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See also: хулити

Old Church Slavonic




From Proto-Slavic *xuliti.



хоулити (xulitiimpf

  1. to rebuke, to criticize
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 2003-2004:
      се же глаголѭ не хоулѧ чрьньчьства, не даждь богъ
      se že glagoljǫ ne xulę črĭnĭčĭstva, ne daždĭ bogŭ
      By saying this I do not criticize monkhood, god forbid!
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 2640-2642:
      вьсꙗкоѩ зълобꙑ оудальше сѧ сами сѧ осѫждаѭще сами сѧ хоулѧще
      vĭsjakoję zŭloby udalĭše sę sami sę osǫždajǫšte sami sę xulęšte
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. to scorn, to insult
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1643-1649:
      хоулѧще богатꙑѩ, царь ненавидѧтъ, рѫгаѭтъ сѧ старѣишинамъ, оукарꙗѭтъ болꙗрꙑ, мрьзькꙑ богоу мьнѧтъ работаѭщѧѩ цѣсарю
      xulęšte bogatyję, carĭ nenavidętŭ, rǫgajǫtŭ sę starěišinamŭ, ukarjajǫtŭ boljary, mrĭzĭky bogu mĭnętŭ rabotajǫštęję cěsarju
      they scorn the rich, they hate the Tsars, they ridicule their superiors, they reproach the boyars, they believe that God looks in horror on those who labour for the Tsar
  3. (Christianity) to blaspheme
    • from Vita Methodii:
      бѣахѫ бо тамо жидове крьстиѣнькѫоѭ вѣрѫ вельми хоулѧще·
      běaxǫ bo tamo židove krĭstiěnĭkǫojǫ věrǫ velĭmi xulęšte·
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 589-591:
      бо и въ лѣности живѫтъ правовѣрьнии попове, ꙗкоже то вꙑ глаголѥте осѫждаѭще ѩ, нъ божьства не хоулѧтъ ꙗкоже вꙑ.
      bo i vŭ lěnosti živǫtŭ pravověrĭnii popove, jakože to vy glagoljete osǫždajǫšte ję, nŭ božĭstva ne xulętŭ jakože vy.
      Even if ortodox priests lead idle lives, as you say when you condemn them, still they do not blaspheme the divinity as you do.

