, loovvaa evät loo, ei loovva 3rd plural ovat looneet evät oo looneet, ei oo lootu
impersonal loovvaa ei loovva impersonal ono lootu ei oo lootu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular loin en loont, en loonut 1st singular olin loont, olin loonut en olt loont, en olt loonut
2nd singular loit et loont, et loonut 2nd singular olit loont, olit loonut et olt loont, et olt loonut
3rd singular loi ei loont, ei loonut 3rd singular oli loont, oli loonut ei olt loont, ei olt loonut
1st plural loimma emmä looneet 1st plural olimma looneet emmä olleet looneet
2nd plural loitta että looneet 2nd plural olitta looneet että olleet looneet
3rd plural loivat, lootii evät looneet, ei lootu 3rd plural olivat looneet evät olleet looneet, ei olt lootu
impersonal lootii ei lootu impersonal oli lootu ei olt lootu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular loisin en lois 1st singular olisin loont, olisin loonut en olis loont, en olis loonut
2nd singular loisit, loist1) et lois 2nd singular olisit loont, olisit loonut et olis loont, et olis loonut
3rd singular lois ei lois 3rd singular olis loont, olis loonut ei olis loont, ei olis loonut
1st plural loisimma emmä lois 1st plural olisimma looneet emmä olis looneet
2nd plural loisitta että lois 2nd plural olisitta looneet että olis looneet
3rd plural loisiit1), loisivat2), lootais evät lois, ei lootais 3rd plural olisivat looneet evät olis looneet, ei olis lootu
impersonal lootais ei lootais impersonal olis lootu ei olis lootu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular loo elä loo 2nd singular oo loont, oo loonut elä oo loont, elä oo loonut
3rd singular lookoo elköö looko 3rd singular olkoo loont, olkoo loonut elköö olko loont, elköö olko loonut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural lookaa elkää looko 2nd plural olkaa looneet elkää olko looneet
3rd plural lookoot elkööt looko, elköö lootako 3rd plural olkoot looneet elkööt olko looneet, elköö olko lootu
impersonal lootakoo elköö lootako impersonal olkoo lootu elköö olko lootu
positive negative
1st singular loonen en loone
2nd singular loonet et loone
3rd singular loonoo ei loone
1st plural loonemma emmä loone
2nd plural loonetta että loone
3rd plural loonoot evät loone, ei lootane
impersonal lootanoo ei lootane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st loovva present loova lootava
2nd inessive loovvees past loont, loonut lootu
instructive loovven 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (lookaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative loomaa
inessive loomaas
elative loomast
abessive loomata
4th nominative loomiin
partitive loomista, loomist

Derived terms[edit]


  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 277