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From zwischen- +‎ staatlich. Internationalism and a calque of various European languages; compare English international, French international, Russian интернациона́льный (internacionálʹnyj).


  • IPA(key): /ˈt͡svɪʃn̩ˌʃtaːtlɪç/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: zwi‧schen‧staat‧lich


zwischenstaatlich (strong nominative masculine singular zwischenstaatlicher, comparative zwischenstaatlicher, superlative am zwischenstaatlichsten)

  1. (politics) bilateral, intergovernmental (of, relating to, or involving two or more governments)
    Synonyms: bilateral, grenzüberschreitend
  2. international (of or having to do with more than one nation)
    Synonym: international
    1. international (common to, or affecting, two or more nations)
      Synonym: international
    2. international (participated in by two or more nations)
      Synonym: international
    3. international (serving two or more nations)
      Synonym: international
    4. international (having branches in various countries)
      Synonym: international
    5. international (between or among nations)
      Synonym: international


Further reading[edit]